The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Ingrid definitely should come back, along with CFAS originals, all the dolls, SF1, Final Fight, Slammasters and Rival Schools characters. Come on, if there’s SOMEONE left out then it’s not EVERYONE, isn’t it?
I still think they should’ve continued with SFIV until everyone made it in the game for real… Then again, there’s so much new content in SFV that Capcom would’ve ended up making a totally new game anyway.


Honestly, at this point, if they do the CFN Ruby Heart thing where she’s retooled to fit in SF and they completely omit the ambiguity on her being a time traveler, or divine I’d be fine with it. Heck, since Harada and Ono’s friendship has led to similar designs in Tekken and Sf, I wouldn’t mind if they made it that she’s a loose take on Lucky Chole: An Icelandic martial artist who, as a hobby or to raise funds, moonlit as a singer and/or dancer, Karin saw her performance and made her a star or used her for promotional purposes at a Zabatsu event or charity tournament and that led to her being popular. Keep her away from psycho power and time travel and I’m willing to see her get another chance. Heck, her being as is or slightly aged up and an Illuminati elite gal could work too.

Also +100 for Slammasters rep(s).

It was all in front of our eyes all along. The entire theme of AE, the UI, the font. Everything is in gold. That’s G literally has a rotating gold global tattoo covering his body.


That the whole gold/spotlights/earth theme linked with G was’nt much in doubt

Problem is SFV story did nothing to motivate that importance

Again,game needs dat Story2


Necalli was the face of the game, and had the game on his face with that giant “V”. And yet look at how Capcom treated him. G should probably feel lucky.


On how he claims on Seth not malfunctioning or broken but insightful of a fate of other characters to die for sake of Bison being this and that. if you read most of his comments about the topic or any other topics.

The point here is not about meaning of insight, but what he claims and repeat that Seth is just being insightful in that event when his clearly broken and malfunctioning. Like you said Seth is just repeating lines and seems in a broken loop of logic.


I have no problem with that haha

If it’s wrong its wrong, the numbers that agree with it doesn’t change it.

I don’t mind if this people start losing in fanfics starts saying your odd, not going to the majority or whatever desperate attempt when you plunge holes to their biases.

They can persist for what their biased fanfic, speculation and theories, or even fraud cestus art talk like in 3d. they want they free to defend for it rather than them going with they are majority so they are right logic.

Since Daemos has an attitude of tagging someone like Vasili10(i wont tag anyone because i can deal with this alone) here when people talk bad about him that guy wasn’t even had been in the thread for multiple years. Just to show he ovwrpowered him lol.

Its like beating someone using others that is not fighting back, absent and long gone. Terrible and cheap.

Manipulative tactics using numbers or Im the odd one ain’t gonna work with me, for them to dodge criticism or disagreement to their biased fanfics and theories from me. Lol

Lee is also interesting to return and expand his background and a better substitute to Gen as he passed away rather than another skinny edgy apprentice new character that we had tons already.

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I liked the old Shadaloo report (In AASFZ2 I believe) that talked about recruiting her. Recall it saying the brainwashing process could ruin her ability to mimic attacks or something. Been yrs since I’ve seen it.


I think the Necalli fail is why we ended up with G. Necalli had such potential. They really squandered it.


I mean…it is if they aren’t SF characters.

And if they hadn’t made SFxTK, they easily could have. As that would have been an additional 25 SF4 characters. And that would have pretty much got everyone.

Wonder how long it will take till they release some new contents (costumes/stages), we had to wait fucking CE buyers and now finally here we are

I guess late March with tournament mode update, like more than a month away

Ken still need a stage + a sf2/3 version, do quick pls

And more than that i need a SF2 Ryu

  • Sodom and Necro are the characters that should come back.
  • From Street Fighter IV, Abel definitely makes sense to be playable, he’s already involved in the story. I’d love to see Alex vs Abel.
  • If I can add non-playable guys too, then Retsu and probably Joe.
  • Also, add Goutetsu.
  • As well as Akira Kazama from Rival Schools and Victor Ortega from Muscle Bomber.
  • Fuck Haggar.

Then it would be:

  • From Street Fighter I, Retsu.
  • From Street Fighter Alpha, Sodom.
  • From Street Fighter II, who cares about Street Fighter II, it’s over-represented.
  • From Street Fighter III, Necro.
  • From Street Fighter IV, Abel.
  • Then add Goutetsu.
  • And a brand new character or a guest character like Akira.

And that’s Season 6 for me.


Gosh, I wish so bad alternate costumes were simply banned.

Admittedly, SF5’s alternate costumes are way better than the terrible designs from SF4 (although, Lucia’s costumes are completely terrible), but they’re still a problem.
There’s just so many times I see a fight and I have absolutely no idea which characters are fighting (it doesn’t help that online matches don’t even have the CHARACTER’s name next to the lifebars).

Seriously, characters should have only 2 costumes, maximum, and they should simply be:

  1. The character design for the chapter
  2. A nostalgia costume (for example, Cammy and Chun-Li’s Alpha attires, Alpha Nash, etc.).

Please, none of that swuimsuit bikini, cosplays, Halloween-themed costumes and all that nonsense, that just ruins the character’s designs with lots of garbage that doesn’t even represent well their personalities and make the game look like a clownfest.

I’ve had similar troubles with other games. I couldn’t quite enjoy KOF Maximum Impact 2, cause I like to fight casual matches by clicking at the ‘Random character’ button… but it doesn’t only randomize the character you select, also its costume, so you can end up playing one of several character’s alternates costumes, and I was so confused and disgusted by how outworldy they were, and I couldn’t even get familiar with the character I was playing with.

If not banned, system should at least limited. I seriously don’t want to select one by accident or fight someone who picks its character with one of those crazy costumes.

What the fuck is this, seriously? :confused:


You did awesome list and ruined it with Akira :frowning:

Problem is not have multiple alt costumes, wich I LOVE

Problem is lack of self regulation diving into full bullshit realm.

I will love have 10 alts for each char, but they should be designs that works as legit alternate looks the character can sport based on the character style and history

PS: I liked the “Capcom cameos” thing for halloween, but even that got overdone.
Limit imho should have been a “Crazy” alt for char

PPS: same for stages, why the fuck we “need” multiple halloween/xmas stages, when we could have got waaaaay better “character stages”


Brother, you can’t have a fighting game without a Bruce Lee clone/reference

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Fei Long is surely one of my most wanted at this point, but sadly SFV favorite “narrative” type of stuff over straight fighters

Only thing where i find SF4 cast more inspired

tbh at this point I’d rather Capcom save him for SF6. I bet they’ll considerably neuter his gameplay, give him Nunchaku based V-Trigger like everyone and their mother predicted, and either take away or outright nerf his rekkas, because for some reason this game hates those specials in general

Out of all guest characters wtf would Akira be in it. Lol. Plays nothing like street fighter. Even a MK character would be easier to fit in such as Liu Kang, Johnny Cage etc

Kinda hpoing forever. Because outside of a 2nd Story Mode, I really want SF5 to be over.

Gotta be honest, I love everyone’s tracksuit alts. I just wish they came in more than 2 colors.

Of course, if we switch to an ArcSys art style for SF6, we won’t have to worry about alt costumes!

As for costumes I always wanted SF2 stages like sim, chun, blanka, gief and ken to return along with SF2 Ryu and Ken alternates.

I would definitely go for Lee as the old man kung fu master to replace Gen rather than another skinny boy apprentice that we had new generation already.

Plus Lee in modern SF is the perfect timing with the current Jacky Chan.

There are lot background characters and characters in SF that are legit fighters that are better fitting to return and being fleshout rather than CFAS.

CFAs originals weren’t even made to work well with SF characters because they were made with a different thought in the beggining to interact with a different world. Yet they can be retconned heavily like already mentioned example like Ruby Heart, but still a there are tons of more potential characters already in SF that are better to be flesh out and given depth as a playable character as long they were known as fighters already.

Final Fight and especially Slammaster would fit in, while RS just need a bit of a tweak, yet the rest like from CFA isnt the same, yet they can be worked up to fit but they would shift to entirely new character in process without any historical value to the SF universe other than coming out of nowhere unlike background characters that are fighters that is rich in flavor and context.

Speaking of the dolls I would rather go with the twin as a single character.

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Or Noembelu which can expand and give proper closure to THawk mythos in SF canon than a heavily tweak discount Ingrid.

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I know people really like RS and can work with a few bit of tweaks but they felt like they would be Lucky Chloe vibe of SF since the candidate would be most skinny teen females and moveset that are weird.


Even Batsu is trash on here or a poor choice because he wont be appealing to target audience that wanted student female instead. his a just like a SF character with a student as status with SF like gameplay that has nothing to offer flavorwise. So its just better to add and return a definite SF character than him.

We got tons of new generation characters already that had strong connection with every character and environment.

Dragging someone from another game without any major events from that game complimenting each other world(both SF and RS) would only make it complicated and convuluted. Final Fight worked because it was merged in the most prequel of SF yet it left a bit of complication also.

Yet sometime I do agree and consider this characters to be guest?

Something I would call PSEUDO GUEST CHARACTERS like Zeku.


Why? Because his a time traveller he doesn’t need his world/game to compromise with what with the past major event in SF that happened and what happened to SF doesn’t need to be elaborated in his origin game.

He doesn’t need to suffer the same fate of ingrid that needs to be retconned in the background and be a discount version or a toned down version of him.

Because it’s like watching back to future that his character is just an ordinary human(edit forgot he was a cyborg cop corrected) compare to ingrid that is a divine being that needed to rerewritten so hard. Like she a new character that came out of nowhere. (Remove the gadget part it since it was wrong and fix)

He just need to adjust with the current environment(SF reality) while he still remains with the same origin and background without also needing to change the history and future events of SF because of him being added compare to Ingrid.

Yet we got C Viper which is better if it needs to tech based for story reasons.

Another example that I used to like is something like Athena in KOF in SF but instead a a male decendant of Asura not a reincarnation. Since we had Asura already as an alt it’s unlikely to happen anyway.


Yet I’ll explain how it would work.

It doesn’t need also a world that needs to merge with the current because the events would be set from far far centuries ago. All he needs to be is to be an ordinary persons and the moons from ASF awaken the dormant power that resides within him that became triggered to psycho power and usually takes over his fist but like Hell teacher Nube that he needs to cover it.


But he still do transform to have multiple hands during v-trigger like Asura.

So he doesn’t need a heavy background of involvement in the past or something like a victim of shadaloo in past that just recently appeared like the common cliche in SF.

It’s not also something that tries to take him over like Ryu or something like another of those inner struggle stories.

  • So they are still big interms of easter eggs
  • Had also vibe of crossover and guest characters
  • Doesn’t carry a heavy background story or events from other world that needs to merge and directly affect SF.
  • Doesn’t need a major explaination of there absence in the past SF titles.
  • Doesn’t need a major retcon and tweak on the background history and power in order to fit SF like Ingrid.

Yet its better to have more background characters that are fighters being playable than guest character with heavily retcon background and need to complicate SF events for being absent for years.

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