The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Kinda same thoughts but mine is slightly different, my previous theory was G remoting multiple brainwash Qs?

Why? Since Q is like all over the world. So it must be done by multiple people.

The thing is

After seeing G’s unmask alternate that @DoctrineDark posted here.

Then relating it to his concept arts

But I dont think thats likely to happen now.

Because of “Q’s” obvious height, So its likely him(G) or just a single person.

I just missed the stomp, it was fun to watch.

Yet Im not into Seth copying one of every fighter moves. Wanted his vacuum to be expanded as his moveset because that was his unique traits.

His previous moves were just like exagerated version of moves from other characters. So im not really liking it for a default usable character but those makes sense for him as a boss character in SF4.

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Only if we can have a redux of his SF4 shower scene like this:

Q was meant to be that way and this is the reason why it is totally not OK. The point of a good mystery is to drop hints so that you may resolve it, or at least when the solution is presented you realize that it was in front of you the whole time.
Q was never thought with a solution. Capcom wanted mysterious and so they did mysterious without bothering with a backstory. It is lazy, shameful and unethical. They took advantage of the players by pretending there was something to explore when there was nothing.

And the worst part is that 20 years after some people still try to make sense of something that was never meant to have any sense.

And so they did it again with G. Players are such fools, why wouldn’t they take advantage of them again ?

At least this time they bothered enough to flesh out the character a little bit and make him human and based on a real life person that used to be a fighter. G is from the wrong period of time to be in SF but it’s still a bit better in my book than a stupid robot.


The part why Q was that is basically know one knows him and only see him in photos in a distance.

He doesn’t have an interaction or a relationship with anyone. So it makes sense for him to be unknown.

Which is very different from G

G aims to be popular friendly figure in public, to be trust worthy and be regards as the president of the world.

His a welcoming person that is like a sportman too.

So him having no fake background or rumors surrounding his past or origin doesn’t make sense.

His very interactive person.

I mean the sense of their backstory should reflect is about their motivation and interactions.

Q has none with interactions and motivations

So its fair for him to be in the unknown area.

and G had those both.

G is the opposite of Q. G is very social.

The thing that they are similar is with few special moves and the no backstory.

G should had atleast multiple inconsistency in background and past that is known only to the few to make him a potential scheme villain and threat in future.

Its okay I also like G better than Q.

Both of them are interesting characters. Im just pointing out why the other makes had sense to had no backstory and the other should had atleast a fake or had an amnesia.

Yet I know why the Q was made that way.

While G needs to be that character you say because G aims to have a recognition in the public that is contrast to Q that is more of a spectator.

Maybe he was intended with a backstory, maybe he wasn’t. We’re not privy to the information. One issue is that after SF 3, the series died for years until it’s recent resurrection and now G appears to be an attempt to return to the concept. Also, you’re being a tad over dramatic over something you don’t know the full story on. I certainly don’t know what Capcom was planning with Q, no one outside of the team does. If SF3 walked a different path and SF4 was greenlit right afterwards, who knows where things could have gone. There’s not much solid info about Q, but lots to speculate. You don’t have to like it, but I certainly have had a blast over the years.

Again, you don’t know any of this for certain. You’re also not factoring that in the 20 years, the series was on hiatus and SF4 was done as a prequel to win back people. Dude appeared in the last game before it was on hiatus. If he was made in time for SF3, by the time of 3rd strike he could have had more.

Regardless, tons of things get changed from their original goal. If they didn’t have things in mind for him then, it certainly feels like they’re inching towards that now.


I think it’s cool that he can Kirby people now, but I think it’s stupid that you only get to use your stolen move once before you have to steal it again.

If they wanted to revisit the concept…why not just bring back Q?

He IS being overdramatic, but you’re fooling yourself if you think Capcom had any idea what Q’s deal was.

The mystery behind Q is the reason he’s a popular character, and G’s possible connection to him is what makes speculating about G fun. I doubt they had an endgame with Q back in the day, but G adds an extra layer to that and makes the whole thing more fun, and I think his purpose is to actually build on the whole thing. They knew what they were doing with these two. They wanted people to speculate and talk about them.

I think a character they actively didn’t know what they were doing with was Remy. Who is he? Some guy who doesn’t like fighting. Why? Because his dad was a fighter. Who is his dad? Who cares. How does he fight? Kind of like Guile, I guess. What else? He has a dead sister. Does anyone care? No.


Who knows, but at this stage they look like they’re doing something to that affect. They may just do “oh yeah, this is prequel Q with more fun and personality”, they may be saying “crap, we had nothing to go on from ages ago, let’s give him a facelift!”, they may go “okay, we’re going towards SF3 with SFV wrapping up Shadaloo, that guy that we were gonna tie to Q in SF3 4th strike Illumiinati beach party can be merged with the fighting president concept and we can just move him here”

We don’t know what they’re doing, but the fact that his costume and so many elements deliberately tie to Q and they’ve even acknowledged that show that they’re doing something intentional to bring Q back in a way. It may not be as simple as “plop him back in”, but with “20 years” as you guys have said, maybe they’re wanting to expand on the concept. Ryu and Ken were there in the original then the added all the shoto stuff, maybe with Q they’re giving him his Gouken and Akuma.

The point of Q is to speculate on who and what he is, and if SFV just brought back Q as he is with no changes, they’d be limited to the questions they could tease. G adds an extra layer to the whole thing. Who is this weirdo? Why does he move like Q? Is he Q? He has a Q-like costume, but he never wears it. What’s the connection here? G doesn’t answer any questions about Q, he just adds more, and that’s the point. Q by himself wouldn’t add much to the mystery, or he’d do the opposite and we’d start getting concrete answers on him. They’re going to ride this mystery out for as long as they can.


His obviously intended to be a mysterious character. Everything in him is suggested like that. From endings and etc.

The way the need to people to figure him out is way makes him a mysterious character. Even the visual design.

The presentation from interaction from SF3 NPC and narrative is already suggesting that.


Thats the different and opposite with G.

That is social and political from interaction, narrative and visual. Thats why it’s contradicting to him to lack atleast a fake backstory or an amnesia.

download (5)

That true. And if we are using what Capcom info regarding Q prior SF4. It’s definitely unrelated to any other SF character that existed prior SF4.

Nowadays they link him Viper? And mostly speculated to be related to G yet there is no clear connection because no one compliments about G to Q in winqùotes.

Agree, losing the mystery only makes Q just ordinary and would end up just either a broken tragic less interesting character.

Thats the ideal presentation and character of his.


  • Because they either planned to do a backstory for Q using G?

  • They think putting Q in events prior SF3 would do more inconsistencies.

  • Or they believe Q isnt as flexible character in the narrative to return in SFV

Their could be other possiblity and reason I didn’t might have think out.

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Do I think they had some grandiose, elaborate backstory? Nah, not really, but do I think they had a general series of notes, goals and an loose arc of where they wanted to take him? Yeah, I do.

Bingo. For me, at first I wanted a big reveal eventually, but got talked down from the ledge by some folks hah. Me, I’m fine with little teases leading to more questions, concepts, factions etc. A bit of knowledge here, a new question being sprung up here.

Do you think they would have kept the secret during 20 years just in case ? We have design notes and documents about all SF games starting with alpha. If there was an intended direction that linked together all the ‘clues’, it would have been documented somewhere and we would know by now.

Maybe. Street fighter is a game I use to love, I don’t take kindly to people spoiling what I like, even if they have the legal right to do so. Not much I can do about except ranting, so I rant.

Because anything added to Q would in fact reduce the mystery and so reduce the interest to the character.

I think we can all agree on that. How you can see this as a positive is the real surprise to me. Wasn’t there some TV show (‘Lost’ or something) that did that exact same thing and when it was time for the big reveal everyone ended up disappointed ?
My bet is that they have no intention to ever reveal anything about G either. Just continue to milk it as far as they can and drop it at the end. Maybe revive it again 20 years later to milk it some more.

Q was much of a Balrog replacement.

But I don’t know, the fact G and Q sharing a similar naming and a couple moves doesn’t necessarily mean they’re related.

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Yup but there is a chances that Q might have copied G moves from seeing it without knowing G personally.

Yet the alternates with the mask in G. Has something to speculate but not to confirm anything.

Why they didn’t ‘simply bring back Q’?

I guess they simply didn’t feel like. Q is not much exciting as a character.

I remember Capcom had been for a long time playing with the idea of designing a ‘fighting President’, they clearly saw their chance here and got a design they were excited about, so they did it.

As for the naming and Q moves, maybe they simply thought those were effective moves and so they gave them to G. Because… IDK, they didn’t want to think that much so they recycled? :stuck_out_tongue:

Or simply… they’re common kicks and punches and anyone could use it without much knowledge?

Or could it be simply a tonge-in-cheek reference.

Didn’t they give Chun-Li a Jun Lin Milliam outfit? That’s only because those characters had a couple things in common, not because there’s a canon connection between them.

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I think the key there is not think there’s One answer, but realize there are two different storia

1- What SF3 team wanted do with SF3 cast/timeline 99 years ago
2- What SFV team want do with SF3 cast/timeline today

Is clear SF3 guys thought they will have got another chance at SF for the next chapter, SF3 is so full of unexplained stuff or stuff sill to see that scream “see you next SF”

SFV guys still barely touched SF3 realm, but example we already seen they changed stuff on Gill story

I don’t know what was Q’s mistery in SF3 guys minds, but i think with G SFV ones may have chosen to give their own take on it


With all this talk about Q, G and Seth

I hope the future agents (not G or Q) of so called belong to this organzation would had the same treatment like Seth in SFV having 2 alts.

So the mystery latter intensifies.

Has two voices and unique win quotes.

Both both interaction with others are the same with Q. So they would be like an army and not be confused to be Q or G.

Quoting myself expanding this

Since “G” has a celebrity like persona that probably seen on anywhere from both television and social media.

It safe to assume that Q saw what he can do by watching one of his videos.

Like an example in the movie trailer Champie where the robot named Chappie is copying He-Man which it saw in the TV.

Im not saying Q is a robot but I just trying to find a link between Q and G having some similar attack without heavily connected to each other.

Yet this senario is complete the opposite with the situation of Seth in SF4 era and timeline having very identical normals to the likes of Gill and Urien.

Why? because Urien and Gill haven’t yet revealed themselves in public prior to SF2 events. They are careful in there identities being revealed which is opposite to what G is to Q.

Discreet(Gill, Urien) vs Social(G)

Unless Shadaloo has data both Urien and Gill already or Shadaloo witnessed few individual prior to Urien and Gill that used to led the Secret Society.

Or maybe Viper and Juri at the service of Seth in SF4 had already infiltrated the secret society and gave the data to Seth when he was regarded as a supperior of the two.

I guess, I just…don’t see how that’s any kind of positive.

That’s your typical JJ Abram’s “We wrote a bunch of mysteries on Lost with no idea what the reveals were going to be.” horseshit. It’s the same crap that ruined the most recent Star Wars trilogy.

It’s cheap and manipulative and when the reveals get made up later they always end up disappointing.


Tbh if Q end up being G’s destiny after V events it will benefit both characters in my eyes

Q will quit being a mystery for the lulz of the mystery itself (and still, had the chance to be so for like 21 years anyway), and gain an actual backstory

G will gain suddently a piece of history that link him into have took part in one of the most legendary SF chapters… and make more interessing Q destiny in an hypothetic SF3 timeline continuation

Some will hate it, but personally i will like it

At the end of the day, as long as they don’t make Dorai Q, I’m fairly flexible with his fate, cause I H A T E the Dorai-Q idea and it doesn’t really work.