EXTRA BATTLE: Thoughts and Ideas for DLC Costumes and NPC Encounters!

Aside that “pay” FM is still free as is not pay money, being as said a fantasy alternative value gave by the game for the game.
So essentially, as long they don’t ask me to pay 3€ or 4€ or whatever, is still for free

VF, Tekken, SC (iirc)… and tons of no-fight games other games (jrpg/rpg to say a big genre) in the past had internal fantasy value to unlock stuff on a fantasy shop, never read anybody talk about that fantasy value as my money tbh

Or when in a Dark Soul game i buy a sword or an armor, i use fantasy value… i doubt if they was called Souls Money peoples will suddently feel robbed by developers of actual money lol

In SFV is that way since begin

Story Alts? Beat Character Story, then pay 40K FM

11-15 Colors? Reach levels with that character, then pay X FM

Stages don’t require challenges, but cost big ass 70K FM

All the rest is behind no challenge but REAL $$$ <- this is the actual “not free” stuff

Is not much different with EM, i don’t get the “recent changes” outrage lol
If anything EM Costumes costing 10K in total will make them the cheapest ones in the game… and are actually cool stuff, not pay 40K for some super flat Kiki design (like many story alts)

And again, not here to be capcom’s advocate, i just don’t buy the critic over something that for once they did good lol… FM in SFV is giving me free stuff that SF4 did gave me, simple as that

And for who did’nt buy SPass, is a free option to unlock chars without have to pay real $

SFV is built on get (lot of) money from who is willing to pay for shit and on being free for who don’t want (throught FM)
SF4 required you to open your real wallet and pay real $ for any new content: costumes, characters, AE

Smetimes seem just peoples want free (new) stuff and get pissed when does’nt happen… in this case even if happen LOL

It might be a “fantasy”, but it still does what real money does. I’m OK with using that fantasy money on characters or stages. But costumes and colors? Nah, I’ll pass.

1- It’s not something your work boss pay you, not something that you worked for, not something that end up in your bank account, not something that you can spent outside SFV etc etc
Is just a fantasy coin, like about any other fantasy coin that have a fantasy shop with stuff you can buy without use €/$
Most of games have it and it’s something GOOD lol

2- Then spend these how you prefer, only character and stages.
I assume you’re not buying Season Pass (legit choice), so you’re getting for free (FM) characters that cost them lot of real $$$ to be done, unlike SF4 where we had to pay $$$ without any other option to unlock stuff

SFV is releasing lot of quality contents throught the game cycle, and the current model allow who want it to spend 0,00€ and still keep getting updates (characters, new version, modes) + using a free ingame fantasy value to “buy” some extra stuff as stages/costumes/colors

Capcom is guilty of lot of ugly shit regarding SFV, but FM is’nt one

Ouh a Jill costume for Cammy, I’m requesting that since Vanilla SFIV.

Wonder what Jill costume we will get.
STARS,RE3,BSAA,Wesker or Revelations.

I take the BSAA one, cause I like that one the most.

Viewtiful, CapCommando MvsC version, the bitch from Star Gladiators… they’re going classic, i think Jill will be RE1 style like she was in MvsC

Personally of the rumored ones i’m most curious for


1-You work for it in-game by doing various tasks and it ends up in your in-game account.

2-That’s what I’m gonna do, but that doesn’t justify the costumes being locked behind a paywall. And SFIV gave us whole game updates (SSFIV, AE, USFIV) rather than individual characters, so it’s not fair to compare the two games.

1- It called “play the game” lol, it’s not a job. FM are essentially points you win

2- Format of release is irrelevant, SFV is giving you characters, new modes, costumes and stages without ask you to pay €/$, while SF4 took your REAL money$ for any update or extra content. Tell me more about V being the one behind paywall lol

Who do you see getting a Linn Kurosawa costume? Ibuki?

Ibuki is likely the best Linn, but it is doubtful for Capcom to put Linn since she is part of the AvP franchised game, we don’t see any rerelease of that game on live online content unlike the DND beat em up and also they create a counterpart of her from Cannon Spike. SIMONE.

Don’t know if it was a replacement… Because they couldn’t take her away separately from AVS game.


Simone costume for Cammy would be pretty cool. Finally she’d get some pants

You’re going to tell us Jill isn’t wearing pants <.<
How dare you

^ Those are good for Monster Hunter fans, but I’m waiting for that Shadow costume. I hope Capcom doesn’t crush my dreams by making that fight give just a title.

i was surprised that they managed to include this. i hope so for a decent NASH shadow costume!!

Update regarding with

Extra Battle Shin Bison

[quote=“The_Shakunetsu, post:57, topic:183793”]

Extra Battle Shin Bison


That’s a nod to the EX series Shin Bison and not the Alpha 3 one. Interesting.

Agree… I hope they put in the alpha one someday as a variant that has infinite CA.