The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Bison to Seth: “You are a failure. Unworthy of even a number.”
Cammy to Seth: “I empathize with any victim of Bison. But if you stand in my way, I will eliminate you.”
Juri to Seth: “Haha! Look at you! Nothin’ but a pile of scrap!”
Kage to Seth: “Bwahaha! Shunned by both life and death!”
Ryu to Seth: “Fighting makes us stronger, but what does it make you?”
Chun-Li to Seth: “Copying moves isn’t the same as knowing them.”
Balrog to Seth. “Tch. You ain’t even worth a dime.”

Got that in Arcade Mode.




Seth Story mode


I like how Juri is like “not my problem” then she casually leaves not giving a single f that Seth is 100% insane now.

Also lol at Seth thinking Falke is Bison.


Ed and Falke both utilize Psycho Power, which means Bison already made his way into them. Unless they denounce the power, they will forever be haunted by him.

Seth appears crazy to them, but he is actually seeing them for what they really are. They should let Seth kill them, or they risk inviting THAT ONE and his unspeakable horrors into the world again.

History will vindicate Seth…

Also kudos to Capcom for using the correct gender pronoun.

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Ed and Falke hate Bison.

That’s never going to happen.

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Like that’s a bad thing. They ought to. It only makes his stranglehold over their bodies stronger.

The best these 2 can do is die. If they don’t, Bison will tear them wide open like a gateway and pass through them back into this world. Heed this advice mortals!

Or everything will come to an end! AGAIN!

An insteresting approach, but poorly developed… as always.

I’m hoping that She-Seth isn’t Seth’s version of Rufus mistaking everyone for Ken…

The same could be said for Cammy. She is his clone after all…

I really hope theres a new General Story… all those stories just thrown in the game without much connection DESERVES an event to wrap them up.


True, but the Ed and Falke are actively still using Psycho Power. Cammy’s propensity towards Psycho Power has likely been suppressed or is dormant. Also Ed and Falke are the latest generation, so they probably have an bigger threshold than Cammy.

If it isn’t obvious already, I think these loose ends are actually set-ups for SF6’s plot.

Seth see’s anything Psycho Power as Bison. Seth is bat shit insane. I figure something like this would be the case after the gameplay demo. Seth’s voice cracks often which hinted at Seth’s mental imbalance.


I would argue that the two have become synonymous. Where there is Psycho Power, Bison follows and vice versa. Seth is on to something.

Psycho Power is the door.

Bison is now what’s on the other side.

I’m sorry, I do love Seth as a character, but not as a final boss-character. And this SFV version has got me mixed

He is the worst boss character in the SF universe. And this personality he’s got in SFV is just… irritating.

He’s got such insecurities with his identity, and it makes him sound like an emotional teenager. As a result, I cant take him seriously as a character.

Please, though of you who like Seth or are defenders of him, please explain. Because as much as I like the way he looks visually and how he moves in the game, I just can’t stand his personality.

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My understanding is that Seth isn’t sounding immature or insecure, he’s straight up insane this time around. This Seth takes personality elements he already had in IV and turn them up to 11 due to his mental instability.


Seth to Cody: “Your techniques are mine now, street thug.

Seth to Ed: “I am your tool no longer, Bison!”
Ed to Seth: “Shut the hell up! I’m not Bison!”

I lol’d


I love that Seth is Seth’s SF4 path boss

Whoah! And he’s taller like in SF4 too, I’ll try to get a shot!


Is it my imagination, or the scaling, or does his face look less pixie-like in the boss form too?


Seth’s win quotes are finished!


Seth to Abigail: “Your crude movements are of no value to me.”

Abigail to Seth: “You could use a major tune-up!

Seth to Akuma: “All will bow before the indomitable Seth!”

Akuma to Seth: “A puppet with no master is a lifeless doll.”

Seth to Alex: “Your power will serve me well!”

Alex to Seth: “Data, huh…? Boring.”

Seth to Balrog: “Your pathetic organization is no more! Bwahaha!

Balrog to Seth: “Tch. You ain’t even worth a dime.”

Seth to Birdie: “Data discarded. Unnecessary.”

Birdie to Seth: “Oi, sumfin’ ain’t right ‘bout you, mate, and I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout your ‘dew.”

Seth to Blanka: “I do not require data on feral creatures.”

Blanka to Seth: “Are you broken? Maybe you got sick?”

Seth to Cammy: “I expected more from the missing Doll…”

Cammy to Seth: “I empathize with any victim of Bison. But if you stand in my way, I will eliminate you.”

Seth to Chun-Li: “Hah. You have provided ample data. Well done.”

Chun-Li to Seth: “Copying moves isn’t the same as knowing them.”

Seth to Cody: “Your techniques are mine now, street thug.

Cody to Seth: “What’s the matter? Didn’t get enough of a beatin’ before”

Seth to Dhalsim: “Mystical techniques?! Bwahaha! I know them all!”

Dhalsim to Seth: “I pity you. Reduced to nothing more than an empty vessel…”

Seth to Ed: “I am your tool no longer, Bison!”

Ed to Seth: “Shut the hell up! I’m not Bison!”

Seth to Falke: “I am your tool no longer, Bison!”

Falke to Seth: “You are no enemy of ours. Just a specter wandering aimlessly…”

Seth to F.A.N.G.: “Your tricks will not work on me!”

F.A.N.G. to Seth: “You’re a failure. Only worthy of spare parts.”

Seth to G: “You speak nonsense! I rule this world!”

G to Seth: “Fear not! The President of the World will help you become a true citizen of Earth!”

Seth to Gill: “I am Seth. Your name is irrelevant. Bow down before me!”

Gill to Seth: “You appear to have no idea who you are.”

Seth to Guile: “You had potential. That potential is now mine!”

Guile to Seth: “Weren’t you destroyed?!”

Seth to Honda: “Sumo data. Compressing files…”

Honda to Seth: “I feel like we’ve met before. Have you lost weight?!”

Seth to Ibuki: “Your speed is no match for a machine, little girl!”

Ibuki to Seth: “Lemme guess. You tried changing your look to seem cuter?”

Seth to Juri: “You will serve me and ONLY me!”

Juri to Seth: “Haha! Look at you! Nothin’ but a pile of scrap!”

Seth to Kage: “Your instability is laughable!”

Kage to Seth: “Bwahaha! Shunned by both life and death!”

Seth to Karin: “You and all other fighters will kneel before me!”

Karin to Seth: “It’s not you I wish to punish; it’s your creator.”

Seth to Ken: “I am not impressed.”

Ken to Seth: “Whoa, what the hell’s wrong with you? You on the fritz or something?

Seth to Kolin: “This world belongs to me. You are nothing but a bit of data!”

Kolin to Seth: “A broken tool is of no use to us. It’s the trash bin for you.”

Seth to Laura: “You will live on as data in my memory banks!”

Laura to Seth: “Hey, I love learning new moves, too, but I wouldn’t call them “data”.”

Seth to Lucia: “I decide the law and order of this world!”

Lucia to Seth: “I got a few questions for ya. Job…”King”? Aw jeez, not another one!”

Seth to M. Bison: “Personality failure detected.”

M. Bison to Seth: “You are a failure. Unworthy of even a number.”

Seth to Menat: “The only future, is my future! Bwahahaha!”

Menat to Seth: “Master mentioned of someone of your description….but you seem to be more “some-thing”…”

Seth to Nash: “I will put your data to good use!”

Nash to Seth: “Are you insane…? Heh. Guess I could ask myself the same question.”

Seth to Necalli: “I detect power, but it is difficult to convert into data.”

Necalli to Seth: “Your soul-oul-oul…is corrupt-upt-upt. How pathetic-ic-ic!”

Seth to Poison: “You amuse me, woman!”

Poison to Seth: “Loving that shiny body. You can’t be human, though.”

Seth to R. Mika: “Amusing techniques! I will make them mine!”

R. Mika to Seth: “You can’t steal people’s moves, y’know. You gotta practice your own!”

Seth to Rashid: “More! I must assimilate even more techniques!

Rashid to Seth: “What’s your product number? Your manufacturer should know they’re sending out defects.”

Seth to Ryu: “I am the true martial arts master!”

Ryu to Seth: “Fighting makes us stronger, but what does it make you?”

Seth to Sagat: “My data says you are an emperor. Nonsense!”

Sagat to Seth: “You are the shed skin of a snake. May the earth consume you.”

Seth to Sakura: “You display a slither of potential.”

Sakura to Seth: “We fought before, right? But you seem kinda different…”

Seth to Seth: “NEVER call me by my number!”

Seth to Urien: “I am Seth, the one true king!”

Urien to Seth: “Out of my sight, defect! I won’t waste any more time with you!”

Seth to Vega: “I don’t need data on narcissism.”

Vega to Seth: “What a pitiful husk! The only thing beautiful you could do…is die!”

Seth to Zangief: “Power measured. Result: unimpressive.”

Zangief to Seth: “Want more data? Fine! I pound your head again!”

Seth to Zeku: “Impressive. Committing techniques to memory…”

Zeku to Seth: “Masterless puppet…a piece of driftwood floating…in an empty sea.”


I really the error on Seth that he would mistaken everyone with Psycho power as Bison.

Thats an interestinh twist to his character.

Thats interesting i don’t consider him mentally insane but rather having technical error and malfunction on reading which is a good twist.

Yeah, His more like a Mid boss of SF games, like NEST bosses in KOF SAGA, which he deserve good thing that he/she won’t ever over shadow Bison and Gill.

He/She always need to stay as the disposable boss that can is iirritating and hated that can be overpowered or depowered but can be destroyed again and again.

Which how they should write characters to make them better.

Was that a bad thing for Seth? That was a really terrible idea for Rufus, because it’s irrationalle but could work with Seth as a some sort of malfunction and error to his system.

Yeah because they offer different gameplay style and already had a character.

Nah Bison should be the one to die and be a phantom or either take over Seth new body.

That the true plan of Bison was to plant a inconsistency on the left over doll to track him and lead to him then take it over again from Seth.

Which make Bison a genuis because take over modified gene concious individuals like Cammy, Abel and etc.

So he needs to settle on something that was grown synthetically which is Seth.

Why Seth is always should be the perfect host for Bison?

Because Seth is a disposable villain and can recurring character even with another Seth body would be with Bison control. Like there is nothing to lose with Seth.

Agree that would only cause more inconsistency because its not just the dolls but the whole Shadaloo army.

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Plus There was no such thing as Psycho infused Ryu. or Psycho Ryu. When he attempted to take over Ryu.

The problem is its like Bison is everything if Psycho Power is Bison. Thats a terrible story and making a villain powerful enough is like terrible and would wnd up like this infinite Zamasu of DBS which is a terrible villain to continue existing as storprogress.yes

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Thats why it needed to be destroyed quick and fast in the narrative and never progress. But later return in a more non complicated power version in DB Heroes… because keeping that kind of villain with that power is terrible.

Sf needs diversity on power of villain without a singular force to take over everyone else. To make it story flexible.

Phantom Bison is already a decent character that eternalize his character existence to recur and fight physically without the complication of contradiction with other character reappearance.


Adding a complicated route to his character and eliminating other characters for the sake of making him appealing is terrible.

Adding a new power up to bison making him everything that is psycho power is terrible. That should just stay as Seth malfunction and error.

Amazing work @Doctrine_Dark, as always!
Thank God She-Seth isn’t mistaking everyone for Vega/Bison. However, Seth seems less insane in the WQ.

I was hoping for some hint that the SS could have sent Juri to activate Seth as a reinforcement in case Nash failed to destroy Vega/Bison.

Capcom can’t decide if they call Sagat emperor or king. Could it be an translation/interpretation mistake @Midgardsorm?


This is the interesting part, that he mistake everyone that has very recent psycho power exposure, but fails to identify it directly with Bison.

It means he/she is broken, having error and malfunctioning.

Cammy interaction with Seth also proves the latter that without Bison around the Psycho Power can be totally gone so it can be also be expected to happen to the likes of Ed, Falke and the rest of the team.

Its to bad that Nash sees himself that way. I find this very odd.

This latter quotes along with Cammy and Bison only reinforce the idea that is Seth is having error and malfunction not him telling that everything in contact of Psycho Power is Bison because it worked the opposite with Bison.