The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

For what’s worth, the Dorai theory has ever been one of the biggest bullshit SF theories i ever read lol :smiley:


Same thing as Q- Balrog. I fine as long as it’s not another SF playable character.

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Well, this is a fighting game. Fighting games are not known for their compelling narratives. It’s not like the series quality hangs on whether the Q and G mystery has a satisfying conclusion. That’s just a small part of a larger story. It’s not about the destination, it’s about having fun speculating on what’s really going on.

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According to that picture, the Lee in SF1 is dead also!!!

I can see SF6 story line wise be taking place in modern times (like when SF6 gets released let’s say if it gets released in 2021, then the storyline takes place in 2021) and be like MKx and MK11. In other words have a new generation be the cast then still have an old version of Ryu and Ken and so forth. Sagat would be like 67 years old or something (he was born in 1956 I think).

Fuck ruin Classic cast with time jump, thank you


SF6 will take place 2-3 years after 3S, in the year 2001.

Yup, and it’s undeniable that Q had better build up narrative and speculate on than G.


I prefer it happening within SF3 timeline simultaneously. So it would explain why the rest of the new cast from SF4 and SF5 along with the others from SF2 and SFA wasn’t in SF3.

Since they are busy with another conflict. While other like Ryu, Chun, Ken and Akuma are flexible characters that can also appear in that game regardless being also in SF3 games.

Or an SF6 that is a remake of SFA series combine in one title. So it can confirm canon and remove already non canon elements of SF alpha.

Like a summarize and retold story version of SF Alpha without the nonsense characters and events.

I prefer it as generally a fix of SFAlpha or SF3 instead of another future onward past year title that would only make the canon confusing with less returning iconic, familiar and favorable characters.

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Oh like a Mortal Kombat 2011?

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There are still more possibility for choosing a better options for a timeline that can fix story then have a decent cast while removing the unnecessary stuff.

I know people will hate my comment, but MK11 has kinda set up a Street Fighter X Mortal Kombat or a Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat story line. With the time travel and multiverse thing. What do you think? Would it be an epic story line?

No time travel,

what if storyline is better for crossover game.

And the settings is post SF4.

I do like MK and SF but it’s very unlikely

Eventhubs poll for crossover

Since it’s unlikely for SNK vs Capcom

Ill go with Capcom vs Capcom.

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Honest question, because i developed the idea you may NOT be a troll:

Why the fuck you can’t just shut up about MK? It’s like 50% of your posting here lol

You didn’t originate the idea. People have been wanting an MK vs SF game since the 1990s.

Also, remember this picture:


The idea is about you being or not a troll, not about that shitty fantasy crossover (that Capcom guys already made clear they are’nt interessed about)

And so my question again, why have about half or more post here in SFV thread being about MK lol?


Probably because there is a conflict of interest on handling the brand and so far since MK versus DC didn’t work because it downplay whatever the appeal of MK is.

Yet it would be a fantasy also of mine to see, I’ll be okay with Capcom letting NRS borrow the What if SF Characters like.

Mech Zangief
Cyborg Monitor

Since those are like immortal or mechanical like beings. So it’s fair enough to exist and be destroyed in a Mortal Kombat fashion.

Or simply like I said in the earlier had new characters inspired and tributed from SF live action movie like Vandame, Kylie and Raul Julia. It they can’t secure a license, so a likeness and parody would do.

Its difficult for brand to have a crossover despite there is a demand.

I know “paying your respects” is commonly used for someone who is dead, but someone doesn’t HAVE to be dead for you to pay them your respects. Especially if you’re talking about an old Chinese martial arts master.

That’s pretty much how SF games work already. The current games pretty much always take place at the time they are released, while at the same time taking place “a year after SF2” or “a couple years before SF2”, etc.

And yes, that means earlier games in the series are constantly in flux as to when they take place as opposed to taking place during specific years. But that’s how SF works. It’s on a sliding timeline.

If SF took place on a fixed timeline, then SF2 takes place in 1991, and SF3 is specifically 5 years after SF2, so it would be in 1996. SF4 and 5 take place in between SF2 and 3. Which means SF5 would take place in 1995 at the lastest. You know, SF5, where characters have smartphones and a bunch of them are on twitter. In 1995…

It’ll take place a year after 3S. In the year 2021.

Same. Fuck other companies. Just make Capcom Versus.

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And the CFN confirms he is very much alive

Thats another, I would worried that throw alot of inconsistency of Gen if murdered by Akuma because the interaction involve with Yun, Yang and Chun li should remark it to Akuma, like a dramatic impact that they who see Gen dearly would talk about Akuma negatively because he took away a very important persona and inspiration to them.

Yet the death of Gen in the hands of Akuma isn’t acknowledged anywhere or by anyone close to Gen from any winquotes and dialogue between Akuma and Gen’s relatives or apprentice in SF3. So that so called murder event is still questionable if it that occured?

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Capcom Vs Capcom sounds something on vs Marvel games vibe thing

Give me vs SNK 3 and let me pick the cast on both sides pls

In that case Ryu was born in the 1990s and Menat was born in like 2004?

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