The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Not if they are going to half-ass it. CE was a chance for them to release a second general story. I think that ship has sailed.

On the bright side, there is plenty of material for SF6 just waiting to be explored.

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I mean, it probably would be half assed, even when the first story mode was too. But we needed that to establish the new characters, give them more of a feel for who they are and what they stand for, and finally explain who/what G is and why he’s the boss. Failed opportunity.

Not sure these points will be addressed in SF6, cause I doubt the majority of the newcomers in SF6 will return.

I was hoping for a New SF game that is also set simultenously with the events of SF3.

So its also happening in the same time but with different characters as part of the major plot.

It can be mix be with new characters from SF4 and SF5 along with the rest of the popular characters from SF2, SFA and some from SF3.

So this would explain their absence of familiar and new characters from modern games during
the SF3 series.


Off-topic, I know, but how do you add your CFN to your SRK account?

G being stated as the real final boss is quite possibly the weirdest thing I’ve seen in regards to SFV. NOTHING suggests he’s as important of a person story-wise. He’s not in the cinematic story mode, he only appears for a few seconds in the Arcade Editon’s trailer, none of his character interactions suggest he’s evil lingering in the shadows waiting for a moment to strike, Capcom never went back to alter the Survival Mode’s enemy order (Necalli and Bison are still the final stages), and I’m pretty sure neighter G’s arcade ending(s) adds up to his villain status.

So either it’s a wink-wink nudge-nudge moment that hints about next game’s story (and how Gill will not be the only adversary for the World Warriors to collide with), or we should take it with a huge grain of salt, unless a character’s redesign is planned for the future


Only clear thing is

SFV story desperately needs General Story 2, hopefully xkira was right about that

ASF it’s only relevant for like half of the cast


Oh we need this to be added as an alternate costume. I love it.


That costume would be interesting.

G impression is like Necalli in the trailer.

And if there would be story mode he would just end up like Necali.

Because G is a filler character or filler bosses like Necali and Seth.

That are set in-between games that putting them on main spot as a threat and then wouldn’t be mentioned anymore in future timeline as something as a threat.


So he’ll likely just tranforms into “Q” after that spotlight like Seth became female Seth in SFV or Nash became a frankentein in his return in SFV.

Q and G had potential to stay different and separate. G is a very successful character like Nash. Nash potential was thrown away.
Making G as Q is a waste potential.

G is a very loved character nowadays.

I prefer Fang as the final boss or grand orchestrator later if there was such thing as another storymode not G, Gill or Urien.

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G’s SFV Arcade ending shows him gaining followers around the world, with an ominous “Was he just a fool, or something more…?”, with the last panel being a close-up of his eye which is filled with weird blue energy that may or may not be an image of the Earth.

The ending certainly implies that G is a future world-level threat, both in his ability to win people over and in the scale of his mysterious ambitions.

Of course the big issue is that SFV intentionally does nothing with G, intentionally straddling the fence between him being a massive threat or an ultimately harmless fool. And the odds just feel too high that Capcom isn’t going to commit to the former, which will make it the latter by default.

Even his ominous ending has him recruiting joke/unwanted characters. Even if Capcom did want to commit to G, they aren’t going to make a serious SF where Dan, Hakan, and Elena are sub-bosses.


I’ve been searching all over the internet for the info you supplied and nada. I wanna get the book where that comes from whenever it comes out. Any chance you could tell us the name of the publication…?


You just made that man some money.


He got some interesting discussion through.

I’ll go Necro, Sodom, Haggar, Eagle, Sean and Maki.

Still similar and close to what I really want to during S1.

Effie, Noembelu and Byron as a new character is okay too, we need more depth fòr background characters like they did with Kolin.

Or someone from the Delta Red bèfòre moving to SF3 timeline.

I’m not even sure it’s half the cast.

Ryu basically does something twice - once to punch Necalli in the gut, once to beat Bison
Ken just punches some grunts into the air with his Shinryuken
Chun keeps getting her ass handed to her, then hugs Li Fen by putting her tiddies on her head
Guile’s barely in the story and doesn’t even have a talk with his most dear comrade who’s been missing for god knows how many years
Nash dramatically walks through a burning Metro City then suicides trying to damage Bison
Mika tanks a punch from Balrog and that’s basically it
Alex literally does nothing
Laura kinda helps Ken in Brazil for one scene and that’s it
Karin suddenly asserts the leader role for the group then has a ojousama laugh off with one of the Dolls
Ibuki I don’t even remember what she did besides arguing with Mika over random shit
Vega got his ass kicked, twice
Bison basically does fuck all for the whole story ad sits in his base waiting to be killed
Urien puts Charlie into his place, then dips for the most part
Dhalsim tanks an attack from Necalli, gives an advice to Alex then never does anything again
Birdie gets bodied by the Dolls

So pretty much FANG, Rashid, Zangief, Cammy, Balrog, Kolin and Juri literally do more shit in the cinematic story than the rest of the roster COMBINED


what does Gief do?

Showed muscle power

Tanks a Dash Straight from Balrog, then uses MASURU POWAH to break a Katana and flex his muscles


Saw that yesterday. People got salty when I said Ingrid was CFAS character. Why she was listed and not Rose or Viper is beyond me.


He was talking about characters that didnt return in SF4 and SFV