The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

What’s the story, honestly? The whole Satsui no Hadou or the body swap or cloning or Rose’s prophecy or Necalli’s devour-our-our or whatever could all be acceptable McGuffins for Ryu if they led to any series of events, but they can never be a story by themselves. Ryu spent his time in SFV sitting by the entrance of a cave and that’s what he’s always been doing. :man_shrugging:

As an example of a simple story, I can buy Ryu Vs Sagat as a story of rivalry, especially from Sagat’s point of view which has led to great character development on his side, but I just fail to grasp the story of Ryu Vs Bison at any level beyond Bison wants Ryu’s magic.


I could write a better story for an SF game in a day than what we got in A Shadow Falls


what would I change in the story

  1. first Guile, Cammy and Chun-li would be the ones in charge with the U.S Military , Interpol and Delta red working together. Karin wouldn’t be the leader but her company would be use for their resources.

Probably true. But you’re not a “mere fan” are you? Neither is Darc.

Not sure if this was posted, but the Shinkiro art is nice


If they want to get the Kanzuki clan involved - which in itself is not bad - they just needed a scene that shows that interpol and the military have been compromised as mentioned earlier.

Byron could’ve been Shadaloo or Illuminati. Or the Black Moons could’ve focus emp’d miltary targets.

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Well I actually planned a great story to end KOF and the whole SNK universe…


This is true, but I also find it sad that Capcom didn’t hold their Playstation exclusive milestone title of SFV to a higher standard


This is great and all, but where’s the Nostalgia and Fighting Chance costumes for Ken, Dhalsim, Cammy, Kage etc ???


I’m going to have to hit up survival on PC. FM getting low.


They got both Evil Ryu and Kage in Puzzles and Dragon


Maybe we’ll get Evil Ryu at Final Round lol

It feels like Lilith Juri: Akuma or Gief look better suited for the costume but I’ll take it anyway.

Should have made Kolin -Tabassa instead

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LOL Alex-Leo was in my Halloween wishlist 1000 years ago :smiley:
-click and then click again for full size -

But tbh i’m tired of that stuff outside Halloween, give me official costumes… still waiting SF2 alt for everyone’s still missing it and SFA Bison

ps: btw code version will probably be human Leo


What if season 4 gives us O versions of characters from the classic games.

I.e you select Dhalsim then can choose sfv (regular) version or an O/EX/whatever version where he not only looks but plays like classic Dhalsim with the horizonal fireball. Charge vega! Green hand gief! Psycho crusher bison! Etc.


Will be fun have an alternative version for each that could be used in non-ranked (maybe just in rooms?)

But at that point i will not want it to be classic past games based, i will prefer another “Omega mode” where they put all that experimental stuff they surely did for SFV but never used in fear of break balance

Omega was interessing to see how they create, example most of Omega Ryu changes in SF4 got an incarnation in SFV Ryu: axe kick, target combo 1&2, Vskill, VT2

I’m sure there’s lot of fun stuff they got and never released

But before even thinnk about that give me fucking Critical Arts 2, i need to ShinShoryu people and russian skies still unprotected.
So many will benefit from an interessing CA… they can give Falke a psycho fart as CA2 and will still be better LOL

On general CA are great for characterization

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It was my idea to begin with before he just photoshop it.

Then labeling his… lol

When Ken was change visually to his request he became obsess on labeling stuff. It was even a wrong choice. He puts it in his sig as a bragging rights.

His desperate claims of labeling everything as his or sometimes his first. Isn’t helping things to happen and implemented because he commonly used it mock and brag against Capcom or how better he is without having no idea of what technicality is.

Honestly Cestus is a skilled person but not idealistic, innovative and creative as an individual.

The only thing I like with his costume was Nero with Ed idea of cestus. And also his CFN nostalgia edits was good, Trying to be fair.

While mostly all he does is parrot and echo the ideas of other that are pioneer Bigmex and most from streetfightermiscelleny website

While I try to find something new and never been thought before.

I was the one that started the costume set topic.

All his into was Ed being Nero and for the black top change for Ken on SFV costume.

You can check the original link below:

You can check the original link below:

Actually I didn’t just post it within the storythread or another dedicated but also spread it in whole forum and other Capcom related websites by attaching it in my sig and being an active part of a discussion in newest FGs under development.


I use to be constructive dealing with his argument and attacking his arguments but he throws in tantrums by calling people by derogatory accusation without knowing the person such us they don’t no design and the random guy in the internet without realizing other people probably a much broader field on design than his that was in the Sagat request of his. It’s like he never been in a creative or indie forums where it’s more rationally to criticize design rather than falsely accuse someone. When he sees people posting female request he calls them vaginas in the character thread. He underestimated me for not posting photoshop stuff like his lol

Without even realizing my methods of design isn’t as narrow as his and I also know much better than he knows that’s why he likes it even he hates me lol. I would just admit it I’m not into sports combat but it’s not a necessary basis for the situation I’m discussing.

I myself don’t even talk that I was the one with this and that, that no other one has even thought with those things.

The first time that I only claim something was after more than 4 years after because I need to explain Seth narrative purpose in the storythread which I even include in my original request post, and also the others when I came across to the likes of cestus that labels things as his then mock how he is better than those designer in the field.

Because if I write something it was done purposely that’s why it has details not something to cool and trendy or to be used as bragging rights.

Same thing with the SFV Arcade mode that was not similar to the previous Arcade mode, which a like my Redux episode.

Even Zero G Gouki in TVC that was nearly implemented according to the interview was I am sole person that had the robot Gouki in the wishlist and his sig.

The only thing that was never happening ever since was the beat em up mode in a Capcom Fighting Game that I continually requested even from MVC3 development stages.

My Extra Costume thread

On topic.

Interesting thoughts but probably that could be implemented as a V-Skill 2 rather than same character different moves like MKX does.