The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Wouldn’t he have to be able to detect psycho power?

Seth’s whole deal is that he can analyze and copy moves. Even ki based moves. In order to do that, he has to be able to detect and analyze various types of ki. And that includes psycho power.

I don’t think the problem is the gender. The problem is it’s an out-of-date body that’s not fully compatible with Seth’s program. The fact that the body was female just let the person on the phone know that it wasn’t the RIGHT model of body.


Interesting…! So where’s this from?

Also I’m hoping that there’s more for Seth in the future, the “story costume” makes me have a “wandering the globe and finding one’s self” vibe. I don’t mind the madness at this early stage, but I REALLY hope that’s not all that Seth contributes to the future. I hope this is some early activation crazy and that the madness leads into something interesting. Like I said last time, something like a tracking Bison’s lingering ghost and all the madness that ties into that.

Also there’s the fact that while Sethi did attack Juri, they weren’t calling her Bison. Deemed a threat and someone who didn’t take Seth seriously, but the only ranting about Bison comes from the Psycho twins.


Was it really the whole psycho power talk only came from Falke analysis after seeing a craze Seth’s act of fighting the unseen and relating themselves during the captivity like seeing things.

Its not with them… its be with Seth.

The whole thing he can analyze is probably when he drags it from them on contact or probably from already stored uploaded data. The thing is Seth broken and malfunctioning that made him look craze cause him to hallucinate.

The point here is Seth is broken and malfuctioning. Whatever the case with Juri whers he was just started probably isnt as broken as he was after he is left out wondering aimless.

He/She used to be look up upon and incommand, Seth even assumed at first to had defeated Bison already and Juri still under his/her command, but the truth is Bison and Juri destroyed Seth in the previous encounter.

Seth is craze, derange and got more broken after Juri left him that he can’t even retaliate properly.

That’s the state that he reaches by the end of the story.

Seth saw something in Ed and Falke that made him target them specifically. Seth attacks in a populated public station, yet it is implied that he only attacks Ed and Falke. If Seth had attacked anyone else at the station before Ed and Falke, then Falke would have had no reason to suggest he was targeting them because of their shadow of Psycho Power. So your argument is that he had no method of detecting that Ed and Falke were Psycho Power users, and it was thus entirely coincidence that the first and only two people he accosted in the area just happened to also be the two Psycho Power users that were created to be potential alternate bodies for Bison?

After Seth fights Falke, he completely goes off the deep end. But that is after the fights with Ed and Falke, with Seth exhibiting markedly different behavior than he did when he attacked Ed and Falke. (Going from mistaking some for Bison to attacking thin air is markedly different behavior. It is also apparently enough of a change for the system voice to advise resetting the personality module.)


Back. The video below is what I wanted to show you.
There are several points that many will find disagreement with. But, there are also good observations and ideas that could have been implemented earlier on for context.

I believe it was Ed that started attacking Seth because he mistaken Seth addressing him as Bison and didn’t like it then Falke take over then Seth still calls Bison.

That they finally realize it wasn’t fighting them. I actually and it charging to something else.

I believe what Seth sees is with Seth already not with them. The idea of psycho power was just Falke trying to find logic by relating themselves with the craze Seth in front of them.

The other thing we could assume is Bison is within Seth mind and making him insane. Or Bison is just dead and everything he see is a hallucination.

We didn’t see a story of seth being sane again and tracking down the two.

The thing is Seth is broken, malfuctioning and probably can’t fight?

Why did I say Seth can’t fight?

Look most of the winquotes and diaglogue in the story that is like they encounter Seth that cannot retaliate.

If that was the sane confident Seth he would chase after Juri but Juri can simply left Seth there speaking to himself and repeating words that never had happened.

Like him beating bison and being the king. The truth of the event was he was destroyed.

When Seth encountered Bison it is different

Bison is SFV’s final boss. G is a secret sub-boss in SFV. List should’ve included Akuma as he is a hidden boss in SF2.


Everything aside, did anyone else got reassured with Seth’s story that even the idea of Bison is pretty crippling? Even his absence is a problem. That’s pretty scary. I actually don’t see anyone stronger and more impactful than Bison in the series when you consider how many he has destroyed physically or emotionally. Akuma or Gill can only hope to reach that level of scary in the future, but they have a long way to go. Especially Akuma. The dude has no feat worth a damn thing. Gill is being established to be a threat in the future, so he might just prove to be a worthy villain. But at the moment Bison has the top spot when it comes to who did the most damage in the SF universe. I actually believe if he wasn’t surrounded with traitors, he would own it pretty easily. He just needed some more people like FANG (loyalty-wise, not stupidity-wise, of course) to do the things he aimed to do.


Hey man, Dont feel sorry and apologize for stating something is obvious, right and wrong. Clearly seth has no insight of the future or whatsoever fan theory Daemos desperately trying twist things up in favor of his preference.

This is probably could also be the fault and cause by Juri not being careful and following instructions. That end of Seth roaming and wanderring being broken.


Sakura’s elbow vagina


What da?

Is this what you can do now and end up, when going opposite and clearly saying what is right and wrong? lasttime yagamifire, cestus and now you.

I don’t mind since it’s obviously that you are using those falacy argument when your losing. I like it when people persist to win with the wrong ideas especially when they repeat themselve lol.

I don’t mind repeating mine because it is right and unbiased and unselfish haha.

That wouldn’t stop me from pointing out misinformation, biased, selfish fanfics and theories.

I don’t disagree for the sake of disagreeing. I make it reasonable and clear with the errors.

I never wanted Ryu to be the main spotlight protoganist that everything would be centered to his struggle with SNH lol or him being over power that would over power everyone.

I know you extreme shill for Bison and downplay anything regarding a posibility of threat with bison while exgerate anything regarding Bison to be the ultimate powerful being in SF, then everyone dies for the sake of Bison being appealing. Lol

SFV Nostalgia Seth vs SF4 Boss Seth


I thought so too, but not according to devs. It’s G who’s the final boss. It’s written in the character books


That’s a really odd statement to make and is in direct contradiction to everything in the game.

If they wanted G as the boss, they should’ve made G the boss.

As it stands, Bison is the final boss in SF5 and G is a boss-like character introduced in the latter half of the game’s lifecycle. Actions speak louder than words.


well G wasnt in vanilla SFV/story mode so he couldnt possibly be the boss back then. But I think with AE/CE, he officially transitioned into that.

They may have change plans… later.

But having to add Gill soonee makes G not really something threatening to be the last boss of SFV.

G probably had been a strong candite for all the hype establish with him in the trailer about “show” with everyone in a “stage” like background.

They should have done it before they had add Gill.

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Gill isnt the boss of SFV though. I think they just used G as the transition boss from Bison to Gill. I’m curious to see how they’ll approach SF6 in a post SF3 world. Will Gill still be there, will it be G, or someone new?


He isn’t the final boss in SF5 Arcade. It’s still Bison. If they really intend on G being the final boss of SFV, they are doing a piss poor job at showing it ingame.


Yeah I agree. And I think we desperately needed that 2nd story mode.