The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Lee isn’t really that old though. The main thing I want from him is to bring drunken boxing to SF, as his CFN profile suggests.


Fei Long is boring.

Sorry but he is XDD

We already have guys like Zeku for traditional martial arts, also Karin and the likes. I don’t see the need for Fei Long.

He’s the only Jeet Kun Do user in SF. That’s all the reason I need.


What this bullshit even mean in a game that should all about martial arts clashing lol

I feel bad now


Tbh i never bought the “save him for” , don’t make It to SFV does’nt necessary make him sure in SF6

Give me Fei Long repping Jet Kune Do in SFV

Then give me Fei in SF6 too, but we can beg for that in future lol

Just saying we don’t need more pure physical in SF.

Gameplay’s also one thing independent from fighting style. Karin’s already a rekka-based fighter, I mean, I just don’t know, but I don’t feel like there’s much of a need of Fei Long in the roster.

I liked having Adon in SF4 though XDD

I think guys like Sodom, Necro or even Akira would bring much more to the table than Fei Long, which by the way was already in SF4, give these other guys a chance.

Quoted someone by accident so I’ll just post it again;

At this point I’d rather save any potential characters for SF6. I feel like it’ll be time to move on from 5 soon and I don’t really want to see characters end up in this game while it’s on its last legs anyway and miss out on being in 6.

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I mean it’s just bad look. Think about how many characters are in IV but have yet to reappear in V. Those people literally had to wait half-a-decade by now to see their main represented in the latest entry. That’s not to mention all those poor souls that wanted to have…I dunno…Maki playable again in a Capcom fighter, and iirc she hasn’t reappeared anywhere since CVS2 or CFJ


Sometimes I ask myself why do I even bother writing here.


That’s like saying that there’s no need of Ken, Sakura, Dan, Sean, Gouken, Gouki and Kage (well, I can live without the last two, but still) because Ryu’s already a shoto.
Or that there’s no need of Haggar, Mika, Alex, Hugo, Hakan or El Fuerte because Zangief’s already a grappler.


You can’t deny other characters with much more different gameplay would bring more to the table.
That said, Fei Long is way less essential to SF’s identity than most of those; one can understand why they’re present.

And yeah, no one needs Haggar in Street Fighter, that’s why he’s never been in any SF game. Grappling is a single move, btw, those characters have way much more tools than that.

Also fuck Kage.

Just ignore Shaku lol, I stopped bothering with his posts during the beef with Tatsuroko

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Again, personally (as what i will like to see happen) i don’t give much weight to these things, for each SF i hope to see the best cast i can get*

Right now i find chars like Fei, Abel, Elena, Retsu etc chars that will make SFV cast even better to me, so i hope to see them jump in

For SF6 i will hope to get best cast possible too

*with “best” to be read as “for my tastes”
I like as many actual martial arts to be repped as possible, so Fei’s jet kune Do, Abel’s Sambo, Elena’s capoeira etc etc

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To chuckle at horribly translated concepts? :wink:


The guy is complete an xkiracustomer.service 24/7 anyway dummy account and he is also ninjaworldwarrior16 that promotes xkirafakeleaker, across the web that would send pm and even in discord just to convince fake leak were 100%.

His clearly involve with the xkira account that he talks as if he was xkira in answering technical details in twitter that was supposed to be answered by xkira. His even more engaging in xkira twitter if about technical question than xkira himself.

It not just me its even attacking everyone in multiple xkirafakeleaker twitter and aso in steam. Defending tatsuroko innocence and not connected to kira that both of them constantly either deletes there comments and tatsuroko even begs to delete quoted leaks as his alterego account fakeleakerkira.

Sean gameplan is different his not a shoto in gameplan.

What we don’t need is more projectile users because we had tons already.

Hey pointing out errors are very welcome

Its a not horrible translated concept because you can easily just fix it with very bit minor alteration and everything in the idea works the same.

Its not really a big deal to be horrible or something to be called a character concept because this one wasn’t intended to be like one other than just used as a quick example to prove a point on Ingrid. Right?

Im just making a quick comparison with Ingrid just to discuss the technicalities it carry when force to the current SF.

It wouldn’t heavily change the whole point on idea and concept of Ingrid compare to Kevin Stryker.

I used to have done something that acknowledged him being cyborg cop. I did a mistake not including it there.

I have just used this done on a rush, I just used it as an example on comparing Ingrid that needs major alteration on her, have a convulted background, future and history that needs to be altered…

  • not just the original Ingrid but also
  • the whole SF on how it works
  • the possibility and future of the game

Its like making new character instead with just a name Ingrid because the major changes she needs to under go.

My examples are just about blending guest characters effectively in SF reality how they did with Zeku and compare to Ingrid.

My goal and the argument is just to point out why its better to blend characters guest that doesn’t required there reality history and background to alter what is establish in modern SF games.

Don’t worry if that thing bothers you so badly, I acknowledge your correction and accept it, Im not like the others here that are pretentious, some that are biased and along with fraud leaker dummy accounts that claims to be 90% correct that populate this thread.

Im a very open person with corrections that even ask correction if im wrong the most often in several threads even before, since im not a wiki or someone that claims to be verse with this obscure character. So mistake are posible but that cringe from you guys.
Thanks for correcting that part okay Ill edit and change that to a cyborg cop. So it would go smoothly.

Why still smoothly?

  • Because it doesn’t require him to blend his origin game backround to directly affect SF reality.

  • He still doesn’t need an explaination or excuse from where he had been all from the past earliest games compare to other guest character from other popular franchise. Like RE, VS and etc.

  • Yet his still the original character not the reference or a major retcon his version compare to ingrid that probably just a nee character named after her.

  • His not also an omni being compare to Ingrid, that really needs a heavy tweak. Since his just a cyborg.

  • I just used this one is as a quick example of characters guest without the need of meshing the background history and events in past of their origin world to SF if the case are guest compare to ingrid.

Thats whole point of my argument about blending guest characters efficiently in SF reality like how they did with Zeku and compare to the like of ingrid.

But my priority goes with background characters that are fighters and already existing in SF to be given more depth and be playable than guest from other franchise. Right?

The whole post doesn’t shifted idea even with the slight change of cyber cop because it just an example of a point why there are much better characters than a discount Ingrid or a heavily retcon version of Ingrid that would came from nowhere.

Urien: “The next man who dares mentions the name of Seth have their head crushed beneath my mighty. The only one who matters is yours truly. The one true lord and god emperor Urien.”

Serious note.

For Seth being able to copy certain skills off of the characters he fights against, I actually wish it was more time-based, rather than just a one-time use. The implementation is impressive, still. Conducting combos with the said character can be fun, too. I believe he gets a solid 500 damage (without CC ro a jump-in) but I need to test it out once more on the training mode.

Hence, the discussion of this thread, I do wonder what role Seth is going to play.

And, if G is to become a final boss of “CE” (if rumors happen to be true in some form) then there are a course of actions that probably need to be taken (aside from making a decently written story).

That’s a subject I will elaborate on later in the day…

When I get off work.


If you want to do that for the main games, then they forgot characters like Geki, Retsu, and Lee as well

Capcom’s gonna pull a Star Wars (Darth Sidious) and states that Vega (dictator) has been pulling the strings of the Illuminati all along!!!


There are two things other here claim it was Vega/Bison that is the victim of the secret society that made him commit those wrong things in SF and the other one is what you said.

The thing is who controls who?

Hey pointing out errors are very welcome

It was a joke. I was trying to make him laugh in an effort to make him feel better.