The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

@ruthless_nash I don’t really care about that. Not only is that wasting money but it doesn’t make sense. It’s better if they make Bengus do a one-shot artwork of Blanka before the helicopter incident.

@Cestus @Psychoblue @Daemos We know it’s going to get to the point in MVSF. Still shocked Capcom remembered the game, even still there was a vocal theme released called “Winds, let him know” and wonder if it could be considered a love song or just a generic anime girl song about finding Ryu to train her.

I dunno about wasting money, characters have all sorts of alts that are non-canon and just for fun (lookin’ at you Chun), having a Human Blanka is something I’ve always wanted in terms of a fun alt. Or even a civilized Blanka like in that pic of him and Elena I always post. I’d buy that up in a heartbeat.

@Shockdingo A civilised Blanka I’m not against but a human version is just not worth it TBH.

It’s also Ken Masters BDay!

Happy Bday to the master of fiery SRK

Blanka’s movelist is online.
From a linguistic point of view, there are only two minor differences between Japanese and English names: Coward Crouch was フィアーダウン Fear Down, Rock Crusher was ロッククラッシュ Rock Crush.
V-Trigger II virtually transforms Blanka into Jon Talbain, with combos of Rolling Attacks in every direction. Wow.

Also, starting tomorrow, the next Extra Battle costume will be available.

[details=Spoiler]Chun-Li as June Lin Milliam


No wonder his ending in SF2 is him getting married. He was born to love!

Wow, we can probably expect tablains alt in Extra Battle.

My first thoughts were Gamma Charge but yeah Talbain is more Blanka V2.

@The_Shakunetsu Always thought Talbain needed a place in CVS instead of Blanka. He’d fit in so well with A and K grooves. But that Hulk thing isn’t so out of reach. Even Hulk’s MVSF ending makes fun of this.

I agree. I was hoping and half expecting his new look to be semi domesticated. Would be funny to see him with his mane tied back and wearing a shirt. Doesn’t make sense for him to get even more feral after reuniting with his mum but ok then.

[details=Spoiler]I disagree with his interpretation of Sakura’s story, I don’t think there’s any actual romance going on between her and Ryu, Capcom at best is teasing with no intention to commit or it’s just plain awkward dialogue. Sakura’s motive in her prologue story seemed more about her generally coming to term with growing up and figuring out what to do with her life in a oddly realistic and down-to-earth way for Street Fighter, but I think that the kids thing was just supposed to be an example and not Sakura actively wishing of marrying Ryu one day.

Ryu would be a horrible choice anyway: I bet he barely washes himself, while Karin makes for a much superior partner with both higher income *and * personal hygiene![/details]

@Master Coco It’s ironic that now that his with his mother and as if SF4 has been accepted by society. You’d think he’d look at least some level of modern style on him but now he looks more wild than before. But I don’t mind since his new design is good.

Also, I think Falke’s full theme got leaked. I think we only had an extract so far:

@Phantom_Miria You watch “who dat” too? I’ll say that he’s pretty funny even if at times I don’t agree with his points. He made one for Juri and Vega if you’re interested.

Oh, I saw them.
I’m just still waiting for a Who Dat on Cammy.


@Phantom_Miria Cammy better get herself a heart emblem. I mean if Chun-Li and Amy Rose got one than Cammy needs a special nomination of her own. B) >:)

I do think a Cammy video would have lots of “British” jokes. Can’t imagine Cammy as a chav.

Falke’s theme definitely sounds a lot different than everyone in the cast, combining a soulful jazz with EDM, especially that biit where it starts to get more jumpy and rapid. I’m like it so far.

Everyone but Chris T wishes Ken a happy birthday.

See, I would have gone the other way with it.

Making his main more feral doesn’t make sense because, supposedly, he hasn’t lived in the jungle since the end of SF2.

If anything, his main outfit should reflect that fact that he’s been living in civilization for a few years now. But instead, he’s still running around in shackles and shorts.

That’s not an origin. That’s an explanation for why he’s around currently.

It tells you nothing about where he came from or even what the fuck he is.

Give him a King Rasta Mon alt from Slam Masters!

Future Blanka costume leaked
