The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I’ll create another revision if I have time by merging some of my past post, about SF1 and ALPHA combined with this one.

I was confused and never thought before that SF4 was a tournament too, until SSF4 and that ties that binds is a canon thing?

What about the Juri OVA? was it a canon of some sort?

I remember seeing a manga staring Viper in a SF book from japan? correct me if I’m wrong.

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The Aftermath trailers, TTTB, and Juri OVA are all canon, and they all take place months before the actual SF4 tournament.




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Yeah, many aspects of TTTB is canon. There are some inconsistencies such as Cammy and Viper first meeting in SF4 despite Viper beating the crap outta her in TTTB. Chun-Li learned about the BLECE project in TTTB, which we see her mention was still taking place in Ryu’s SF4 prologue. The Juri OVA is completely canon and mentioned in Super SF4.

Basically, all of what took place in the prologues and endings of SF4 stands, but Super told the story from a different angle. For example, SF4 has Chun-Li’s prologue basically revealing nothing other than she’s teaming up with Guile again. Her ending has her being saved by Guile and Abel when Vega tries to trap her in the room with gas. In Super SF4, Chun-Li’s prologue has her talking about Seth’s escape, the fact that he was hosting a tournament not too long after the “Juri incident” (Juri OVA), and the connection to Shadaloo. There are other endings that are continuations to the ones seen in SF4. Similar to Alpha 1 and Alpha 2.

So while there’s no Juri in SF4, with the way SF4 and Super SF4 were structured, it was easy to add her in along with her story without it creating any issue. There was enough room for her arc to take place before the actual tournament.

So, it’d look something like this: TTTB–>Juri OVA–>S.I.N. Tournament


Not a Menat player but smacking fools upside the head with a teapot sounds fun.


EDIT: I thought the nurse costume was Vega until I released it was Kolin :sweat:

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Capcom didn’t link G to this theory…

They felt different already…


Well, I mean that colour is a tribute to the Mask, and that screenshot, while previously just a fan theory, looks to be included in the canon via Wayne Nakamura’s entry of Q first being spotted in an American Port. Until they move further to Q I doubt that the old Ken stage guest will get any focus.

Also about Q:

Stuff like this makes me wish Capcom eventually included an idea like Echo Fighters, so that G and Q take the same slot, but through this method, they could change out some of the magma effects to focus on Q’s superior strength and durability, then, you could still choose him and he could have his own character story. I dunno, I think we’re are a place where, unless they drastically rework Q in a way that separates him from G akin to how the anatsuken bros are different, he’s not different to be a whole character, but by having a two in one deal, this could work nicely. Apply such a method to Evil Ryu-like EX characters and you’re golden.


The talk about Ken’s SF2 stage just makes me want to see that stage return for V. Hell, I’d be down for his Alpha 2 stage to return. We get to see Rival Schools characters on the Kanzuki Beach, so I’m all for seeing more Capcom reps on another stage.


I want some SF3 stages.


I’d like to think that Q can still make it in, especially if they decide to redesign his gameplay and animations. He’s still very popular, and G’s surge in popularity is likely at least in part related to people’s demand for Q. They could even explore making him look a little different since this takes place years before SF3. Maybe show us how G “recruited” him?


It’s a strange day when eventhubs vote something right

Sure shitty evil Ryu too high and Necro too low, but overall i was someway


Tbh while cool most of SF3 stages were’nt that iconic

I like to see (and use) Kanzuki one day version as some variant of SF3 Ryu one though

Necro if ever step in will take russia halloween as his own

Will like to get a cool Illuminati stage (not necessary a SF3 remake one) if Gill ever step in

Btw i expect 1-2 SF3 stages when more SF3ers come

Urien and Ryu 3S stages are pretty iconic I think.


Urien one is one i want actually, and funny it will work even better as Necalli’s stage (being atzec Mexico)

If you mean Egypt one i will like that too, also Menat will get a stage that way

Dudley was cool too but i’m ok with the london station
Same Alex, bew NYC one cover him well

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Something interesting I saw during SFV’s Arcade Mode: if you come across G as a “New Challenger” and lose, continuing will automatically put you up against Sagat. The part that stood out was that this battle takes place at the Ring of Power stage with the Shadaloo Kings watching. Any other encounter with Sagat in Arcade Mode takes place at King’s Court. After defeating Sagat, you final battle still takes place at the Lair.

It’s just funny thinking of a scenario where the Kings are chilling while observing Sagat in a tournament setting. Imagine all of the shit talking that was taking place:

Bison: “Hmph. Hard to believe this disgrace of a warrior was once a King not so long ago. The idiot refused to follow my vision after realizing he couldn’t stomach the way I went about things . No amount of power can eliminate cowardice.”

F.A.N.G: “He looks so…unimpressive to me. What a waste of time. Muay Thai is no match for my poisonous arts.”

Balrog: “Whaddya expect? Fightin’ s’all he cares for. He’s justa washed up fighter now with no aspirations. Good riddance.”

Vega: “Not interested in discussing the values of someone as ugly as Sagat. (Not that any of you 3 are any better. Beauty is so lost on these idiots. My elegance and strength are unrivaled. This tournament is boring. I’d rather be looking in a mirror than these pathetic matches.”)

The only other time a Ring of Power stage is utilized in Arcade Mode is during the final stage of SF1. The last few battles in SFV always take place at the Lair, while Alpha and 4 usually have the last few battles taking place at the Shadaloo base.


That internal monologue had me loling. :smile:

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Tbh i just feel some chars have been replaced and add them at this point will feel redundant even if they were the originals

My 2cents

Falke-Rolento (maybe Poison too)

You forgot Urien-Gill

(50% joking :blush:)

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Gill is mostly about having that ice-fire combination of powers at same time as signature, from there if they redesign his normals (and modify specials a bit) staying pankration style not only will be ok but welcomed too

Essentially his biggest uniqueness is untouched by Urien in

An Hugo had his reason of life being THE giant, Abi in totally steal his gimmick

On G/Q i feel similar, they took so much from Q to make G that at this point i want see where G story bring him… mostly because i believe they’re the same char and Q is essentially a defeated, post SFV G that suffered experiments
Wich will explain Q trying to do the moves he used to do -better- as G