EXTRA BATTLE: Thoughts and Ideas for DLC Costumes and NPC Encounters!

Controllable NPC? that’s a bit stretch, that’s kinda questionable unless it’s an alt costume.

Wow Ex with endless seems interesting approach to be implemented in but online matches in Ex modes is kinda weird.

Came in here to say Ken as Dante, you guys already did it for me. Good job fellas.

Dmc 1, 2, or 3 version.


You get a sexy GOLD STAR on your forehead if you recognize the reference.


Alejandro Jodorowsky, The Alchemist in The Holy Mountain

Compilation of flowtron

[quote=“The_Shakunetsu, post:24, topic:183793”]


Alejandro Jodorowsky, The Alchemist in The Holy Mountain


This was done on LSD, right?

I don’t know, but I watched it twice or 3 times on LSD in my life. Fantastic film.

In Depth Comparison

Falcon fights more like Ken because of Ken’s Vtrigger.

Flames and Fire is both Ken and Falcon thing.

Without Sword and Guns Ed is more into Dante specially with the ball light electricity



Sucks that we have to PAY MONEY to get the costumes in this mode… Capcom’s recent FM changes are among the worst marketing decisions ever.

Fight Money, not money

Same thing.

Then you’re already “PAY MONEY” for costumes (much more actually)

Story Alts cost 40k Fight Money, four times the price (vs 10k Exta Mode Alts)

ALL other costumes are locked behind Real Money price, either by buying packs or pay €, usually 4.99€ (or was 3.99€?)

That mode won’t be played much if all it does is lock some wacky crossover costumes behind a paywall.

Then i don’t get your argument on “Capcom’s recent FM changes”… every single alt in this game has been locked behind “paywall” ($$$ or FM), and if anything that wall has ever been higher and thicker than Extra Mode alts, 4 times higher for story alts/stage alts and 7 times higher for new stages

And again i find amusing peoples consider Fight Money theyr actual money lol, they’re a fantasy virtual value that you gain weekly by just playing the game/doing missions/playing modes it have nothing to do with your real money, aside the fact that capcom gave you the option of use them instead your actual $$$
You had not to work (aside play) for them, you was’nt in the position to pretend them to begin with.
Essentially FM as a whole are a gift (a smart marketing gift done to push people buy Season Pass)

If FM was called Fight Points you will still consider them money? Because that’s what are, just virtual points you can use to unlock ingame stuff

I got like 350k FM (+each new char will bring usual 30k+each week 10k), i can unlock fuckton of stuff for free without have to spend an euro, that’s not paywall

Now if anything we can discuss Season Pass price being too high, but FM itself can’t be considered money lol

They just know where there target consumers that would be pleased to avail the costumes.

40,000FM = 2€
70,000FM = 4€
100,000FM = 6€

I’m not going to complain about Extra Mode yet, though that mode is a dangerous idea. We’re yet to see how easy or hard those costume missions are. If the costumes can reasonably be gained by spending 10k to 20k that’ll be great; if we have to spend 7.5k for the first 3 missions only to find that the fourth one is ridiculously hard and requires a lot of attemps that will not be fun at all.

Weekly missions have been pretty easy so far while Survival has been a wall of grind, luck and input-reads, so it looks like Capcom is willing to give easy FM, but not too much of it. We’ll see how this Extra Mode actually plays.

Count that Extra mode is not going to be only the 4 challenges for the Costume, they said it will have missions to straight gain FM (like defeat gold soldiers etc)

So it will become the new source of FM, instead normal modes (wich you had a lot of time to vampirize, like i did)

But again, it does’nt change the fact that FM is an extra gift we can use instead money, is not money itself

Back to SF4 you had the game and then to get costumes the option was only spend actual money, now for many contents you have the option to use these fantasy money Capcom gave you without need to take them from your credit card

I’m not capcom’s advocate and call them out on theyr shit, but i find hilarious attack something that’s making me buy shit that i will buy for $$$ without spend $$$

I count to have over 400k FM by the time AE get out and even without count the ones we will get with EM, that’s like 10 Story Alts or almost 6 Stages, and that’s stuff i will possibly buy with actual $$$ if i was’nt offerend to use FM instead

One can criticize Capcom for a lot of stuff (i do), but attack them on something that’s making me save $$$ saying it’s them stealing our (not our) money (not money) make little sense to me

Money wise we can blame Season Pass (overall i don’t) but FM is a system that by itself got only positives

Here’s the thing. We should be rewarded a costume for free if we meet the criteria to get it. We shouldn’t have to pay FM for it. That’s how it was done back in the day and I don’t see a reason why we can’t do it now other than the fact that we’re talking about Capcom here.