The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Ryu’s second V-Trigger is called 確固不抜 (Kakkofubatsu), which roughly translates to determined or steadfast.

Awwww, i was hoping for some blood splatter.

I don’t believe it’s a mistranslation. It’s a matter of Capcom changing the backstory during the Alpha series, and now they’re simply changing it back. Much like how they’ve retconned away Charlie’s Alpha 3 death.

Why would the casual fanbase have any reaction to it at all? Everyone knows Ryu scarred Sagat. Him using SnH to do it was something the casual fanbase was never aware of.

Agree it isn’t a mistranslation probably it’s Capcom forgot those important factors of the story or Capcom just trying to rewrite stuff to make Ryu’s victory legit.

As of now I have doubts with Ken and Sakura vs Bison and the Evil Ryu vs Sagat events in A3. After seing this SF1 comic like panel and being reminded with Nash retcon in A3.

I’m referring to a demographic that is aware of a lot of story elements but not keen on actual details and facts discussed here and on a few other websites and are not necessarily part of the FGC. Guess I should have been more specific.

Looking back in the past, All I can say is that The Arcade Edition was a good decision.

I someone that is good at anticipating things from trends and events because of past experiences and profession while can bring some obscure good ideas and faults prior before it becomes a mainstream.

Ideas that ain’t just fascinating hear or good read on paper but also in actuality just not a momentary appeal.

I think it’s good to bring this even I don’t think to bother to bring this again.

And I always give credit were it was due this was blizzards and even it it’s unknown I will point it out, If it was mine I’ll rather be enjoying it silently because all I care is the end goal. Since It’s nothing exceptional to be brag on as if it was a breakthrough that discovered a unknown species of insect. I’m not a jerk that would claim to write and predict the future but rather someone who would initiate great ideas in actuality and organized stuff.

As of Now

I think it’s time to bringing back Flash Back battles/Memorable encounters like SFA3 did to Ryu vs Sagat callbacks but in a more deeper sense for plots in Extra Battle like using NPC. It’s like a single battle that tells a story or a confirmation in past events that they did happen or dreamed before. A Futuristic encounters based on SF3 are also fine.

Sagat vs Go
Sagat vs Adon
Sagat vs Dan
Ryu vs Adon
Zangief vs Haggar

NPC: Can be independent NPC models or an NPC version of modified existing characters.

Go, Dan, Joe, Mike, Geki, Retsu?, Adon, Gill, Seth Clone, Hugo, Hinata(Sakura), Kyosuke (Nash), Maki, Haggar (Gief), Mecha Zangief (Gief), Cyborg Monitor, Oni(Akuma) and Evil Ryu(Ryu) … Violent Ken?

They can even add US base Shadaloo Troops like Blade in SF4 the movie just by using Nash Alt in a different stance.

Random Select Modes. - Variant in using Random Select.

Twelve and Eleven that acts like Marionette and Shadow in Vampire Savior.

…Just a final update to finally make this a good game.

**Xkira Arcade prediction **

Looking back at Xkira prediction I see it to be like Third Strike style arcade the first time i have seen the interface but It never turned that way right?

Xkira admit that also in one youtube comment that it was a Third Srike style arcade mode but instead we got an episode style arcade mode very different from the leak layout. It’s hard to prove that he is making stuff since it can be an earlier alpha version but the results of the final product is very different.

It wasn’t even a mistranslation. Ryu using a SnH Metsu Shoryu was something that came from the SFA manga from Nakahira. It was never mentioned outright in the source material of the game, but people adopted the idea because it made sense. It’s a similar situation to how everyone thought Gouken had died because most of the media depictions of him had him dying. The source material never said Gouken died, it was just that Ryu and Ken believed him to be dead after he fought Akuma. Nothing changed or was retconned.

So assuming that this is Ryu’s SF1 ending:

And this is Ryu’s SF2 ending:

Then every character getting six different endings for each arcade ladder seems to be legit. My only query is what about characters who weren’t in other games? Will Alex get a Street Fighter 1 ending? Will Juri get an Alpha ending? Looking forward to seeing how Capcom works this out.

Maybe each arcade ladder has a different roster of characters you can choose to play as?

Maybe you can only play the SF2 ladder with OTHER SF2 characters, for example?

That’s what I was thinking, but that goes against the whole ‘There’s an ending comic panel for each character in each path’ that was mentioned. Going off that it seems that everyone gets an ending for each game.

I don’t see how that’s possible. Ed might not have even been born during Street Fighter I, Necalli was not around at that point, and Nash spent several games being dead.

Now Capcom would truly out do themselves if we ended up getting nostalgia costumes and remixed character theme songs of previous games or adding the themes from those games. Cautiously optimistic about that. They’ve kinda already started the trend… Maybe we’ll see at least some more SF2 stages (c’mon Sagat!!!)!

Which is a weird thing to think about when you consider that SRK is also your basic anti-air and combo ender.
I guess that was supposed to be the real-deal, Super version of the Shoryuken.

In all honesty the manga version of Ryu’s encounter with Sagat was much better: it made more sense that a beginner Ryu could only defeat a master like Sagat thanks to a surge of the Satsui no Hado (even as far as SFV I think Ryu is still mostly on par with the rest of the cast, his ability to tap into the Satsui no Hado and the Power of Nothingness is what enables him to take on people like Bison for a short time), the fact that Ryu only won by using the Satsui no Hado and almost killed Sagat because of it (by catching him off guard too!) made for a good dramatic moment for both the audience that gets to see the hero acting in an unexpected villainous way and for Ryu as he questions himself and realizes the danger of his power.

It was a strong start to Ryu’s plot of trying to deal with the Satsui no Hado, an adequately strong start in the very first game of the series.
This version instead? It looks far, far weaker. Why stick to it when you have a better version available?

That scene also established that Wake up DP is canonically an evil and scumbag thing to do in the Street Fighter universe, which is an important moral lesson to learn in my opinion.

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That was my guess, or more realistically each of the six paths will have a standard “generic ending” for the characters that are not native of that game.

Like in SF1 you get legit character ending only for Ryu/Ken, but you can play as everyone else getting the generic SF1 ending

The no SnH thing makes Sagat seem like a big-time loser and detracts from his boss status, IMO. Think about it: A random boy can beat the (now) so-called king. At least with the SnH involved, we had a good excuse for Sagat to lose and an actual origin story for the SnH. Also Ryu’s character, journey and his Alpha 3 story is better all around with the SnH involved in beating Sagat. So far Ryu has become officially “Evil” only once and that’s for about 5 seconds in ASF against Necalli. Ryu’s character would also be much deeper with him beating Sagat while tapped into the SnH vs. without using it in a future game, i.e. development.

This is good as far as drawings go, but it is really, really bad otherwise, because it’s a watered-down version of the story we’ve come to know for so long. Now I know Sagat has no chance on earth to even stand against Ryu. Why does he even bother after SF1? Adon has every right to be pissed at his former master, because I am too.

SF1 had the simplest and most clearly told story before. Now it’s a mess. Next thing you know, Ryu also beat the hell out of Gen in that game.

For Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, seriously people would troll with Sodom and Gamora teams and I would laugh at the people that got triggered.

Actually, it was from Z3 SNH Ryu ending where there’s a flashback of Ryu defeating Sagat.


However the game doesn’t make clear if it was from the SF1 event or if SNH Ryu fought Sagat during the Z3 events…

And that makes the first retcon when compared with the original game… Back in SF1, Ryu didn’t scarred Sagat… This whole thing was updated in SF2. Probably, only Ryu (Ken?) will be playable.

About Ryu’s SF2 ending:

Vega: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ryu! You must hate me! So that Lord Vega will become invincible.

Ryu: Do not be mistaken. There’s no hate within me. I just wat to fight agaist strong opponents.

Vega: Well said, young boy. Heh heh. So you’re afraid of me, the one who is known as the devil itself? Are you afraid of the death that I bring?

Ryu: Even if I lose, I’ll be sated.

Vega: Very well then, DIEEEEEEEE!!!

sounds of a severe beating against Ryu.

Vega: It ends here! PSYCHO CRUSHER!!!



Vega: He he. I was defeated…

sound of Ryu’s footseps

Vega: Where are you going Ryu? You defeated me! Rich and fame from all over the world will be yours.

Ryu: I don’t care about such things.

Vega: Huh?

Ryu (from a distance): You better treat your wounds. Bye.

Dialogue source: Street Fighter EX Drama CD.

Interesting to note that they used the SF2WW Super Famicon version of the ending.

Do you really think that Capcom intended and want Ryu to beat Sagat without SNH after the MVCi thing Level 3 has SNH or this is just another mis communication from the artist?

Any idea who draw that comic panel for SF1 ending?

That’s a logical sense to make it work than making his facial aspect not just to think that it indeed change radically.

Other way around which is better is to carefully do Birdie facial aesthetics that would make his face more closer to his SFV facial structure mold. Then turn his skin color to pale pink with heavy dark shades and tone to look it like being inflamed and heavily irritated. Yet it is doubtful that Capcom would give that attentions to his niche character.

It isn’t weird when you consider that when the Ryu vs Sagat story was written during the original SF2 there wasn’t such a thing as Super Special moves. The specials that each character had were their trademark finishers and were the best tools in winning a match. It wasn’t until the addition of Supers when the regular specials became more basic.

Exactly why I can’t say for sure because that ending never specified if it was a flashback from SF1, or if Ryu had fought Sagat again as Evil Ryu and beat him the same way because that flashback had him wearing a dark gi as if he was Evil Ryu.

Also, I wouldn’t call Sagat being scarred a retcon from SF1 because that game barely had any story, to begin with, and the ending was basically as generic as it gets. It was more like an addition to the story because we already knew Ryu defeated Sagat in the first one, but in order to show the repercussions of this they gave him a scar and said it was because of a Srk.

I much prefer it when they just strait up retcon plot inconsistencies rather than have to perform writing gymnastics to try and explain them away.

“It was actually a different character back then” is WAY WORSE than just saying “Yeah, we draw him different now.”