The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

You need to read more.

That weaken the effect tbh

I’m not against have a character killing another in definitive way, i’m just saying it should not be one classic as Sim

Specially considering that imho him and Gief are the two SF2ers that got a great charisma boost in SFV

Example Seth dying at Bison’s hands was ok, could have been definitive no problem

Gen dying at Akuma’s hands made sense, problem there has been the execution, with a char that existed since SF1 dying in a two illustration mini animation in a game where he’s not even playable


lol what do you expect with this? A Joke?

Thats kinda weird, Same thing with Seth’s Ultra in SF4. It worked with Akuma because it was on illustration.

Just make Ryu first defeated then Dhalsim cames to aid but defeated aso then Ryu save and return the favor.

Then Necali is destroyed by their combined efforts but Ryu is the one finish job.

Yet ASF story is already over it’s okay.

And that Necali form from CFN profile/illustration didn’t take place to exist in ASF. So Dhalsim isnt necessary anymore to that and we go back to Kage and G.

It doesnt made sense because Akuma has a pride in fighting atleast in Alpha.

It’s a major thing sudden change pride change standards and self imposed rule is totally out of character for Akuma and to redirect it to Gen.

Plus it’s totally disconnected that the likes of Yun, Yang and Chun li which had important relationship with Gen didn’t had no future negative compliments with Akuma in SF3, because of Gen’s death in his hand.

Lack of dramatic impact,

Same problem with Guile, Abel and Nash reunion in ASF.

Yet those happened already.

It should had been the death from leukemia that was the build up and more meaningful conclusion to his character.

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I maintain that Necalli’s prophecy WILL happen (kind of a shit “prophecy” if it didn’t), but in SFV Necalli woke up too early and didn’t have the right people to go after. Just to offer some replacements:

  • Ryu: I used to think he would devour Akuma once Ryu finally defeated him, but now I think he’s 100% going to eat Kage. We know from Nash that he goes after spirits, and that’s all Kage is.

  • Dhalsim: Given the number of fire users in the series, this could refer to so many characters, but I have to assume it’s someone plot relevant. Post-3S Gill (after Urien’s ending weakened him) or G would make sense.

  • Bison: This section refers more to a psycho power user than Bison directly, so it’s almost 100% Ed. Even Seth’s story just referenced this plot thread with Seth mistaking Ed/Falke for Bison due to Psycho Power.

I think Necalli was canonically woken up years earlier than he was supposed to because of the Black Moons. Bison likely intended this as a means to test Ryu (which, even if he’s devoured, Bison will just bitch slap Necalli and take his body anyway) while still keeping him out of most of the action, as Ryu is one of the few ASF protagonists that would probably beat FANG/Claw/Boxer easily.

I’m probably giving Capcom writing way too much credit, but Necalli definitely isn’t a lost cause.


Necali isnt worth it anyway to appeal more, especially if the would be sacrifice characters are the ideal ones to stay that many liked and used.

Why are we trying to figure out a character that already done with his role and a what if ASF senario. Its done already, His along the rest of the filler characters like Seth.

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You don’t need to resurrect him, he’s not dead.

I don’t see him beating Gill himself, no. I see it as a “Gill gets beat by someone else, then Necalli comes in and eats him while he’s weakened.”

This. Basically Verse from KoF14. Really lean into that Buu shit. He eats a bunch of people to build suspense, but then when he’s defeated, everyone is released.

You can even make it so people come back restored better than they were before. Nash get’s his whole body back, Gen’s disease is gone, etc.

Just a real good place for everyone to be in going into SF6.




I dunno about that happening now since time’s passed and I think most people want to move on from Necalli, but that would have been a good separate story campaign to run parallel to what we got in SF5. Split the anti Shadaloo forces from the martial arts spiritual quest guys. Have Bison be the instigating factor in Necalli waking up, have Ryu, Dhalsim and others deal with that, some get eaten, have the others face off in their ASF scenarios, maybe have a converging path and then have those eaten released like you said.

I just feel that it’s been too much bad management of Necali for anyone to care about him coming back and him being beaten so easily that it would need more work than necessary to put him back on top like this.

Well, again, there is no “coming back”. We’re still IN SF5, and Necalli hasn’t gone anywhere. He lost a fight to Ryu and withdrew just like the other fights he lost. He’s not banished or dead.

IF we get a 2nd Story mode, there’s no reason Necalli wouldn’t just be hanging around still.

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Some terrible ideas these past few posts… I can’t believe I’m actually on the story board of SRK now. Feels more like GameFAQs.

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Guys, how many times have Akuma and Gen actually fought?

I know the first battle took place during Alpha 2, and apparently they fought again in Alpha 3. I kinda remember Vasili posting an encounter between them that was mentioned in a SF4 prologue guide or something. We all know Akuma finished him in SFV.

So that’s potentially 4 battles. Seems like…a lot of battles.

Well, the alternative is that those characters are just gone forever. And if you think that’s a better alternative you can just go ahead and eat ALL of the shit.

They won’t admit it, but it’s fun for them.

Twice I think.

Alpha era and SF5. Akuma refused to fight Gen after the first time, and the only reason he fought him after SF4 is because at the end of SF4, Akuma became “eviler” (as evidenced by his more bestial appearance). Meaning he now would allow himself to fight and kill a sick man.


II hope there is a way that Capcom can undo the death of Gen and Nash return to a more better state after SFV.

Nash return in SFV was a waste potential.


Since last time I was talking about a topic with the live action.

Mike Moh as Bruce Lee versus Mike Tyson in Golden Nugget Last Vegas.

For a short fight scene for an SF live action without story just fights.

Someone did something in MK11

Yet Deep Fake would be more ideally useful to give a Raul Julia, Kylie and Vandame Tribute as parody SF character guest in MK titles. SINCE Its very unlikely for a crossover to happened.

Because there were good parts of Q ?

Mystery is all that Q had and 20 years later people still want him and discuss an empty mystery.

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Exactly. G’s mystery is literally the same as Q’s mystery, which has never been revealed, because I’m pretty damn sure THEY NEVER WROTE IT.

“Oooh, it’s a guy with no backstory and mysterious letter for a name. What’s it mean? Fuck if we know, but the fans sure will love speculating about it!”


Q backstory is okay compare to G. Since Q was meant to be that way and remains unknown to many because the fact that no one really encountered him in SF.

The last known story about him is that he is under investigation by C.Viper.

Im not saying G terrible character for lacking backstory, the thing a out him is he is the opposite of Q his an expressive person and vibrant that show off.

So the mysterious past doesn’t fit well in his presentation compare to Q or other that was presented that way.

ei. Akuma, Gill, Urien and or who ever character you think that acts behind the scene.

G is not someone that acts behind the scene. He should have like somekind of fake background to confused people if he aim to be a president of the world?

That where the part I understand @DarthEnder is pointing out his lack of backstory is simply just lack of backstory.

They didn’t even gave “G” atleast an amnesia right? He needs it but they didn’t include it. Probably Q will be written like that if he would return in future SF titles.

Don’t get me wrong. I like his character like I said before his one of the most likable new characters in SFV and that includes me that likes him as a character.

G should had a fake backstory to makes his character scheming and shady. Contrast to his character that wants to be presented as the president of the world.

Another problem is those that probably meet G never said and compared him or remark to Q in SF3 win quotes. Another factor why G should not be Q

That a few like members of the secret society or shadaloo would remark G like you are not saying your true past? Your running about your past?

There is something in the background that makes him a shady individual to keep being suspicious about him rather than blank like Q.

Or “G” having an amnesia would have been better.

I dont know if he @Shockdingo would agree on me with this since his fan devoted to the two(G and Q).

If it would make sense that G should had a fake background and amnesia or have him not.

Guys, what do you think about the new Seth?

I think I liked much more his old moveset.

The new Seth has way too many moves, also some of his moves and animations (like his new shoryuken, his roundhouse kick, all his spinning, the Hecathonquires to some extent) are plain dumb-looking.

In the end, I think I liked his SFIV version the most. I miss his tackle, the triple Shoryukens, Hyakuretsukyaku, etc.

As for looks, IDK, maybe in his next apperance (if there’s any) it could be interesting to see him with a ‘Baron Ashura’-look, that’s half male and half female appearances, depending on the side he’s facing :stuck_out_tongue:

Q is an agent of G. That’s my theory.