The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Is it? How many other franchises have to resort to pulling in other series in order to innovate?

Does the Prince of Persia just show up in Assassin’s Creed? Did they stick a Fallout Vault in Skyrim? Does Marcus Phoenix show up as a canon addition to Halo?

Hmm, fair point.

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Bethesda did it with Doom. Wolfenstein, Doom and Commender Keen are all connected. The protagonists of those games are all related.

Though series don’t need to crossover to boarden it’s scope.

I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. But franchises that do that are less common than those that don’t. THAT’S the outlier, not the other way around.

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btw i agree with @DarthEnder on prefer things to not change

Thing is, universe expansion is not changing SF

The loss of strong nation/martial art theme or anime based stylization are the only thing that can truly ruin it
Or an huge change in terms of “power levels” that change the scale of events
Keep these things strong and SF tradition is safe

As long the main style stay strong (unlike snk where KoF style imposed itself over FF/AoF ones) i see no problem with expansion, on contrary, i think SF NEEDS to expand… just in same direction

Pokémon example has been made, fine
Pokemon each new chapter add fuckton of new characters (pokemon)
That’s how Pokémon stay fresh and same thing SF needs to do

SF have a tradition of doing it right
SF3 was the only time they did it wrong, and since then they clearly understood the error

At the moment only things i’m worried about SF future are

  • art style going bullshit westernization
  • chatacter concept going too much into “surprise effect” gimmick (see SFV sketches) or functional to the story over search new nations/martial arts
  • fuckton of people with crap taste having access to internet asking for changes
  • possibly sjw bullshit

100% Legit concerns.

I hope Capcom stand their ground, but I sense the tide may be too great this time.


My 2 cents about all latest news.

The characters revealed:

  • Dan: It surprised me that we are getting this goofy shoto in the last -unexpected- season. In each season I was sure he would be in it. I like that they decided to incorporate his taunt in his core gameplay and has a real function (we can see in the videos that he is able to cancel his moves into taunts). I’d probably pick other characters over him, but I’m glad his in. 7/10 inclusion.

  • Rose: I don’t get why this character is so requested (actually I do, I can hear you all zipping your pants…). I think she has her moment back in the alpha days, but having Menat on the game, I see her inclusion unnecessary. But I least they give us a highly requested character. 4/10.

  • Oro: there must be another SFIII in the game, especially that it all seems that we are jumping into the SFIII timeline for next game. He was already on various character stories, so it was clear that it had to be him. The other missing characters yet to return that weren’t in IV (Q, Sean, Remy, Necro, Twelve) are irrelevant for the story or introduction to the series (yeah, Q is really cool, but we already have G…). You can argue that why Dan instead of Sean for extra shoto toppings, but Dan is a fan fav and nobody (casual audience) knows Sean (well, nobody knows SF3 in general…). 8/10 (1 extra point for the ‘balancing the turtle’ gimmick)

  • Akira: I have really good memories of playing Rival Schools in PSX and Akira is by far the character I like the most from the series. I can’t be objective here :lol: . I can say that she fits the SF games since she’s heavily martial art based character (I think it was listed that she does kung-fu) with cool gameplay (rekkas included, if somebody missed them). Being a student is the least important aspect of her design. 10/10 inclusion.

  • About the 5th mysterious character: there is no point to keep the character in secret unless:
    a) Is a guess character from another company.
    b) Is a completely new character.
    c) Is an evil super boss version of another character.

If they decided to show the rest of the season roster from start, there is no point marketing-wise to have a returning character as the last one. Especially after dropping the Akira bomb.


Yeah she does hakkyokuken, wich is japanese name for bajiquan
Think like VF Akira Yuki
Lol just realized both Akira do same martial art

That’s a huge step backwards.

Putting random new characters because they had different nationality and martial arts OVER relevant cast. Is a terrible idea.

That only works on a tournament style narrative. Where someone gathered the best of best of the world to compete.

SF is since SFA is no longer about a martial arts tournament.

And those idea easily get’s outdated and age terribly for a long running franchise

Many fighting games already move-on from those motif and those concepts are outdated.

SF plots is since SF ALPHA is more centered to all about individuals against a an evil organization or secret organization. So it’s about the relevant casting as the priority over variety.

variety and diversity in a fighting game is achieve not what’s written in there character bio, It’s all about gameplay, combos, special moves and gameplan.

Street Fighter is since Alpha/Zero had been about the set of protagonist and antagonist not about variety of the world best of best gathering and competing

Even SF2 was it’s about sense of justice, revenge and world domination. Not about variety.

If you want something search new nations and martial arts over relevant cast. It’ for a new fighting game that ain’t long establish. It’s prioritize variety in the character bio. You can READ tons of it.

SF3 forced to be a various fighter in a tournament fighting for the best of the best, It didn’t age well.

The chosen participant in SF3 and SF1 is now even highly questionable along with their victors.

Joe, Geki, Mike and the rest are characters from a Street Fighter that centered on a “different nationality and martial arts”. Now it’s outdated along with them. Those guys weren’t even mentioned by other street fighter or given credibility of some how good they are back then. As if they never exist.

Gen and Adon was salavage because of being in a prequel title and being relative to other SF2 characters, Along with Gen being sick. Take a look at Birdie.

Eagle, Gen and Adon did work but do they even talked about their participation in SF1 and do their participation in SF1 even strongly reference in any SF? The Answer is NO.

The only important event their was Sagat’s defeat at the hands of Ryu.

Mike even ended up having identity crisis with Boxer/MBison.

IN SF3 is a mix of character motivation of SF2 and SF1 character motivation is written which makes it slightly better, but still nowadays people like @Doctrine_Dark questioned the credibility of Gill’s defeat at the hands of Alex, or Is Alex capable of beating Gill?

Many are even speculating that Gill gave the fight or purposely throw it.

People like @Darc_Requiem, are even speculating that Gill gave the fight or purposely throw it, to troll Urien. Like Gill letting Urien win presidency while Gill being The Emperor.

The thing is those concept aged terribly.

There are many problems with SF3 but it’s not as problematic as SF1. That’s why I wanted the next game to be set happening in SF3 timeline. So it explains the absence of the major characters in Gill’s SF3 tournament.

SF is never about searching new martial artist from different nation over character relevant story. That concept was just SF1. SF2 and SFA were more about character motivation hence story.

Searching new martial artist from different nation over functional to the story only works in tournament style games. That aged badly.WHY? because… SF3

Any tournament style story is bound to evolve into a revenge story like SAGAT, or some underling or relative of the former boss being doomed like Garou. Dragging it back to a clean state like SF3 is terrible.

In Fighting Games Characters variety is always about their character motivation and gameplay not what’s written in their fictional biography.

SF ain’t pokemon and pokemon ain’t a fighting game.

Pokemons ain’t played like fighting game characters.

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So far in Japan the characters like Zeku, Juri, G, Poison, Claw, Ed, Urien and Seth.

Zeku and Juri are the most are getting tons of costume submission.

Japan really like Zeku and Juri

Anyone’s played SFIII: 4th Strike?

A couple interesting things there. Like Oro’s air fireballs.

Also, is SNK Vs Capcom’s Dan the best Dan ever?

Wonder if the dev. team could implement some ideas from there…

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Wow the update was continuous

Yes in terms of moveset

Yet I enjoyed playing Dan in Marvel vs SF, I even used him just to messed up my opponent in real matches before.

I don’t know but this sh*t looks super fun :smiley:

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If only Capcom would do something like USF2 for 3s but with other SF characters on it like Claw, Menat, Mika, Juri, Eagle and Haggar.

Like something USF3 but unlikely because it’s more sprite based.

However I’ll settle for a new SF4 expansion for Nintendo switch by using characters and extra characters in SFV as an addition.

Asura, Nash, Karin, Alex, Urien, Mika, Violent Ken, Shadow Lady and Mech Zangief

Mika already got her portrait for SF4

with Gill as a secret CPU boss mode

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Nice sarcasm, bro.

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Jokes aside, would it be cool to have an “Hyper Street Fighter IV” dream match game? Of course it would be.

But I’d like it even more if they remove some things that made the game a tad too personal and harder in Ultra (such as the W Ultra and the red focus) and make it more similar to SFII. Just give everyone three supers (not selectable; always equipped) and leave out the revenge bar. And drop the focus attack thing. Then add the extra characters. Call it plainly “Hyper Street Fighter” or something.

Never gonna happen, though, LOL.

I havent seen the video myself, but according to people that has (on resetera) this signals eventual mud comming out regarding Ono

Which is what every SF game should be.

You can have all the evil organization shit you want going on in the background, but every SF game should revolve around an excuse for fighters from all over the world wanting to come together to fight each other, even if they don’t know each other.


I prefer Street Fighter being a series of side stories where everyone is doing their own thing like Alpha and 3rd Strike. Everything being a tournament arc would get repetitive quick.


tbh i don’t care about what shape the story take, as long it offer me the most good characters

Tournament give me easy way to best characters (fight style/martial art rep) with greatest variety(styles, nations), so fuck story if get in the way of me getting that

I can like explore the lore, but is absolutely secondary to get good SF character concepts

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I would absolutely agree with this…from a gameplay standpoint. This is the story thread unfortunately :stuck_out_tongue:

These characters need to be given some kind of lore and serve a purpose if any of the fights is gonna have stakes.

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