The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The post said did not appeared in SF4 also that why they probably didn’t include them.

Yeah ingrid would make more complication

Doesn’t matter. He listed 11 Street Fighter characters and Ingrid. Given what happened with her licensing situation he, more than anyone, should know of her status.

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People wont see Ingrid as a guest character, cause Capcom doesnt do guest characters, as far as I know she’s the only one so far (I dont count FF as guests, neither does Capcom). So automatically people will see her as a SF character because of her inclusion in A3 - it doesnt help when official Capcom twitter pages ask if people miss Ingrid and want to see her back.


Her CFA appearance is more popular in the west right than her SFA3 in handheld?

Coŕreçt me if Im wrong?

Viper and Makoto are great returning characters also.

Also that theory of Ingrid being future Karin is so bogus. Karin seeks strong opponents to increase her skill and get better. Yes, she may seek power, but she never takes ownership of those new skills and powers, she pays her respects. And considering she has been in contact with psycho power sincer her inclusion in A3, she has never claimed that it belonged to her and that she’s the true owner of it - so why would she do that in the future? Makes no sense. Just seems like a try hard attempt to justify Ingrid in the SF lore.

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As I said on Twitter. CFN says otherwise.

CFN put characters that weren’t SF characters in the universe. They didn’t do that for Ingrid. Ruby Heart was not an SF character. Then they made her one.


Exactly. But for people who don’t keep up with that, they go by what they know, that she was in SFA. I mean even for some people who see Ruby Rose with the SFV background and not Ingrid when she was actually in a SF game, they have doubts in their minds. I actually do think there’s an issue with Ingrid. She was removed from that poster with all the SF characters, she wasnt included in the most recent SF character poll (she was included before in an older poll) - when even the Arika characters were. It’s all quite odd.

I mean, yeah, but seeing her do the things she did in SFV, I wouldn’t erase the theory completely. If Karin is in the next game, she will probably dominate again both in the game and in the story.

He also

  • shows his exorcist skills with Abel
  • Had with Mika a (sadly unseen) tag team match vs Laura and Alex
  • made Darun canon, giving EX universe a door to exist

Master Zangief is pure Gold



Ooh, that’s interesting! (I’ve said it elswhere that I felt he was THE dude for AE, and now it looks like that was intended in some fashion. Makes me wonder if they wanted to do more with G, but didn’t get to it or there’s more in store. Like I said in my video, the way that the showbiz and gold tinged aesthetics were presented, it made me feel that it was for G and that he was/is to be a bigger deal overall. Nice to know that they didn’t just throw him out there, but they’re sitting on a trove of lore for him.

I disagree on this, him recruiting them has a a potential method of madness. Get the weaker, but notable characters on his side by greeting and pressing the flesh. Dan is a joke but he’s known and has an e-presence. Elena is a cute wholesome, fighter known to some in Kenya, Hakan is a hero to Turkey and a wealthy business man, Honda’s a bigshot celeb in the sumo world and known Street Fighter. They’re not super powerful, but they do have a certain visibility and following. G was first legitimized by Rashid, a known, charismatic celeb in the fighting world. After meeting him, G started getting views and a following. He was just another random channel in a sea of social media prior to this, but then GILL of all people noted that to get the word out, he unveiled himself by curbstomping G on the internet and it made waves.

My theory is that he’s building up followers and resources to legitimize himself in the public eye. People are seeing him as a likeable(?) wackjob with some reality tv show levels of popularity, but ultimately harmless. If he’s maneuvering behind the scenes and has the public on his side, that can make getting what he wants easier, deflecting people searching for the truth and making it easier to kidnap people and feign ignorance to the public.

Basically using a soft approach of gaining support of those in his ending, to build up and gain support of the vast public and then being able to get to bigger fish.

Also, with Rose’s suspicions and the difficulty in both her and Menat being able to read him to me points to him being something concerning despite some joke and ridiculous elements.


Still doesn’t make any sense.

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I think G is pretty much guaranteed to be the big bad of SF6. He has a lot going for him. They just need to flesh out the “Alphabet company” with Q and the gang, then cement his antagonism by adding an Illuminati layer to his story.

Gill using G to announce himself to the world can’t be the end of it. There’s gotta be something more there and I am not buying the G-Project connection because that “G” was for Genome. Is G an Illuminati ex-President? Or is he a puppet?

Alphabet Company + Neo-Shadaloo with shades of Illuminati in a post-3S world. Make it happen, Capcom!

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Nothing about SFV Karin ever did. I mean, I thought she was at Sakura’s level at most. What happened to that?

Yeah, Gill could have used anyone and anything to announce himself. Smacking Ryu while he’s meditating in Times Square, style his hair taller than Guile, out thong Chun Li on the beach, but he chose to fight G. Agreed on the G-project, unless it comes to light that it was based off of some early, undercooked ideas G had to make loyal guardians of utopia before being excommunicated by the Illuminati if he’s indeed a former member or something like that.

They have TONS of potential for him even if he’s just sitting pretty by the time of SF3 proper. He could be the big bad for SF6, or he could be coming to more prominence as we deal with the end of the Illuminati arc and where things go, did Urien’s ending really happen, what’s going on in the world if Gill’s leadership is usurped by Urien’s? Are we heading to a war situation like in Tekken? Are we seeing Alex save the day and G comes in during a vulnerable moment in the world? Tons of mileage if they pace themselves.


Sakura is a teenager that taught herself how to shoot fireballs by watching Ryu from a distance. She’s a fucking prodigy with massive potential. The difference between Sakura and Karin, is that Karin has tremendous resources to realize her potential. Both ladies are going to kick serious ass in the future.


I’ve said this many times, but I think the Illuminati arc would be far more interesting with Urien’s ending. Especially in light of Gill’s character story in SF5.

Gill assures Urien that in a way, both of them will be free of this organization once Gill’s plan comes to fruition. Urien gives Gill a chance to realize the prophecy and grant them both freedom, but Gill doesn’t make good on his promise. Urien takes things into his own hand and ends it all. Gill doesn’t have to die as the 3S ending implies, but I think their story would be far more interesting if it evolved in this direction.

You could then add another layer to their story by introducing the Old Guard of the Illuminati who have returned from exile or hiding to put both brothers to sleep for straying too far. An Illuminati civil war, all the while G is fucking shit up by doing the very thing Gill wishes he could do - Lead mankind successfully.

Throw in Ryu Final x Akuma and it’s a god damn party!

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And what’s Bison doing during all this?

That’s not a theory; it’s purely a wish from that fan. Karin and Ingrid have in common only two things: Karin got an Ingrid costume in SFV and they were seen together (with Elena) in an art in a Capcom calendar, that’s all. None of that counts as canon.
It’s far more difficult to dispel the false belief that Ingrid claimed that psycho power belonged to her, because that originated from a bad English translation.

On the other hand, if that’s UDON specifically asking about Ingrid, maybe they know something we don’t. We only know that at some point Capcom asked UDON to remove Ingrid from their future plans; why is she back now, even though in a simple poll? Then again, she WAS playable in SF, and that’s a fact as well. If they ask me, I’m all for her return.
Speaking of Ruby Heart, she became a SF character in CFN… And yet she didn’t show up anywhere in SFV. Why bother making so many characters canon (even Momotaru and the pirates of Pirate Ship Higemaru; honestly, who cares about them?), if they don’t even show up in the game?

She’s still at Sakura’s level, because Sakura rose at roughly the same level of the other warriors while growing up. Sakura is only poor while Karin is rich, that’s all.


Chilling, because it’s all part of the grandest plan yet! :heart:

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You keep accusing Daemos of claiming Seth can see the future because he said “insight” but insight doesn’t have anything to do with seeing the future.

I think you might be ignoring the common denominator…

Well then they need to do a 2nd story mode that actually reflects that fact.

God, we’re only, like, 2 seasons away from an “EVERYONE IS HERE!”

Ingrid definitely shouldn’t come back though, and Juni and Juli don’t need to either. Give those spots to Retsu, Lee and Haggar.