The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


Last night, while I couldn’t sleep, a thought crossed my mind. Abel should have been Alex, storywise. Now, I know Abel is cool and this sounds crazy, but hear me out on this.

  1. Nash would save Alex from one of Shadaloo’s bases while he was young, probably a teen and place him in the care of one of his mercenary friends, Tom.
  2. There’s clear from Gill’s interest in Alex that there’s something special about the guy. Well, this same special thing would be why Bison was after him as well and why he was in Shadaloo’s custody. He would be a great potential kid, much like Ryu, descending from a long line of mythical warriors.
  3. Because of his lineage, Bison can’t outright possess his body, but that wouldn’t stop him from cloning the guy to hell and back, starting the new host bodies project.
  4. But the combination of Alex’s ancestry and Bison’s Psycho Power would lead to one of those clones to gain sentience, resulting in Seth’s rebellion against Bison.
  5. Alex’s line in this case would be from a lesser branch of his familiy, the original main line being kept secret (explaining why Bison goes for him not for these other guys) by the Secret Society… which in modern times is represented by Gill and Urien. This would make Gill and Alex distant cousins and also explain why Alex’s clone, Seth, is so similar to those two guys.

Now pick your mind of the floor after being blown and tell me this doesn’t make so much sense?


Interesting thoughts.

I have also something with Gill and Urien as a clone of Seth and another one were Seth clones were from Secret Society havested genes.

Im still confused what with Abel having a linked to Seth. Is Seth a human before like Abel but latter modified into something like that form.


Capcom didn’t really bother tributing with G to the Q in Ken stage rumor.

Maybe they are really meant to be separated or not even related to either Q or G.

Or the guy there is just another Cyborg Monitor in disguised.


I got a simple idea on why Alex is “special” to Gill

Alex could have been one of the babies born from Illuminati members, destined to a life of genetic modifications and harsh training to end up in the dangerous final fight for Illuminati’s presidency

Alex’s parents saved him from all of that and, as traitors of the cult, paid with theyr life for it

What Gill see in him (realizing it or not) is a rough diamond and even familiar vibe, as Alex came from same bunch of super selected parents (Illuminati heavy into eugenics) but did’nt gone under the years of special training and genetic stuff Gill/Urien gone through

Is fun Alex got similar height but different muscolar development, wich can be explained by different lives
If he grown up in greece trained to become a perfect pankration fighter he will likely have NOT developed that 80s american pro wrestler built

Can say Alex could have even been a rival to Gill’s claim, as if he grow up in the Illuminati, likely will have took (it was’nt a choice in the cult) part at the fights that seen as final Gill vs Urien for the president title

About Seth having similar body proportions to Gill/Urien

Seth (and his “generation”) are an evolution of Shadaloo’s monitor cyborg (STILL were monitor cyborg)
Shadaloo took for years and years data on fighters from all around the world
Illuminati passed fuckton of time into eugenics and other stuff aiming at the ultimate physical perfection
Will not be surprised if other candidates all shared similar physique to Gill/Urien

After collecting all these datas is possible they (Shadaloo cyborgs) got data on Illuminati fighters too and theyr body type has been judged the best “model” of all for next generation of cyborgs… wich is not surprising as theyr design essentially incarnate a capcom version of perfect olympian greek but 2 meters tall lol

During same spying sessions they could have also stolen some of Illuminati’s Pankration moves (the ones Seth “copied” from Gill/Urien)

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To be honest I’m not keen on the idea of both organizations being after the same guy. If we must follow the trope of the Special One at least I’d like each organization to be looking for different things and finding their respective special guys. I understand the idea could lend itself to some interesting dynamics with both groups, but it’s just not my cup of tea.


To be honest there would be no real dynamic between the two in this case either. For Alex’s story the Shadaloo stuff would at most be a sidetrack, considering how Abel himself is useless in 4 and in 5 his intruder role could literally be anyone else. The only important thing would be Nash saves him and gives him to Tom. Seth is still Bison’s thing and his biggest contribution is creating the Feng Shui Engine. It’s just some backstory that ties the two eras together a little more, but are ultimately inconsequential to eachother.

The problem with Abel was his whole story being shit in 4, both his and Seth’s actually

Dude should have got his final showdown with his evil “brother” Seth, taking his beating with Seth calling him an inferior lab reject, then eyes that turn black and it’s no more nice guy time

Abel is the perfect char to play the underdog gimmick, dude is ever kinda gentle/naive but when goes berserk he wreck shit

Personally i liked to be him the undercover one in ASF, the part when Gief “save” (LOL) him was a nice link to theyr interaction back to SF4

Gief ever have that crazy uncle attitude with him lol

I also liked it because imho in SF4 played on russian wrestler being friendly with russian sambo guy
Is fun because in Russia wrestling/Sambo/Judo pratictioners often know/train with each other, there’s some sport cultural link there, is link if you’re a grappler first and then the style
Wich make them comrades :smiley:

Imagine like being fencer first, then chose the sabre or epee or foil for your career

Also going more specific Fedor and Karelin are friends, wich is as close you can get to Abel and Gief in real life lol
Knowing capcom i will not be surprised if they played on that too, theyr fight sports culture is deep


Gotta agree about Abel’s story.

He goes nowhere and does nothing. Seth was a really weak villain and Abel should have been the one to beat him. Instead…basically everyone and no one does.

The story of SF4 lacks all dramatic or satisfactory resolution.


The viper aftermath and the ties that bind seems okay but the in game is kinda complicated.


By the way, I have The Ties that Bind Blu ray that came on SF4 back at release, but all of those SF4
Shorts (like Viper’s aftermath) never came out officially aside of Youtube, right?

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I think you mean “convoluted”, not complicated


What would you do guys if you may have a chance to edit SF4 in-game storyline?

Which would you change, retain and remove?

Disagree with him when it comes to G & Falke’s themes, they’re great, especially Falke’s (one of the few things they did right with her).


Stupid costumes make the game look dumb and silly.


That Sakura costume is surprisingly good.


Are all bad tbh
Actually are’nt even bad, but are not best way to go

I mean i was all for occasional crossover alts, but should not be that many

I wish chars got more alts functional to theyr concept as SF characters instead most of the “themed” shit we got

Fighting chance were a good idea but TERRIBLE format, with huge wait and shitty FM sucking model

Still waiting SF2 Ken, Sim, SFA Bison (and SF2 Ryu pls) and stuff like that, instead burn one looooong ass turn of fighting chance on Zangief-with-a-mask lol


What the fuck is that Gief costume? Would anyone ever spend Fight Money, especially with how little they give out lately, for this? The Mega Man ones at least have the crossover novelty.

You’d think Karin would make for a better Roll Caskett.
Waiting for Vega+Glyde