The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Thanks guys. Yeah, it’s from gyfcat. I’ll try it.

Not that I’m aware of. Sorry Doctrine Dark.

I have that book. But we are with our hands kinda full here. Do you have anything specific you would like to be scanned?

Wasn’t there a in-game picture of Super Hero Ryu? If I’m not mistaken, those are alternate covers just like the Dolls, Mika and Friends and the Nash one from the previous Vital Box.

Speaking of the Valuable Edition II, is it just me, or this time the Valuable Edition is more complete than the Vital Box II?
From what I could understand, the VEII won’t have the S1 and S2 characters available from the get go. It will have to input codes to have access (download?) to them?

PS. I really would like a “clean” version of that Neo Shadaloo Ed artwork.

You’re welcome guys. I’m glad I’m being able to help.

Thank you Miðgarðsorm and Bakfromon for the input. If memory serves me right, Ryu found out that Muay Thai is (or was) one of the world’s strongest fighting styles in the world, with Sagat being the fighting king. He defeated 20 MT fighters before Sagat decided to face this “nameless fighter” who was defeating the best MT fighters in Thailand. Ryu’s account tells us this story, Adon and Sagat tells us what happened after Sagat’s defeat and Ken’s mentions about it. Oh, and Ryu didn’t fight Adon. Bear in mind that much of Z1 story was retconned with Z2…
So this means that, SFZ story (back in 1995) didn’t treat SF1 as a tournament. But didn’t AAC mentions that it was a tournament?

BTW, Bakfromon, does the Eternal Challengers ending commentaries (both general and Ryu specific) have anything interesting?
And… will you post the translations on the board so we can (get mad) discuss it?

Thanks Doctrine Dark. But I warn you that I won’t have these translations so soon…
And… WHAT? Andy’s height is just 171cm?

Next: SFZ Chun-Li.

Now that you mention it, I’d really like if you could scan the 11th chapter of Secrets of the Hadōken, about where’s Zangief’s stage. Since I have a theory about exactly what factory in the USSR was, I’d like to find some confirmation. Yes, I know that - Capcom being Capcom - they could have simply written "In a factory in the USSR! Unbelievable, isn’t it? :tongue:"
Oh, and 63rd, about why are there strangers in Guile’s and Zangief’s stages. Who knows, it could contain more clues… Or just explain that they’re the respective spies. After all, the Cold War was still going on…


Street Fighter Zero - Chun-Li

[details=Spoiler]All About SFZ Chun-Li profile



All About SFZ (and Gamest Mook Vol. 16) Chun-Li account


Street Fighter 2 - Himitsu Hyakka/Secret Encyclopedia - SFZ Chun-Li account


All About SFZ Winning Message/Quotes: Chun-Li


** All About Capcom Chun-Li’s SFZ ending**


SF Eternal Challenge - SFZ Chun-Li ending description


SFZ Concept Art Book - Chun-Li (there seems to be a commentary from Chun-Li about the projectiles)



Next: Nash.

Ok. I’ll post it together with SFZ Nash stuff.

Dude remind me a lot Zenigata… fun thing in Lupin anime he’s an Interpol agent (Inspector) like Chun Li

AHAHAH, actually the projectile part is pretty humorous and not serious at all (a bit like Zangief’s one).


Search for your father!
Having had enough of police investigations beyond her control, in the end Chun Li became a detective herself: to search for her disappeared father with her own hands.
Finally, her investigations put to the surface a drug cartel. Being on the alert is a difficult position… But for her father, she fears no enemy!


Thorough inspection of the Hadōken (no way)
Even Chun Li is astonished!
If this hits you, it hurts.
Termite nest
Earth’s crust (there are Japan, America and so on over it)
Mantle (since there’s red hot magma whirling around, beware of burns!!)
9, 10, 11 and 12 are all a single phrase:
The Halley’s comet is sucking the atmosphere!! But there’s no need to worry, as long as you have a bicycle tube.¹
Way to unexplored regions
This is produced from Ryu’s hands! It’s still an unknown region.

¹ This references a rather funny event occurred in 1910, when the Halley’s Comet approached Earth and French astronomer Camille Flammarion claimed it would snuff out all life from Earth, so unscrupulous businessmen sold to people “miraculous remedies” to survive the event. Apparently, in the Far East it came out as “the comet would suck Earth’s atmosphere in 5 minutes”, and some rich (and stupid) people believed all that was needed was to preemptively inflate a bicycle tube with air to survive…

The guy in Chuns ending could have been also inspired by Inspector Gadget also…

Nah I’m joking because that how cartoons stereotypes inspector… Even in modern day design of inspectors looks like that example the previous Teen Titan show were Robin is in Tokyo and chased by police… Sometimes Commisioner Gordon wear that design.

Can’t wait for what with the secrets of hadoken.

I’m fine with SNK stuff since we’ll get know interesting stuff from similarities and inspiration of both companies and other way to improve impression and personalities of characters for a fighting game from another fighting game franchise.

Amazing to know that there was a variant idea of Ryu didn’t fight Adon and SF1 wasn’t a tournament.

Honestly I prefer that because it is less complicated and fit’s whatever happens in SFZ and SF3 making things not a tournament… While Ryu defeating Sagat along with Adon grudge are the only important events that is needed.

Since Birdie, Eagle, Gen, Retsu, Lee and Geki involvement in SF1 has no significant effect that would make SF of today to be meaningful. Sagat defeat was the strong point for the reason along with Bison eyeing to Ryu because of Sagat’s defeat in his hands. Capcom screwed up with Gen and Birdie already.

I like the tournament vibe in fighters since before honestly like KOF and World heroes but the strong points of SF story is more suitable to more Samurai Showdown way story progression than the likes of a tournament vibe like Tekken 4.

All that makes SF1 feel like a tournament was in Ryu’s ending riding a plane. The bomb continue screen makes it feel like a underground fight that seema okay but contradicts the presentation of the battle because they are travelling. Even KOF destiny doesn’t know how to make a tournament appear in different placea of the world. Because travelling is for a fighter is a relevant for someone seeking for revenge, justice, answer, power and strenght that is more personal motives than organized one.

Bison giving Chun-Li a dose of Psyco Punisher in her SFZ ending. Am i right?

Well, I was interested in the art, so I guess it’s the whole book.
It can wait though, so maybe once you’re done with the stuff you’re currently scanning you can see if you can start scanning that book too?

Zenigata is easily my favourite Lupin character.

I love seeing a small idea evolve a life of its own over time. Like many aspects of the SF canon which started out as an art sketch or a small detail added in the expanded universe and over time it gained traction until it became a part of the canon in its own right.

Psycho Punisher is one of those things. It started out in Chun’s A1 ending, made another appearance then in Rose’s A3 ending, until it became Bison’s latest attack in SF4. Punisher evolved from relative obscurity to become Bison’s ‘executioner’s axe’ of choice as we saw Nash’s SF5 character story.

Ryu has his Fist of the Wind. Akuma has his Sekia Kuretsuha. Urien has his SF5 CA. It’s in the details.


THough I can never forgive M. Bison for murdering Chun-Li’s father, there is absolutely no denying M. Bison’s ruthlessness. I absolutely LOVE M. Bison’s Psycho Punisher. Out of all of M. Bison’s special moves, it is clearly my favorite. The idea of being able to punch right through someone (and even blast some psycho power through their body) always makes me cringe whenever I see it in game.

I’ll admit, the first time I saw the move in Chun-Li’s ending, (and I was just in kindergarten) I got nightmares. But they did tone down Chun-Li’s ending in Alpha 2 (which I didn’t appreciate as an adult).
Alpha has been retconed like 3 times, so continuity wasn’t easy to maintain. In Alpha 1, when Chun-Li confronted M. Bison, one Psycho Punisher punch to her babymaker knocked her out for good, and she woke up in a hospital sometime after. In ALpha 2, M. Bison just flies off, and Chun-Li looks unscathed. (Continuity, consistiency Capcom, that’s all we ask).

Still, there is no denying the absolute brutality that comes with this move. Rose, Nash, even Chun-Li stood no chance once they were hit with this powerful finisher… although, I do believe Chun-Li got off easy, possibly because M. Bison knew she would be no match for him, so he more than likely held back on his Psycho Punisher finishing move on her. While she did survive the attack, I had no doubt that she sustained internal injury and she did wake up in a hospital bed soon after. Who knows how long it took for her to completely recover.

M. BISON’S PSYCHO POWER: Punching holes though fighter’s stomachs since 1995…

Revolting anti-Chun propaganda! Bison only got a chance because he got her by surprise in Alpha! She was keeping up with him before that!
This is clearly the work of those perfidious Cammy fans! Oh, how dare such lowlife try to -

checks own’s avatar and Chun-Li_Forever’s avatar


Wait a moment, why is a Chunner posting pics of Chun being beaten up?
That’s my job! And I wouldn’t even do that because that’s cheap and I have higher standards than that!
Oi! Stop doing that! You’re confusing me!

That pixel ass

The thought of Chun-Li harnessing Psycho Power kind of… turns me on. Hell, Chun-Li with Soul Power!

Found some canon info on Chun-Li wielding a power greater than Psycho/Soul Power buried in AAC where it discusses her relationship with Gen…



Chun with automatic gun > SnH

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Street Fighter Zero - Nash

[details=Spoiler]All About SFZ Nash profile



All About SFZ (and Gamest Mook Vol. 16) Nash account


Street Fighter 2 - Himitsu Hyakka/Secret Encyclopedia - SFZ Nash account


All About SFZ Winning Message/Quotes: Nash


All About Capcom Nash’s SFZ ending


SF Eternal Challenge - SFZ Nash ending description


SFZ Concept Art Book -Nash (is it just me or… Nash seems kinda “happy” on the second page? lol B) )





I don’t have a opinion about Zangief’s stage, but who would be the stranger in Guile’s stage? The fight happens in front of the base but clearly OUTSIDE of it (you can even see the fence on the left side of the stage), SFV version of the stage even reinforce it. The guys and gals even have military uniforms. So I dunno.

Anyway, here’s what you asked:

Hadoken No Nazo Chapter 11


Hadoken No Nazo Chapter 63


And an added bonus:

Gamest 64 - SF2WW - Guile stage description


Gamest 64 - SF2WW - Zangief stage description


Gamest 64 - SF2WW - Ken stage description (it’s seems that Gorbie is hiding on the stage. I wonder if it’s inside of the rusty boat?)



Well, here’s a quick rundown of the “A Visionary Book”. Hope you guys enjoy:


Although, some other books also have a lot of art:
“Design Collection” book from the Collector’s Edition (jump to 4:30, I don’t own this yet):


And to my surprise, the Prima Games Collector’s Edition guide also has some unseen development art for the 4 new characters (Laura, FANG, Rashid and Necalli) (jump to 4:35):


That’s the second time that a non-japanese guide have some exclusive art not seen in jap guides. This happened with SFA and SFA2 guides by Versus Books.

Describes that scene perfectly/

Damn, i miss previous Kolin face

When’s Gill?

Rumor is, he’s coming to MvCI. :stuck_out_tongue: