The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Seth concept art time, not from CFN, but from the Playstation Blog.



I like the way they show how Seth’s hair loop is tied.


Seth: “I’ve finally found you!! It is time to have my revenge!”


Juri: “… Who gives a fuck? I’m out.”

Seth: “W-WHAT?!?!?”

Juri: “Later!”


Leaving Seth idle makes him say one of three phrases.

“You’ll become a part of the king. You should be honored.”

“Data is the tapestry of world history, therefore, I am the world!”

“Show me your skill! Don’t hesitate!”


Can someone get an idle shot of nostalgia Seth next to Gill? And maybe one with SF4 Arcade boss Seth too, then put together. I really want to see that but I can’t play these days…

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While at it, anybody can tell if nostalgia Seth have code version?
I doubt i will play till tomorrow

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sigh So Seth is basically just an out-of-control robot now.

That’s disappointing.

I’m not getting on board for this.

People are calling him insane for seeing Bison in Ed and Falke, but that shouldn’t look insane to the audience because we actually know what’s going on behind the scenes. If anything Seth is INSIGHTFUL not insane.

Then again, he won’t be able to become whole again until he addresses his “personality failure”, which according to his SFV ending requires him to defeat Bison to get over him and find inner peace.

Some of these burns against Seth are so damn mean!


“Seth to Cody: “Your techniques are mine now, street thug.”

Err, I haven’t watched Seth’s story in SFV yet, so it may be the chronology of stuff, but USFIV Seth speaks in the EXACT OPPOSITE way when he beats Cody in that game. He says something along the lines of having him pegged for a common street thug.

Finished Seth’s story last night and while I enjoyed parts of it and what they were trying to go for, once again just poor writing and a feeling of a last minute rush job reminds me of why this game’s story has so many problems and how in the future Capcom need to actually plan out the events of their games and the characters that appear in it instead of just whinging it and creating extremely mediocre content that has no actual bearing or effect on anything they’re trying to build.

So many of the character stories in this game just feel so absolutely worthless in the grand scheme of things. I know not every story has to matter to the main plot but the way they’re presented just makes me feel like I wasted my time playing through them. Character stories like Abigail’s and Honda’s where they’re just the same still image reused like five times with nothing actually happening and with no development for anyone. Character stories like Cody’s and Falke’s where we get nice insights into the characters but again, nothing really important or even special happens to make it worth sitting there for five minutes. Then we have the character stories like G’s, Seth’s and Kage’s. You know, the ones that desperately need a good narrative to help the player explain and justify why this character exists, especially when said character is a complete ass pull to justify a certain arch-type gets in (cough Kage cough).

G had so much build up surrounding him and it was just wasted on a nothing character story with nothing actually explained. How was he linked to Q? No answer. What were his powers? No answer. What was his origins? No answer. Just a bunch of goofy fucking nonsense that Ono gets off on with no real effort to actually justify why this character effectively replaced another character.

Kage as a character was just a complete waste of time and I’d honestly rather they brought back Evil Ryu and made him non-canon. No other character in the HISTORY of Street Fighter has ever been more useless as Kage was in this game. He came in from seemingly out of nowhere, Capcom did a million backflips to justify why this thing even existed and how did his story end? Ryu laid on the floor and said he wasn’t afraid of him or some shit and Kage vanished. Fuck off. What a complete waste of time.

Seth’s is the most tragic here as I do think there was some good stuff in here with his insanity and mistaking Ed and Falke for Bison, but man once again it just felt like the writers found out last minute Seth was being added to the game so they rushed a story in five minutes and gave the notes to Bengus to draw. There was no explanation or reason given as to why Juri wanted a Doll body, (and they didn’t even hint as to who she was talking to) almost like they just wanted a character related to Seth to activate him again and not an actual reason as to why he was reactivated. Then at the end of the story Seth just walks away and we get no resolution or hint as to what happens next for him. So does Seth keep going after psycho power people? Does he just wander the earth aimlessly during SF3? Did he die on the way back to his home planet? I don’t know and Capcom clearly don’t either.

So this brings me back to my original point of writing all this which is that I’m honestly afraid of how Capcom are going to treat a game that goes past SF3 (which is looking likely to be SF6), because I after this game I absolutely do not trust them to do it justice. It’s clear the writers understand these characters, but they have shown a clear inability to write any form of a meaningful plot that has an intriguing opening and a satisfying ending. I perish the thought of them trying to justify certain characters coming back in a post-SF3 world after the quality shown in this game. Anyway I’m rambling so I’ll stop now. I just hope Capcom actually plan their stories out for SF6. I want a cohesive narrative, not some jumbled up mess with half the roster getting meaningful stories and the other getting irrelevant trash.

tl;dr: The story in this game has been trash and I hope Capcom improves big time for SF6.


I would argue that relative to other SF games, SF5’s story has been the best and most coherent. This is not to suggest that it isn’t flawed, just that Capcom has made dramatic improvements from past entries in the franchise and that if this is any indication, SF6 will be even better.


I shit on SFIV alot but Vanilla SFIV actually had decent story presentation. A lot the endings were interconnected, which made it easy to determine what happened. Story presentation got worse with each update though. The opposite of the Alpha series. Alpha 3, from a narrative standpoint, was the series high point. The presentation got better as that series went along. SFV is hit or miss. Some story elements are good and allow us to speculate. Some elements are clear misses.


Bro Ryu got some buffs, Conmrade Zangief May benefit from overall changes…
Good, still i was hoping for major buff on Ryu’s VS2

Also this pls :smiley:

Nostalgia Seth gets the broken body costume with the code.

As expected :frowning:

Let’s hope for a Fighting Chance Seth

False, His not insightful or insane, he is clearly broken and malfunctioning. There is no such thing that Seth or another doll not even Bison having the power of preconition or seeing to the future.

The presentation via character stories has been good, I will agree with you there, but the overall quality and consistency has been all over the place ranging from exceptional to downright embarrassing. While I do hope character stories come back for SF6 (combined with SF4 style arcade endings) the overall quality needs to improve dramatically imo.

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You don’t need precognition to see Bison in Ed and Falke.

That’s interesting. In Japanese, Sagat is always referred to as 帝王 teiō “emperor”, although the Japanese language includes numerous synonyms with roughly the same meaning but different nuances (such as 天皇 tennō, reserved for the Japanese emperor, or 皇帝 kōtei for Chinese and generally foreign emperors). In particular, 帝王 teiō is used in figurative speech to mean someone who excels in their area of expertise, exactly like king is used in English (e.g. “the king of chess” for a chess world champion). I believe the confusion arose from that, whether they choose to favour the literal meaning (emperor) or the figurative (king).
Tl;dr: the point is just that Japanese uses “emperor” to mean “great champion”, whereas English uses “king”.


-Hmm, interesting, who’s Juri talking to and why’s she in this facility. When does this take place?

-She seems surprised to hear Seth, so where’d they get the brain and what were they expecting?

-The state of Seth’s brain is interesting. They seem to be in or resetting to an early state - resenting their number, not realizing Juri turned turncoat, not being aware of what’s really going on – not reacting to “seeing multiple Bisons in a row.”

I found the details and interactions interesting and enjoyed this, but I REALLY want another volume of story content. General story or a big ol’ lore filled story mode II. I get setting things up for 6, but there’s some rather large gaps that make the transition a bit rocky at least from my pov.

Interesting concept art, the first one immediately made me think of Alisa Boskonovitch, I liked the last few (Ying Yang armor) designs, but some felt a bit out there. I kinda like the glowing Sugar Skull one for another franchise though

Yeah, since well after the Psycho Siblings left Seth was heard attacking something I definitely think Seth is seeing Bison’s ghost while it’s hiding out, waiting to attack the siblings in their dreams. Since this is the first salvo, I can kinda see this going somewhere other than random crazy Seth. They could be used narratively to carry the seed of Bison still being in the background along with Falke and Ed without the three necessarily constantly running into each other.