The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Just glad we had capcom cup early and i didnt have to wait till 4am to see a shitty trailer

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Seth seems to be both male and female from the looks of it. Incorporating both the positive negative male and female aspects of yin and yang.

Seth actually steals the characters attacks on the fly with the Tanden Engine instead of having a predetermined set of already stolen moves.

Seth seems to be damaged in the mid section region which seems to infer something from SF4 did happen to cause it.

Seth also seems to be able to create a light and dark version for his CA which might be another Seth Doll


So, since Juri is the one who killed him, he made his new body based on her? That is cool.


I think she is the one who transferred his data into a new cyborg vessel. Probably has something to do with her losing her eye in SF5 and wanting it back. Her giving him a female body is probably her way of asserting her dominance over him this time.

His SF4 body is likely fubar.

I noticed during the trailer something about “DOLL UNIT 0”, in the initial part where you can see that brain scan.

I assume it’s something to do with Bison’s older project about creating a female body for himself. After being defeated Seth lost his body, and with no perfect replacements he had to settle on the next best thing: a prototype female body from that older period of Shadaloo’s experiments.

At least, that’s how I interpreted it.


Before Cycliods…

Capcom can do xhange negative into positive, The problem with Seth is the appeal and turning him as more of she but still nice won’t shadow the other bosses like Bison and Gill.

This makes me think that Remy can ccool rerelase someday.

“You may be wondering why Seth looks somewhat different than in Street Fighter IV . In truth, Seth is more machine than human, and was never male or female to begin with. Seth’s exact origins were never made abundantly clear, but this character didn’t make it through the events of Street Fighter IV entirely unscathed. The form you see here is the remnants of Seth’s biological brain paired with the body of Doll Unit Zero. It’s a different look, to be sure, but Seth still speaks with the same voice and craves both M. Bison’s demise and data on the strongest fighters.”

There it is


Bison refers to all his spare bodies as dolls, male or female. Not to be confused with The Dolls which are the elite female body guards.

First Generation dolls: Cammy, Decapre
Second Generation dolls: Abel, Seth and their 25 siblings.
Third Generation dolls: Ed, Falke

This new doll unit we see appears to be brand new and almost completely cybernetic.

where is that?

On the capcom-unity blog, directly quoted

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So if Seth can give himself a new feminine body…wait…


I told you Seth would return in a female body :stuck_out_tongue:

Not a great fan of her new design, though. But gameplay-wise, very interesting stuff.

It’s also cool to see another Street Fighter IV character to return.


I wonder if his character story takes place before or after ASF.

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Amazing part is that they made him an M.Bison costume too along…

The amaing fix was new super of tanden engine it’s also reminence and a tribute to Shin Bison’s EX2 super Psycho Cannon


It’s likely that Seth isn’t a cyborg anymore or anything that is a physical matter based on the trailer introduction but rather an Artificial Intelligence already or just a mechanical processing unit( like a CPU) that looks like a brain. (Why looks like because it’s not organic)

That his new found body would be steal and overpowered by Bison later for the hint of a Bison costume.

The good part is he isn’t now a Urien or Abel clone stuck in speculation. They entirely separate it to more ambigious which is better. The only thing we need to find answer is how did he manage to replicate some of Urien attacks.

Gotta recognize Street Fighter V’s highly experimental gameplay.

This V-Skill / V-Trigger thing is very dynamic.

I still don’t consider Street Fighter’s “definitive” gameplay and I don’t think it fits with its essence. But good things can come out of it; let’s see how Street Fighter VI picks these things up.

Doesn’t objectively exist. There are elements that exist across each iteration, but overall each numbered entry is a self-contained era with its own spirit.

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Is it just me or is Seth stealing techniques from non SF’s as well? I definitely heard him shouting Ora with his multi punches Tanden Booster in female form, and Yamcha’s Spirit Ball is definitely his Tanden Maneuver in male form.

He even steals phrases “Die one thousand deaths”?


I don’t know. I think choice has become a part of SF’s “definitive gameplay”, from Alpha where you chose the ISMs, then III, IV and V with the Super/Ultra/Critical Arts and V-Skills.
But I don’t think V-Skills and V-Triggers will go on. They can turn into something else, who knows.

A female Seth?

I knew Seth was a possibility. Just not necessarily like… this.

My embracing of Soul Power will need to wait a while.