The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Now we have all 5 bosses in SF5

SF1: Sagat
SF2: Vega
SF3: Gill
SF4: Seth
SF5: Necalli

6 if you count Gouki as a boss too.


Gill’s Story


So…Sethany is…weird

Not really feeling it.

*dolls. Not to be confused with the Dolls.

Both Balrog and Bison refer to Seth and his siblings as dolls in SF4.

But Darc is correct in that we have never seen a biomechanical “female” doll before. This would also lead me to believe that she is a prototype made after the events of SF2 during Seth’s time at the helm of SIN.

Okay so Gill story seems to confirm connection between Gill and G…or at least the Society and G, as had already been surmised.

Regarding Sethany’s new body, my assumption is that since his entire purpose was data collection, that the prototype 0 Doll was made based on Juri’s body-type most likely because it was data from the Feng Shui engine. The FS engine is a sibling to the Tanden Engine so it would make sense that data from Juri’s usage of the FS engine was used to craft the prototype Seth-body.

Also Gill’s stance facing away from the screen is an absolutely idiotic decision that borks the animation transition frames for his attacks as the game keeps wanting to flip him away from you. God this games art designer is a moron.

Gill’s story is otherwise uninteresting. More sibling drama with nothing pushing anything forward. The G part is by far the most interesting section. No other Society members seen…no nothing.

Ho hum.

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I do like that Seth is just straight up Kirby now.

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So you guys are not concluding Seth as an “AI” now but wasn’t before?

Im more into him being Ai technical grounds than a robot or a mechanical organism.

I mean the whole keyword thing data, upload and download rather than transplant on how thing are transfered.

Since thing are still shady and unclear what make you think that he isn’t an AI that is all data and queries that just need a storage device?

I just hope we can safely ignore it for it is from a crossover, yet were still unclear with the real situation is.

Interesting thought of an older òne.

We are definitely in NG territory now.

I also find it very interesting how Gill perceives the prophecy. This is new stuff and insightful. Both Gill and Urien want to free themselves of the shackles of their religion and rule the world; Urien wants to do so through science and by destroyed their religion. Gill wants to do it through faith and by actualizing the religion, so that there would be no need for it once it fulfills its purpose.

In both scenarios, the boys would have acquired a personal freedom unprecedented in their lives which is likely not without scars from their upbringing, and they would both feed into their extreme forms of self-entitlement and privilege.


Seth never was a cyborg. He isn’t human.

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I sense a small retcon in this story. Didn’t Urien find out Gill was the Emperor only during his Second Impact ending when he became President? How, when Gill flat out calls himself that in his face… unless the Japanese is something like Gill-sama, this might be an oversight. Otherwise… probably the best story in the game.

Regarding Seth, I love it. Love everything in that trailer. And fucking hell, I never expected to say that about damn Setoth.


Not true. Seth is a lab grown genetically modified human who was augmented into something that is predominantly machine after passing a quality control test. The same quality control that deemed Abel defective and unfit for the augmentation.

This was before Bison was able to create 100% biological vessels that can handle his Psycho Power, so he relied on machines to augment the storage capacity of the vessel (be it Psycho Drive or the Human Incubator program, note the name of the program).


Wouldn’t take it as a sign of anything. The voice detail is only to give the character’s personality some continuity and for people not start seeing this ‘new Seth’ as an entirely different character.

Still, the result is good. Having the first (sorry, second) transgender character (of sorts) in a Street Fighter game :slight_smile:

And with all of these about Seth being a cyborg or not, the relation between G and Gill, the theories about Q and Bison… I’m pretty sure we Capcom fans overthink Street Fighter’s lore way much more than its own writers/creators :joy:

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Fans are like: “Kage must be an statement about deep philosophical implications of martial arts religions!”

Capcom was like: “We need more content for cheap and novelty, throw another palette swap in”.


It can be fun to speculate, though.


That’s an OOU perspective and is irrelevant to the discussion. In-universe, Seth kept his voice for a reason and that reason likely means he recognizes gender as a concept.

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Pretty sure Capcom hasn’t even mind about it. It’s like Vegito’s “double track” voice; doesn’t have any explanation that makes sense.

Maybe Seth’s vocal cords were the only part of his body that survived (we see him unable to move but still talking in SSFIV’s Juri’s ending), and he could salvage them and implant it in the doll’s body :wink:

Or maybe it was to shock Juri.


Gill to Honda: “Fighting is a ritual to you? Then offer your prayers to me.”
Honda to Gill: “That’s just my colors…And you’re pretty flashy yourself!”

Gill to Kage: “Vacant one…I will grant you your demise.”
Kage to Gill: “That’s right…harmony…The balance of death covers all!”

Gill to G: “An undocumented power…Is this person just a clown, or perhaps…”
G to Gill: “Unfortunately, there is no king on this earth. There is no god. But people of Earth! I am your president!”

Gill to Falke: “I will grant you everything from peace to freedom. Just sleep…”
Falke to Gill: “I don’t know who you are, but you’re not getting anything from us.”

Gill to Sakura: “You seem lost. All you must do is my bidding.”
Sakura to Gill: “The worries of the world melt away in a fight.”

Gill to Menat: “You could see if you’d just open your eyes. See my power and what’s to come.”
Menat to Gill: “According to Master, your card is the World. But something seems off about that.”

Gill to Cammy: “If you’re tired, you should rest. There’s no shame in it. You fought well.”
Cammy to Gill: “Your organization is not my target at this time. You should be grateful.”

Gill to Chun-Li: “Hmm… Do you already possess that which you sought?”
Chun-Li to Gill: "Savior? God? I wonder…

Gill to Ed: An uncertainty? No, not yet…"
Ed to Gill: “Emperor…President…I got no use for those fancy pants!”

Gill to Dhalsim: “When you close your eyes, all you see is me.”
Dhalsim to Gill: “Is this Agni? No…But there is something profound about this individual.”

Gill to Blanka: “A vulgar beast would better understand the justness of my harmony.”
Blanka to Gill: “Try living in the jungle! Now that’s harmony for you!”

Gill to Abigail: “Power alone won’t suffice. Destiny cannot be denied.”
Abigail to Gill: “Is that a custom paint job? The contents don’t match its exterior!”

Gill to Alex: “An undiscovered ocean… That’s what you desire? The fight for it as meaningless as it may be.”
Alex to Gill: “Enough talk. Show me your power.”

Gill to Balrog: “A crude desire… I doubt that is what you truly want. You’ve just yet to discover that which you cherish.”
Balrog to Gill: “Hope? I’ll smash you into the ground!”

Gill to Birdie: “A prosperous world that knows no famine… It can be yours if you so desire.”
Birdie to Gill: “Is this world full of fools? Well, I guess you can’t eat unless you’re hungry.”

Gill to Akuma: “So power… is what you desired…”
Akuma to Gill: “I am the only path to heaven!”

Gill to F.A.N.G.: “To be mistaken about a kneeling foe… Pathetic.”
F.A.N.G. to Gill: “Is the Society making some kind of move? Looks like some strings need pulling.”

Gill to Guile: “You should be with your family… For that is surely what you desire.”
Guile to Gill: “It goes without saying. Your hopes and dreams are for you to pursue.”

Gill to Ibuki: “Friends, love… Mere trivialities. Everything is as it’s been written.”
Ibuki to Gill: What text? Like a secret scroll or something? Hmm…"

Gill to Juri: “You need not be bold or arrogant… Gaze upon me. You’re but a mere shadow of myself.”
Juri to Gill: “Emperor? It looks like someone wants to be bullied!”

Gill to Karin: “The Land of Prosperity? Fear not, for it is inside of me.”
Karin to Gill: “The Organization…The writings…We need to see if it’s a new threat we face.”

Gill to Ken: “Hopelessness. Is that what you saw? How fascinating…”
Ken to Gill: “Hmph, something’s not right. Something’s not right about this one…”

Gill to Kolin: “That’s right! The time approaches!”
Kolin to Gill: “I do this all for the time to come!”

Gill to Laura: “You wish to develop your own fighting style? Then put your faith in me, for I am eternal”
Laura to Gill: “That bam…bam-bam-bam technique. What was it?”

Gill to M. Bison: “The time is nigh… All uncertainty must be eliminated, no matter how trivial.”
M. Bison to Gill: “I have zero interest in what your plans are, but just the sight of you pisses me off.”

Gill to Nash: “Death… If that is the peace you wish for, your wish is my desire.”
Nash to Gill: “I don’t know who you are…But I don’t need anything from you. Be gone.”

Gill to Gill: “The time draws ever closer…Our plan must go into motion before the star decays.”

Gill to Poison: “Is this a show? That’s fine. When the time comes, the world will serve as the emperor’s stage.”
Poison to Gill: “Well, aren’t you flashy? You’re what now? A savior?”

Gill to Cody: “I will fight you if you so desire…Not that you stand a chance against a god.”
Cody to Gill: “King, president, and now god? The mayor has given everyone a beating.”

Gill to Lucia: “Who am I? I’m the emperor, the savior of the world.”
Lucia to Gill: “I want to ask about your job. So you’re a…savior? What the hell does that mean?!”

Gill to Sagat: “There are heights that mortal men can never hope to achieve…That’s what it means to be emperor.”
Sagat to Gill: “You call yourself an emperor? You aren’t deserving of the title!”

Gill to Necalli: “…A variant. It must be removed for the sake of the time to come.”
Necalli to Gill: “Oh, this soul! It’s like the culmination of time eternal!”

Gill to R. Mika: “Glory, victory, comrades… You’re welcome to your foolish little dreams.”
R. Mika to Gill: “Glory and victory are not given…You must earn them yourself.”

Gill to Rashid: “There is no need to ask why we fight. Everything will be in harmony when the times comes.”
Rashid to Gill: “Harmony…I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think it’s that easy to find.”

Gill to Ryu: “The path… I see. So you’ve seen it.”
Ryu to Gill: Emperor? It doesn’t seem like you’re all talk. But if you can fight, I’ll fight…"

Gill to Urien: “I, Emperor Gill, will accomplish the grand schemes of our organization. My destiny cannot be altered…”
Urien to Gill: “Watch me, Gill!”

Gill to Vega: “Prostrated before me, hanging your head… Truly a thing of beauty.”
Vega to Gill: “My beauty is supreme! Don’t get carried away with yourself!”

Gill to Zangief: “If it’s a tempered body you seek, you should play with your opponent.”
Zangief to Gill: “You may be strong and flashy…But you’re just kind of boring!”

Gill to Zeku: “All living things age, weaken, and die. It’s an inescapable fact.”
Zeku to Gill: “You know you’re gonna lose, right?”


I see it more as a result of Seth’s resentment. Doll units can probably have a vocoder stuff in their throats or wherever the voice comes out. Seth uses its old voice instinctively, cause (s)he’s still too attached to his past history, wants revenge and so on. I really don’t think Seth minds about gender, but (s)he minds about his/her past and history.

Rose knows everything!

Truer words never have been spoken.


Proof that Shadaloo is aware of the Illuminati but ignored them. This isn’t a surprise, Viper knew of them as well. I guess they have been nothing more than a religious cult of zealots up until recently.

Capcom still trying hard to explain away absences of SF3.

That was anticlimactic, but alas he speaks for most people, especially in the 90s. We can infer that the Society don’t register on Shadaloo/Bison’s radar for the same reason many other things don’t; they are deemed worthless.

In a way he is right, Gill is the culmination of 2000 years of leadership passed down from one generation to the next.

Many thanks for doing a real god’s work @Doctrine_Dark :heart:


Gill is Dio!


This actually seems like a Jojo reference.

Gill’s card is “the World” but that seems off.

Why? Because Gill is based on Kars of the Pillar Men who doesn’t have a stand. “The World” is Dio’s stand.

Rose assigned the wrong Jojo-villain tarot card to Gill :sweat_smile: