The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

To be honest I disagree on that, matter of taste I know, I guess it was quite an iconic moment in my head canon (and the actual canon prior to SF4 release, tbf) to simply do away with it and replace it with such an anime trope as we saw in the aftermath, I understand if people disagree with me but I guess I just prefer the old canon regarding Bison’s demise during WW2nd arc.

Akuma backstabbing Bison before the final fight demeans both villains and robs the heroes of their purpose. It’s terrible.


Nah, I can totally understand that. I wasn’t even aware of it possibly being a canon occurrence until I started visiting SRK. I just assumed it was an in-game thing. The whole move just seemed like a direct contrast to what Akuma stands for imo. Bison is totally focused on the challenger and Akuma just blindsides him?

You’d think he’d want to see the extent of his power before unleashing his most powerful technique on an off-guarded Bison.

I don’t see how is that a backstabbing if there was no real relationship between the two prior, I always saw it as Akuma demeaning / despising Bisons artificial methods while showing him what true power is. I don’t agree with it betrauing their purposses by any means, its an in character thing to do for Akuma and also for Bisons to fall for as he is completely invested in his technological stuff (Psycho drive, spare bodies, etc) to really pay attention to.

I dont think Akuma even “cares” to give a fair chance to someone like Bison, he is not worth his time given Bisons means and artificial yada yada for Akuma to even consider giving Bison a fair fight, to me is understandable Akuma despises Bisons mere existence.

In summary, Bison existence and means are in direct contrast to what Akuma stands for.

If his Alpha 2 ending is anything to go by, he considered Bison, Gen, and Ryu as candidates that could possibly give him an actual challenge. Up to that point, he’s only fought Gen and Ryu. He never met Bison. For him to even consider him would imply he’s sensed or has an understanding of his power. If not, I doubt he would’ve even thought about him.

From Alpha2 up to the events of SF2 its a considerable amount of time for Akuma to know what Bison’s really about and decide he is trash after all, I mean its fine to agree to disagree I guess we just dont see eye to eye regarding Akuma.


I want Honda to come back.


They wanted dat Black Jack manga aesthetic (and vibe, even beyond aesthetic) for Nash in SFV, specially old look of BJ

That’s why both gray skin and big visible stitches

Aside the reference (wich i like a lot) i’m ok with it

The gray parts is where they (Illuminati) recreated the missing parts of Nash after the giant ass chopter gatling ripped lot of flesh from his body, using the same material of Eleven/Twelve

The giant stitches are because they want it to be a visible detail from classic SFish kinda far camera

Of course the illuminati could have made him look more “normal”… but reality is they never gave fucks, see Necro or Twelve.

To them Nash was just a weapon, a very short life broken toy with a kamikaze mission

I liked the quote vs Necalli where he call it “a battle between monsters”, he does’nt even try to make it something else… he know to be a Frankenstein monster and he’s ok with it as long it give him a second chance of kill Bison

It’s purposely grotesque and freak, aside aesthetic preference (good they gave from start a legit nostalgia alt costume) i think they motivated well that concept

Me too
SF veteran and Sumo rep

From the SF2 arc him and Fei Long are the only i really miss, i’m ok with no T.Hawk and DeeJay


I’m so sad seeing a mere fan write a better story than a huge company like Capcom. Wasted potential, indeed.


Too bad it’s not actually better and sounds exactly like what a “mere fan” would string together.

I knew you’d be here to diss it, but whatever. Every single thing except for Chun-Li actually being the one to take Bison down (and that shouldn’t be so only because of Rose’s prophecy) is better than what we got.

I could write a better story than Capcom. The fanfic I wrote in high school is better than what they put together. It isn’t a matter of talent but consistency. Build on prior events and call back to them. It’s why I like how TFS tells Dragon Ball Z’s story better than the actually anime. Comedy aside, they are consistent. They remember what they did before and will call back to it. It creates a narrative worth following. Paying attention to what happens is worth it because you know it will pay off down the line.


I have said numerous times on what i think Storymode would be better.

I agree with the thoughts here on Chun my stance still remains that it should be Ryu as the finishing blow…

And also I even said Chun li going for young girl is a sign for her maturation over the situation regarding Bison status.

That she accepted that Bison is beyond her and it’s not about the score to settle because the struggle isn’t about her alone. What she did was more sensible and a reflection of her maturity and growth as a female for going for the girl.

What i was into is replacing the Karin ninja with more akin to the SFV trailer.

And Nash death having an impact to Bison like everyone else though of replacing his with an alt costume.

But the difference is I want Guile would also participate in the fight with Nash before Ryu arrived.

I also wanted Dhalsim to lead Ryu to the way were Bison is and saying it is his destiny.

This would make Bison less obsessed with Ryu and also make sense for Guile.

A two on one fight with Bison is underwhelming for Bison in his status quo.

I also wanted Fang hand rising from the debris in the ending scene as a meaning that he is alive and remove the falling scene of Marz and Fang. Just make Marz escape and Fang goes to Bison because he is facing many fighters.

The Abel, Guile and Nash was really meh it had no impact.

Thats what said in the previous threads and still doesn’t change.

But props for that guy for including Thawk in Kollin team. Which is a better adjustment.

Abel was drop easily throughout the storymode but doing the same with Thawk would be better.

Why? Because it would just need to replace the model and a little tweak to the script.

Then add a ending scene where he was reunited with his kidnap friends.

By replacing Abel with Thawk we could have a better resolution to his character.

Even without the need of him to be interactive with the likes of Nash and Guile, and also without the need to reappear in later scene other then the ending scene.

While what I didn’t with that guy opinion is about Karin having a tournament.

I’m okay with Karin participation in the event what i didn’t like is that she the one giving orders and planning to the likes of Guile and Chun li.

What Guile and Chun need for Karin is just for asking permision to use her resource but the OG world warrior leads her and her took part of the plan.

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You’re late to the party. The video was already posted and my “dissing” of this guy’s dissing is just dessert. Scroll up for the main course.

Very true, the key element of making things interesting to follow and satisfying is by making things “consistent” and relative to each other and their universe that the character lived through.

That would make sense if this wasn’t a fighting game.

I mean, it’s poetic and all, I guess, but the thing is, someone has to fight Bison because this is a fighting game and the whole point is to punch each other. The fight is going to happen, he’s the final boss and it is supposed to be the climax of the story, so you want to make it mean something. The fight happened indeed, and it meant lol nothing because they chose the wrong hero with no story.


At this point, this has become willful ignorance, rendering any discussions on the matter worthless. I would expect this kind of understanding from casuals but not from SRK veterans honestly.

Yes but her protecting the little girl instead was the right thing to do in that situation rather than leaving child alone standing there plus that would be also significant for her character in SF3S.

We all knew that the SF4 aftermath battle with Bison had already happened and that event was satisfying because everyone had manage to give a hit on Bison which is good.

However I very much agreed with the negative impression with the battle between Ryu and Bison which is really meh. I myself is against the thing that is to make it more Ryu vs Bison because an anime did it therefore it’s correct logic lol.

It was treated personal between the two rather than group of people stopping a powerful evil person becoming more powerful and using innocent as his resources like SF4 aftermath.

Capcom should always consider that there are more things at stake against Bison which is not the same thing with a score to settle match that is personal like Ryu vs Akuma or Ryu vs Sagat which everyone should be in the sidelines watching.

Im just okay with Ryu landing the finishing blow or being the key figure on Bison’s defeat but not with the logic of score to settle in match is not a good idea, then using anime reference as an excuse to validate an event is poor analogy.

Think of this, If people are watching a film from long running franchise they dont need to refer to other external sources not occurring in the same fictional universe to validate the event as a good thing unless it is a reboot, parody or it is based from real life, The thing is SF now is a major franchise as it’s own.

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