The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

They can do both. Have official tournament setting, but each character does their own thang before, during and after the tournament. You can have some cases were characters overlap where there is a similar goal but not like ASF power rangers bullshit


Let’s be honest here. ASF was some Street Fighter: The Animated Series bullshit.

Don’t get me wrong, I liked ASF. But if you replace Karin with Escher, it’s basically indistinguishable.

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I’m fine with Street Fighter being GI Joe. It give us some great moments and character interactions. Karin being a fucking boss.


Sure. Forced character interactions. Great.

We got Mika and Ibuki out of it. Their chemistry is fucking amazing.


Karin being the boss was one of the worst parts of ASF.


Karin’s role was too large but she didn’t do much of anything. Who was the best fighter she beat? Rashid?

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Yeah, I’m for this. Tournament as a base and have things go from there, also I’m of the belief that the entire story of an entry doesn’t need to happen in like a linear couple of hours or 2 days, you can have some events happening say in May, Karin’s little tournament that features a few characters, but in July, another event happens that affects other characters and simultaneously you can have another set of characters doing their own thing in another setting.

I forgot which iteration of Xrd it was, but at one point GG had the story mode, but the arcade path supplemented it, either taking place like a month before or something.

In the end, be it an official tournament or a gathering, or a caper that leads into something bigger, have a fight event that’s a part of the story and then add on.

I liked ASF and don’t mind it, I’m just hoping we get flexible story arcs. I don’t mind a GI Joe storyline, but I would also like to see something a bit more down to earth like underground tournament leading into some cartel or slight race across the globe, beat your challengers to eventually get a grand prize or treasure. It could be fun to see an adventure with stakes, but not “we’ll have the world end!”. Something more like something out of an adventure Jackie Chan movie.

I’ve said this before, but I don’t want things to keep constantly escalating to th epoint of hitting a wall. Kind of like how Avengers 1 had Alien invasion and changed the world, the second dealt more with a grounded, but still notable threat. So for every ASF or Illuminati story, let’s have the follow up be something medium threat or a personal quest type deal.


Let’s face It. Tournament does not work on SF.

WHO fights WHO? WHO beats WHO? and WHO meets WHO? What happened?

Tournament only works on a game that is dream match or a crossover like CVS2 not in SF.

It’s not about the best of best of the world anymore which failed most of the other so called SF tournaments like SF3,

While both SF1 and SF2 are now even questionable if they were really happened or even acknowledge from the match-up and encounters?

Most of the previous encounters and tournament events were not even recalled some are even questioned.

Like Alex victory to Gill.

Who fights who in SF1 and SF2?

In SF1 it was only Ryu vs Sagat that was acknowledge

The participant and encounters of those so called tournaments were ignored and never talked about as if the tournament never happened.

What we only got is Sagat Scar and many would legit ignore

It’s about all about antagonist and their shady that which drives the progression SF.

Tournaments about fighters competing with the best of the best to best will never work in a establish huge franchise like SF if were talking about something that has sense in story.

Why because characters and participants? was Birdie? Mike? Ibuki? Elena? Joe? Geki? the best was people able to accept a champion to stay a champion in SF. No because the franchise is ever changing and there is always a major character that would be left out.

I’m okay Chun li or Guile being the champion of SF2.

If someone was declared a champion most of them required to reappear in another best of the best tournament not be replace by noob.

Tournament stories is always a failure in SF. That’s why if we want Tournament as a continuous thing in a huge franchise with everchanging cast, then just go with Dream matches like CVS2.


That’s what story modes are for.

Or would be for if they ever had a story mode and a tournament in the same game.

Yeah, you’re right. They’re only the most popular part of every shounen anime ever, upon which most of Street Fighter is inspired. It could never work.

SF has never had a tournament story. Arcade modes aren’t really stories. And, again, SF has never had a story mode and a tournament in the same game.


SF2, SF3 they got both

The tournament can be just an element of the story, does’nt need to erase everything else

But the presence of it is what justify have jap in karate gi meet chinese kung fu people, russian in prowrestling speedo and thai in MT shorts… wich IS the core of SF

i’m not, fuck that crap
When SF become gijoe then cast choice switch on how to serve best that bullshit, instead guess wich new character can serve best the purpose of enrich the tournament

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It was the core of Street Fighter. Thanks to Alpha a tournament setting stop being a hard rule. They put characters where they need them.

There was no tournament to begin with. No point it enriching what’s not there.


Man couldnt disagree more


SF2 and SF3 at the very minimum were built with the idea that there was tournament. You may have bad taste and not like but it is a fact.

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Was talking about SF5 with that quote.

and lot of stupid shit came from alpha, and SF lost lot of matial arts emphasis due to it

juni, juli, dolls, Rose, Sakura, Karin, Ingrid… most of new Alpha characters were not style rep/martial arts themed

Alpha has been probably the worst chapter at that

3 did better job
4 did better job
Even 5 did better job despite stupid focus on story gave us some useless alpha-like characters

I don’t even need a tournament to actually officially exist, just the vibe should be a gathering of martial arts fighters (specially if new) from around the world that fight each other

Stupid avengers bullshit mission encourage story characters that are designed to fit story/factions rather than be just solid autonomous SF characters

Bunch of karate gi/wrestling speedo/thai shorts people attacking a militar base with punches and kicks is just awkward
Can happen, but weak if is the whole main theme
Same group being involved in numerous interstyle 1v1 hand to hand matches, is the reason such chatacters are designed

If you force bullshit avengers narrative in, gradually SF characters will start to be designed to fit that and SF will lose his main trait


Being a tournament isn’t a safeguard against those type of characters showing up. SF4 is a tournament and it gave us a secret agent, a character who was secretly an android, a fat guy who learned to fight by watching movies, a psycho bitch who gets their powers from an eye implant. The game’s plot is gather a bunch of people to drain the ki from them so SIN can use it to make weapons.

SF5 did give us a gathering of material art fighters. The entire point of Karen character story is she forming a community of fighters and throw parties so they can get together and network.

We get “avengers” bullshit is because characters like Ryu ain’t driving the narrative of Street Fighter. It’s characters like Chun, Cammy and Guile. If narrative going to be important going forward than they will create characters who are able to carry a story over bland material arts guy.


Ok, my bad.

I agree with the general statement, but Karin is not that bad, she is supposed to be the inheritor of a unique art style and trains very hard since she’s very small. We are very far from Sakura or the dolls here.
Also don’t blame alpha for Ingrid. She isn’t even a SF character.


To some extent i agree, at least she got some context for her being worth to be SF level

Wish they gone more on that route though, showing her as the heir of a martial arts long family tradition instead the whole rich schoolgirl who can fight bullshit

Essentially, i like her being on paper our Kasumi Todoh, but i dislike her concept design has been all wasted on being a nemesis for Sakura instead showing anything martial themed

and yet in SF style i got Abel as Fedor/Sambo, Juri as Korea/Tkd, Hakan as turkish wrestler, Elf as mexican luchador. Rufus was funny parody a la Dan and still martial arts based. Gouken was great

Of SF4 i truly disliked just decapre, seth, c.viper, wich ironically are the kind of rejects you get when SF search to form a story
No thanks

wich is exactly what i don’t need in SF, more wannabe heroes on avengers bullshit mission and less martial artists

Again, give me tournament based narrative and “bland martial arts guy” like Ryu (who ARE what SF is) are in their natural element

then add whatever side elements you people need to feel entertained (tournament host is evil vampire who does dna experiments, oh no) to add some spice… it does’nt bother me, SF4 did the same indeed


What would be considered the “core” roster for the SF series? I think you can define it starting from how narrow you want it to be:

  • 1 character: Ryu
  • 2 characters: Chun-Li
  • 4 characters: My first real take, I think Zangief and Guile are the second biggest priority because they encapsulate so much of how SF works alongside Ryu/Chun that you kind of have to justify NOT having them.
  • 8 characters: The quick answer is just expand out to the WW cast, but I’m not too sure about Blanka or Honda being actually central to the series like the last 4, or even Ken/Dhalsim. Despite being the worst thing to have happened to the series, a section of the fan base would riot if Cammy were dropped, and Vega/Bison/Sagat are all pretty damn good. I would rate the next 4 as being Ken, Dhalsim, Vega, and Cammy.

I can’t really place anyone past SF2 as being a real candidate for needing to be a series regular. Maybe at a 12-16 character “core roster” I could see it, but who would that be?

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