The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The throwback to Seth’s SF4 boss intro (sitting on the hand) with the extra arms in his SFV ending is actually really cool, not going to lie.


As in the original Doll Unit? Predating the living incubators we saw in SF4?



Well that makes the body’s designation make sense. Doll Unit Zero :thinking:


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The whole Seth thing other than making me remember Dural and the Cycliods.

The transition of the body in a different physique from makes me remember the two version Geegus. The difference is Geegus was turned into a stronger version of the previous which is the opposite of Seth.

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To this

In game sprites




The artstyle in that SFIV ending is actually pretty good. UDON, I suppose?


What’s even more interesting is why Bison chose his first ever doll unit to be female.

At this point none of us are surprised


I’m thinking out loud here; Bison had 3 generations of “children”:

1- Generation 0 (Cammy, Decapre)
2- Generation 1 (Abel, Seth)
3- Generation 2 (Ed, Falke)

The first cloning line was also the first to be “cyberized”, and augmented with machines to the point of no longer resembling humans (e.g. Living Incubator program). Previously, it was understood that Gen 1 were the first, but clearly these experiments go further back in time than we knew.

Juri was sent by someone to the SIN facility to retrieve Doll Unit Zero, but accidentally activated it which initiated a hidden protocol that downloaded Seth’s data into the defective and old vessel.

I’m gonna presume that someone is the SS, because we also saw Urien hanging around the ruins of an SIN/Shadaloo base in his character story. Also because Juri’s only “ally” during the events of SF5 has been the SS.

Kolin’s win quote implies that they thought Doll Unit Zero would be a useful asset but after she saw what Seth has become, she changes her mind.

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I’m sorry, but he’s clearly inside of some kind of broken logic loop as well.

He keeps repeating the same 3 lines over and over again.

Like he goes “I’ve finally found you Bison!” then defeats Ed, and when Falke draws his attention, he goes “I’ve finally found you Bison!” and then attacks her, like he doesn’t even remember fighting Ed, 5 seconds earlier.

Yes, he’s detecting their psycho power, but the fact that he can’t even seem to tell the two of them apart shows it’s not insight, he’s just broken. And the internal computer voice pretty much confirms that.

Well, it’s possible she didn’t. Both Juri and Bison’s endings have them killing Seth, only one of them is likely canon. It could have just been the Bison one.

Disagree. A. Individual character stories were still in the game at launch. B. SF5’s story mode is still my favorite one in fighting games.

Wtf! That’s what I said back when it was stated that his body was Doll Zero, that the body was probably a prototype for the later, numbered, Seths.

Everyone said I was stupid!


It’s both. Psycho Power and Bison are synonymous is what I am saying. Only Seth, Gill, and Rose/Menat have made that connection at this point in the story.

Anyway Seth’s fate is hellish in a way that only a victim of Bison can be. It’s like he is stuck in a time-loop in his head chasing after shadows of Bison over and over again, “defeating him” and never savoring the victory, rinse and repeat. Forever.

The question is; how much of this is in his head? And how much of it is actually Bison fucking with him for shits and giggles?

I still don’t think I’d describe it as “insight”. I think he just has the ability to detect psycho power, and because he’s broken, he probably sees everyone with psycho power as Bison.

He’d probably see Decapre or Abel as Bison as well.

My original point remains. He’s just an out of control robot, and that sucks.


I would argue that this is not Seth as we knew him who was at least partially organic. This is an artificial copy of his personality, a corrupt one. Seth is dead, and this is his purgatory.

I find this angle more compelling in the grand scheme of things.

Well, sure. But I didn’t want a corrupt copy of Seth. I wanted an intact one.

I definitely don’t, because the story it’s been in so far has ALREADY gotten REALLY boring and repetitive.


Maybe he has a future. Maybe someone will restore him or at the very least put him out of his misery. Until then, he will roam the Earth, cursed for all eternity. Reminds me of Cain’s fate from the biblical story of Abel & Cain.

I assume at this point that Seth is just going to roam the world aimlessly until he runs into the real Bison where he’ll no doubt just get destroyed again lol. This will conveniently allow Capcom to use him again whenever they suddenly decide to bring him back, which could be completely random given the fact that I think it’s pretty likely Seth was a last minute inclusion and probably was never intended to be in SF5 until they decided to invoke the whole Championship Edition thing.

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Now that the roster is more or less complete, I think Capcom intended on Gill and Seth all along. The arcade mode was set up to be this way.

In fact, I think every character in every season was planned out before S1 even started.


Probably the last time I get to do this. So let’s hit it up one more time.

I feel the Seth to Chun-Li quote feels kind of like a shrug-off. I don’t think Chun-Li has any direct interactions with Seth in SFIV. Even in the OVA, she’s just a spectator of Seth in action (assuming the OVA is canon). So I don’t think there’s anything too wrong with this. Seth needs Data, Chun-Li can provide him data, problem solved.

I feel the Chun quote would be something she would say if she were to fight Seth. She gives off the “teacher” vibe with this quote, which fits, considering the role she takes in SFIII. But because she has no direct connections with him, other than investivgating the organization as a whole, I can’t give any more than that.


So G is SFV final boss


That’s not my reading of Seth’s story. I can only speak towards what was within the presented story, I don’t know of anything that has been outside.

Juri was sent to activate a male body. We know she was sent specifically for a male body because the person on the phone informs her that she’s activating the wrong body, a female body. We can imply that she was specifically sent to activate the doll, because she treats the activation as the completion of her mission. Juri is not stressed or surprised that Doll Unit Zero is activating. When she’s told it’s the wrong body, she cheerfully laughs about it being too late as it is already activating. When she’s told to do nothing, she replies “It doesn’t matter as long as it works”. After realizing she’s revived an increasingly deranged Seth, she simply treats it as a failed reboot and leaves.

My interpretation:
Juri was sent to upload/reboot Seth into a male body, though it isn’t clear whether she knew it was Seth specifically. Instead of the male body her employer expected, the female Doll Unit Zero was present. Juri, not knowing that gender mattered, started the activation on the assumption that she had the right doll. (On a related note, there is a sound like a keyboard click after Juri is told it is the wrong body. Could it be that Juri, already getting annoyed by her employer, intentionally activated the doll after learning it was the wrong one? That would fit her attitude afterward, assuming that sound really was supposed to be a keyboard click and not something else.)

Gender did matter, which is why the person on the phone was upset about Juri activating a female body. This is also why I assume her employer was trying to activate Seth specifically, whether Juri knew it or not. Otherwise, why would he be so concerned that she’d activated a female doll? While the upload completes without issue, Seth isn’t compatible with the female body, and starts to break down. Soon after, the System Voice starts talking about errors in the personality formation and integration.

Seth tries to hunt down Bison. As Ed is outside with Falke instead of Balrog, Seth’s story presumably happens after Bison is already dead. Seth instead finds Ed and Falke. While Seth is clearly deranged at this point, he is not just seeing random people as Bison. Falke specifically says that Seth is attracted to their shadow of Psycho Power.

The story ends with the System Voice calling for the personality module to be reset due to serious error, as Seth rushes towards the purple Bison head that he continues to see even though Ed and Falke have left.


It might not be even to detect psycho power,

The whole psycho power talk of Falke with Ed is nothing but an assumption because they are trying to find logic with Seth’s craze and weird action in front of them.

They remember themselves in Seth when they are in captivity within shadaloo base.

That clearly is an indicator that they just assumed the whole psycho power in them is the cause.

Why is it not with Ed and Falke that Seth chase or after?

Because Falke and Ed only just conclude it by linking their personal experience with Seth action in front of them and what they felt and sense with Seth’s pressence/arrival because they are currently clueless of whats happening in that moment.

Falke nor Ed wasn’t even having chills or flashback of there experience becausr it just on Seth head and what ever Seth chase there was just in his head not something of detecting psycho power with the two.

The point is what Seth is fighting is not with the two(Ed and Falke) and they only assumed it.

What Seth is fighting is just within his/her(Seth) head not with the two(Ed and Falke) thats why they were able to leave without them being track and followed by and Seth still remains fighting.

We don’t get a follow up of Seth tracking and stalking the down two latter right? Because everything that Seth sees during that encounter with the two is not with the two but with Seth because it’s all in Seth’s head.

How about the whole Shadaloo Platoon and Cammy?

The diaglogue from @Doctrine Dark refects on the case of Bison and Cammy already dialogue.

Yeah His clearly broken not informative or insightful.

Exactly the point it’s not really them or with them that Seth was chasing and fighting.