The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

In case of Ingrid and Slammasters where there’s the commission to an external artist situation can get tricky

I remember similar situation on Edgemaster in Soul Calibur too

Still, we just got Ingrid alt in SFV and Edgemaster was in SCV

I think at the end external artist it make use characters not impossible, but way more complicated

Wasn’t the “Ingrid rights” thing related to the fact that Capcom of US owns the Street Fighter IP and its characters but doesn’t own Ingrid who’s a character from Capcom Fighting Jam which is still owned by Capcom of Japan? And so when UDON made that poster they had to remove Ingrid from the final version because they realized that they didn’t have the rights to use her character since they only had a deal with Capcom of US but not with Capcom of Japan?

I remember reading something like this in this thread some time ago, but I have a terrible memory.


Not a problem! Whenever I see a deal like that I immediately think of folks on this thread

@Miðgarðsorm and @bakfromon, thanks for clarifying those things.

So there’s still a possibility that Vega is still Rose’s master? If not literally (like SFZ3 and AAC mentioned), could it be in a, how can I say… senior/freshman-like fashion?

I wonder if they having the same soul is still part of their canon…

I remember the discussion back in Warrior’s Fate where it was said that Rose could have all Vega’s memories (at least about Soul/Psycho Power) and that’s how they could have the same master.

Not only that, but, at least, Darum Mister is part of the SFV canon…

Ingrid: “Now it is time for me to stir the pot a little… SF universe, here I co- OOOFF!!.. ACK… AAAAAH!!”

Cammy: “Enough!!”

License depends on the contract, Slam master is more likely Capcoms property because they were originated and done under Capcoms deal that also Capcom PAID for it regardless who created it.

The only thing that can be confused and doubt to be need permission are the likes of Karin that debuted on manga before becomming a part of Capcoms, unless Capcom paid Masahiko Nakahira to create Karin.

Which was clarified for me after watching a depth information about the SF Live Action Movie that Capcom has the rights to used there characters especially Sawada because have priority over contracts of terms and conditions. Capcom was very sensitive in SF during time it was mainstream.

Thats also the case for MK and Ed boon before it land to WB

As for Ingrid not in Udon, That must be because Udon might prefered the other more SF character to be more SF or just Capcom prefered ingrid to be more crossover character. Reaction may change how Ingrid status quo would be in the future.

Different approach is applied for EX characters because they were, done under a partnership deal of two company branding.

Probably incomming Extra Costumes from Monster Hunter world collab?

From eventhubs


The first challenge for Ken’s piece of the Rathalos Armor will be available on February 27, 2018 until March 3, 2018. The second part will be obtainable on March 8th right up through the 15th.
From there, we’ll have to unlock the third gem. The dates of availability will go on from March 15, 2018 until March 22nd. The last part of the armor can be unlocked starting March 22, 2018 but make sure you do it before the 29th.


The first date for R. Mika’s Zinogre Armor will be March 8, 2018 through the March 25, 2018 for the first piece of gear. The second challenge will begin on March 15, 2018 and end on March 22, 2018.
As for the third challenge, it will be available starting from March 22nd until the 29th. Finally, the fourth gem will be obtainable on March 29th until April 5th.


Last but not least, we’ll be able to begin grabbing pieces of Ibuki’s Kirin Armor on March 15th through the 22nd. The second challenge commences March 22nd and will conclude on the 29th.
We’ll be able to nab the third part beginning on March 29th until April 5th. The last part of this particular Monster Hunter series can then be won starting on April 5th until the 12th.

Not a super fan of any of these as they look “too busy” for SFV art style, but due theyr nature is normal these crossover alts will not fit much

Is interessing though they do them in groups and in promotion-logic way… as Monster Hunter World get released tomorrow, these alts will start around one month after

Expect more stuff on that group logic like maybe Ryu-Megaman, Bison-Sigma and GutsMan-Abigail when this happen

Or next DMC… Ken, Ed and Nash can easily pull a Dante, Nero and Virgil =)

But aside these done in “parts” that take a month to unlock, i hope they keep do like the Ingrid one, crossover alts that you can just buy and instant unlock

ED (or Cody, but Ed fit more)

This MUST happen, Capcom pls

And the Monster Hunter costumes we got now also proves that XKira is making up things!! Because this stuff were not included in the dozen lot of his claims of leaks of Extra Costumes.

Same as he never got the other costumes. After the extra costume pile he posted.

His page just recently post this after spreading online. This were no were along his sets.

The soul-meld did happen in the canon after their confrontation in Alpha 1/2 and ended before SF2. Rose had no memory of it until her SF4 epilogue where Bison took back his memories or horcrux (whichever way you want to interpret it) and put her in a coma. She was shocked to learn what Bison ended up doing after his first body burnt out.

Most recently, the Undisputed Street Fighter book referenced this event as a shortlived episode rather than the old tale of them ‘sharing the same soul -period’.

Are you guys still searching for those “All About” books for the plot guide?

Is this official or some fan art?

It’s fan art, I’ve seen it on reddit too.

I don’t picture the real Juri blushing. She’s more the type of gal that would walk up to Chun, grab her by the pussy and tell her she’s planning a threesome with Cammy and Chun’s officially invited. And “no” isn’t an available answer for her either.

Juri aint the shy type. Definitely fan art.

But you back away you psycho bitch. She’s my waifu. Go have some HLA with cammy.

Juri may be a psycho bitch, but she’s a very well designed psycho bitch. <3

Also, Juri should have some Human Leukocyte Antigen with Cammy? Sounds pretty weird to me, but I don’t know what Chunners are into, so…

Please stop shipping Juri with the abomination; she isn’t THAT depraved

Oh, come on. Chun-Li may not be the best piece of meat available in town, but calling her an abomination is just excessive!
Chun’s cool, she can totally hang around with Cammy and Juri, even if they’re both massively better than her.

@ES_Curse & @Phantom_Miria - you two just LOOOOOOVE pushing my buttons, do you?


Can’t help but laugh at these sad plebs too unrefined to curry the favor of best-lady Rose

Hit the showers youse guys-- I saw all the new post notifications and I thought something new popped up.