The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That quote was refering to Daemos claims and theory that Seth wasn’t insane or malfunctioning but instead having insights of the future of the two which I say is false. Just back read a bit of his bizarre claims of Seth havìng insight or glimse of what would be the fate of the two.

The thing is it is clear that Seth is broken and malfunctioning thats he even not confused them as Bison but Seth didn’t even confused confused them as Bison but seen something else in there background that the two even leaves him/her.

Seth is clearly broken and not seeing the two as Bison. Because he even wasnt able to detect the actual Bison.

The thing is Seth wasn’t even refering to the two of them.

In Fact you can look at the Seth storymode as references the twò(Ed and Falke) already left Seth but still he is fighting a unseen persona.

Its like Seth is having a hallucination.

Or It might be just Phantom Bison stalking the two from behind but unseen by the two.


You can also refer to the winquotes and dialoques. Especially with Seth and Bison.

Seth is just nuts. If Phantom Bison were present at minimum he’d taunt Seth. More than likely he’d just take over Seth’s body.


I’m pretty sure Phantom Bison is lingering around Ed and Falke, and that is what Seth picked up on. He may be malfunctioning or his personality files may have been corrupted during the data transfer process, but what was going on in his character story was not that. It appeared that way to Ed and Falke, but we know that Bison is actually there waiting for the right moment.

Several characters like Gill and Menat have recognized the dark fate that awaits Ed, Seth sees it too and is trying to stop it from happening (the reasons for doing so are irrelevant).

It’s an interesting twist for the character, almost makes him heroic.

We are not disagreeing there. I just like to see SF5’s lore in the context of the series as a whole and not compare it to other fighting games directly because each game prioritizes this aspect of their franchise differently.

I would like to see character stories, arcade endings, and a general story all return in SF6 and have them all interwoven and connected so that you would need to complete them all to see the totality of the story. It’s fun and allows plenty of room for layering and development.

I agree with you. I said it before and I’ll say it again, the Nash reveal trailer was what raised my hopes for the story of this game, but then I saw the game had no story at all until the general story arrived and that was another disaster of sorts. Too many newcomers that add nothing to the story is the number one issue, I believe. And then we have the likes of Falke (is she a Doll or not? Why is she different from the other Dolls if she is?), Zeku (why is he still around after Guy kicked his ass and overthrew him over a decade ago?), Sagat (he learns of Ryu’s demons in the game he actually overcomes his dark side?? What have you fucking accomplished, “emperor/king”?)…

I actually like the inclusion of Seth, but not like this. If I were handling the story, I would focus on two main things: the fall of Shadaloo and the rise of Secret Society. I would include everyone that has a beef against Bison (T. Hawk, Rose, maybe even Decapre over a shitty newcomer like Falke) and let them deal with him instead of an absurd character like Karin and her tails Ibuki and R. Mika. Then the Secret Society part would have an undead (or unexploded, if you will) Nash becoming a part of SS due to gratitude and actually one of the first believers of Gill’s utopia since it was his technology which revived him and allowed him to do (take revenge on Bison) which otherwise seemed impossible to do. Then I would add characters like Twelve, Necro (both of whom I hate, BTW) to expand on the inner workings of SS.

Apart from these two points, I would have a “free” but still lore-based selection of characters. That would include Gouken (what the hell is his story? We see him once in Ryu’s story and then never again), Abel/Seth (either would be the SIN representative. Since Ed is too much like Abel now storyline-wise, Seth would be a better pick, but he [yes, he] would actually find a way on his own to come back to life, showing the threat that AI/digital organisms present and he would go after Juri as the one who took him down), Gen (wow, such a great character getting wasted in just one panel… That’s disrespecting your own legacy, Capcom), mediator characters like C. Viper, Q, Oro (his backstory would contribute a lot to the events happening around the beginning period of SF3) and some obscure/fan favorite characters like Remy (I believe he is the richest character in terms of lore, but is slept on. Connect him to Nash at this point or something? I don’t know), Fei Long, Rolento, Retsu, Geki etc.

BTW, I was expecting to be proven wrong in the end, but nope, the best storytelling in the SF series still goes like this:


So happy Capcom doesn’t listen to fans and just does its own thing.

Yet but based on the winquoted and direct interaction with Bison he doesn’t read it.

His clearly just malfunctioning and hallucinating.

And whatever your saying with Gill and Menat isnt something that appears to be realiable and justified because they are likely just anothed theory of yours.

I disagree. Seth has no concept of time. Seth doesn’t even know his visage is female. And the longer Seth is awake the more unhinged Seth becomes. This is indicated by the system voice indicating further corruption as the character story goes on. Seth’s neural network is in an increasing state of collapse. Honestly no one has to shut Seth down. It is only a matter of time before the unit ceases to function due to increasing file corruption.


While overall I like what they did with Seth, I feel like they’re another character whose story is shown through gameplay and quotes than the actual story mode.

I think it would have been better focus on a few other things than just Bison burned my crops and poisoned the water hole. Though that most likely have to do with the format of character story.

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I agree with everything you just said, and I don’t see how it contradicts what I said. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Seth is right in his sensing of Bison in Ed and Falke.

Neo-Shadaloo and G are headed towards the spotlight in the next SF game, and all these character stories are the foundation for the coming conflict.

Wrong, Seth is not sensing Bison in Ed or Falke, according to Seth’s storymode.

Seth is hallucinating that Bison is around añd the two got confused and thought that Seth was refering to them.

The thing that Seth sees is not with Ed and Falke but with Seth. Because whatever it made them think and of that is with Seth’s arrival and presence. Obviously right.

The hightlight here is obviously them seeing and remembering themselves during captivity in shadaloo lair that they see it in Seth’s current actions of having hallucinations or perception of seeing things that is unseen for them.

This also indicates that they just assumed the whole psycho power in them is the cause, but the contrast here is either they just conclude it by linking there personal experience with Seth action and what they felt with Seth’s pressence/arrival or the current situation in front of them because they are currently clueless of whats happening in that moment.

But them leaving and Seth still remain fighting an unknown figure clearly states thats not about them but its about Seth malfuctioning, broken and hallucinating.

Since two latter found out and realize it wasn’t really them that Seth sees as an enemy or it’s not them that is trying fight with and it’s not chasing either or after them. Then the two leaves while Seth still fights something there else that could be a product of Seth’s hallucinations because of probably beeing broken and malfuctioning.

Seth wasn’t even seeing them or aware of there presence.

Even the interaction with Seth and Bison says the otherwise.


Oh, so you prefer things like Gen getting killed in a panel, Karin leading an entire army of veterans,Sagat doing nothing for settling the scores with Ryu, Kage coming out of nowhere to fill the Evil Ryu slot when we made sure that case was closed in the previous game, Ibuki being a manhunter or Sakura wanting to bang Ryu to seeing a connection between Nash and Remy? That’s nice.

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No, what Daemos usually imply is that Capcom should believe the fanfics and the theories he is favorable of and making Bison more uber powerful entity in the whole SF universe.

Then make all other villain and anti hero be unlikable and less appealing to be bellow Bison.

Thats why he urge other characters to be complicated or be killed in process. His the number one that “motivates killing of characters” if you look most of his previous comments but wont accept an a counter and threat to psycho power and bison to be existence in the later stories.

He would downplay and trivialize it quickly, but exagerate and make other things to make Psycho Power and Bison to be over anything to any other villains and anti heroes.

Not necessarily. But I also recognize that this is a game first and foremost. Players love Evil Ryu, and Kage is a thoughtful way of giving players their character without compromising the lore or introducing “what if characters”. Kage played directly into the events of ASF.

Karin got more air time than I was comfortable with, but she wasn’t leading an army of veterans. Hyperbole much? She was being extremely useful since she is the richest SF character since her inception.

Ibuki being a manhunter and Sakura wanting to bang Ryu are intrinsic to those characters, and not SF5.

Sagat and Ryu moved beyond settling scores once Sagat understood Ryu’s struggle in SF4 and more so in SF5. They will meet again at the end of their journeys.

There is no connection between Remy and Nash, anymore than there is a connection between Seth and Gill.

I’ll give you Gen though. Always knew he was going to die and die at the hands of Akuma, but he deserved a better farewell.

Seth’s story:


It begins with Juri in the middle of a discussion with an unknown person on the phone. She’s been directed to locate the remains of Seth, but seems to have found the wrong one. The figure of a woman is shown as the System Voice announces the finishing touches of the process. The man on the phone pleads with Juri to stop everything, though Juri doesn’t care as long as it works. Juri hangs up on the man and goes to take a look.

Juri addresses it as a “little piece of junk”, much to the dismay of the lifeform with a familiar voice. The voice belonged to Seth. While Juri is shocked, Seth doesn’t quite understand her reaction. Seth claims that it defeated the other one to become the true King. Juri has no idea who Seth is referring to, as Seth continues making threats about that one and his group.
Growing more and more angry, Seth attacks Juri while telling her to never call them by that number.

Seth continues having a breakdown during the proclamation of their identity. The System Voice makes note of a personality formation profile reference error in the midst of Seth’s malfunction. Seeing this as nothing more than a failed reboot, Juri leaves, and Seth is left to deal with the aftermath of their identity issues. According to the System Voice, the error level of Seth’s personality integration exceeded its threshold. Seth was now left with one purpose: to find that one guy and defeat him. That one guy is Bison.

Seth eventually comes across Ed and Falke. They’ve finally found the one they’re seeking and are going to defeat him. Ed has no idea who Seth is. Seth informs Ed that Bison created Seth, gave him power, and now that same power would lead to his undoing. Ed is reminded of the nightmares he once had after clashing with Seth. Ed tells Seth that they have the wrong person before Falke steps in to take on Seth. Seth now recognized Falke as Bison and mentions that they’ll send them all to hell before attacking.

As the maniacal Seth continues gloating about their status as the King, Falke is able to understand that Seth is not seeing them for who they are. What Seth is seeing is the shadow of their Psycho Power. That is why Seth’s constantly confusing them with Bison. Ed and Falke then decide to leave once they’ve realized Seth is not their enemy.

The mad Seth continuously states, “It’s the beginning of my era!” and “I am the king!” before dashing towards the demonic shadow he’s fixated on. The System Voice makes note of the serious error that occurred, urging the user to reset the personality module as the story ends.

SF4 Ending:

SFV Ending:

Shadaloo Data:

Done. Done. And done.


“Original”? That’s… What?

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Greetings man. Many of us do understand where you come from.
To support some of these notions, there is actually a video on the subject of the SFV plot. I will showcase it a little later after work just to highlight a couple of major issues and then carry on with the conversation about what the next steps might be for the SFV: CE upkeep and the potential follow up for SFVI.

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The only thing that Im disappointed with Seth in SFV interms of story and narrative interaction is not knowing why he had mostly of Gill and Urien influences on moves on SF4.

I was hoping that it would address on his dialogue with the two.

Something that would be àn official and in-game reference of explaination from Capcom rather than were left assuming with speculation and doing theories.

That Shadaloo had data from secret society past leaders and incorporate it to Seth like clones or he had copied it from one he encountered.

Or he did make a previous encounter with either Gill and Urien before SF4 events that he used them as templates.

But it safe to assume that he had already data that can be also implied he learned it from either watching òr encountered.

As for the gamplay, How i wished they expand Seth vacuum abilities in VTrigger that sucks opponents in for setups and traps.

I will also miss the multiple head stomp it was really amusing to see in his moveset in SF4.


This is actually Gen’s apprentice design, apparently then used as a Seth body

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They mention it in the concept art articles too. Lady Seth is supposedly the original Seth.