The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

@Lord_Vega @Shockdingo @bakfromon here’s my translation of Cody’s article in Secret File SFZ3. Nothing we didn’t know already, I think.

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Whatever happened to the hero who saved Metro City?

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“My ideal boyfriend. Strong, handsome, he’s simply perfect”, “I love that dangerous aura he oozes, you know” (two female students of the City University).
Nowadays, you don’t hear those girls’ voices anymore; back then, they were praising Cody, the heroic man who saved Metro City from the criminal organisation “Mad Gear” - in whose clutches the city infamously came to be called with the unpleasant expression “The Capital of Crime”.
The reason is, his behaviour during the past few months could only be described as “violent”: he attacked people for no reason, even leaving a few of them half-dead; so much so that it could be said he’s no better than Mad Gear itself was.
Even his most famous “friend”, Metro City’s mayor Mike Haggar, is frowning at Cody’s transformation. Under Haggar’s strong municipal government, the “smell of crime” that enveloped the city was disappearing; it’s ironic how one of his “friends” was starting to give the mayor a new headache, shaking his political career.
Until the decisive moment arrived.
The police had caught wind of an incoming drug dealing due to be at a corner of the 26th Avenue, a remnant headquarter of Mad Gear; so they carried out a compulsory investigation. When they arrived, Cody was at the scene.
“They had just picked a fight with me. It’s self-defense”, was Cody’s lame excuse. A bit too childish.
The well-informed knew it wasn’t the first time Cody had resorted to acts of violence. He was often spotted fighting with bad-looking thugs.
A widely circulating rumour insists that even Cody’s relationship with the mayor’s beloved daughter Jessica was becoming chilled. At any rate, she’s been far from home since this spring studying in Europe, so the couple is at least estranged. A long-distance relationship is unlikely.
“That’s a problem between them. I didn’t meddle in any way” (Mike Haggar)
Despite his feigned composure, the mayor can’t hide his embarrassment. After this event, the police arrested Cody. They haven’t announced what they intend to do with him yet, but even leaving aside suspects of genuine involvement in the drug trade, the incident that resulted in real injuries wasn’t all smoke and mirror [the page interrupts here]

My previous translation about Sakura’s journey in SFZ2

After this, I’m going to finish my translation of Chun Li’s backstory in SFZ3, then I’ll go back to @Lord_Vega’s scans of SF2 Memorial Fanbook I neglected for FOUR YEARS (again, I’m sorry), then back again to Secret Files with Rolento and Zangief profiles. After that… Back to SFZ3 again with Cammy.


Bruh, mediafire? Put it on MEGA instead, has much higher DL speeds


Cody beating thugs = Hero
Cody beating other thugs = criminal

WTF, i thought he was caught in some smarter trap lol

I guess it’s simply for Haggar the extreme measures time ended when Jessica was saved (and started the political phase), for Cody just never ended, wich caused distance between the two

Remember how Capcom of America changed Nash’s name to “Charlie”… “because Nash isn’t a natural sounding American name”?


Yep. They must of never heard of Kevin Nash or Nash Bridges.


WatchMojo should make a “Most Stupid Capcom Decisions” Top 10.

Nash Wells

[With “Nash” changing to “Charlie”], it once again came from the U.S. I always did a literal translation of the original Japanese, and of course I translated it as Nash. Then they gave it to someone at Capcom U.S., and they came back and changed the name. I asked them why, but they said “Nash is not an English name, basically. So we’ve got to change it to something else, otherwise people will not recognize it as a name or maybe they may not have some attachment to this character, and he’s supposed to be a U.S. soldier.” And they suggested, “How about Charlie?”

Akira Nishitani:

In general, I understood when the U.S. office changed character names. It wasn’t like I was excited about it, but I felt like, “If that has to happen, that has to happen.”

Tom Shiraiwa:

Back then the developers were not so familiar with overseas projects, so whatever the U.S. people said the developers felt like they had to do; otherwise the game wouldn’t be accepted overseas. And I kind of believed in that too. But after a few years we started to realize, “Hey, this is just their ego.” … They wanted to change everything they could [so they could say they played a role in the development]. Even the titles, right? Like Biohazard to Resident Evil . [After] we learned that, developers actually often refused to listen to their suggestions, or tried to get a second opinion from someone else. But back then on Street Fighter 2 , whatever Americans said was the absolute truth we had to follow.


Gonna have to expand it to Top-30 because boy oh boy they did a lot of dumb shit in the last couple of decades alone

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Can confirm, most of my family is from West Africa, including my parents, and they have “western” sounding names.

Whoa, this I never knew. For a while I was thinking that Guile’s name may have been a play on Gillie like the Gillie suits, but if I thought about it for a bit, it didn’t really work with an Air Force character. Good info on this and thanks for the Cody article translation!


I don’t know how it is in Russia, but over here mediafire is very fast. Also, they are not my links so can’t do anything about that.

Holy shitty truth

I always though it was like in that Saturn game where he was manipulated/framed.

Similar thing happened to Darkstalkers. Never understood how “Donovan” fit for an Indian Buddhist monk (A Vampire Hunter interview stated he was Indian.)

More info + a few low-quality preview pages.


What better way to usher in UDON Entertainment’s 20th Anniversary than with the release of our 100th Street Fighter comic? Get ready for a total knockout on Free Comic Book Day with STREET FIGHTER #100! Between them, Ryu and Chun-Li have faced every relentless rival, villainous despot, and monstrous creature in the Street Fighter universe. Now, for the first time, these two martial arts masters square off in the ultimate, fan-service fueled fight!


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Yeah, was FFR

But maybe him not being framed but just the normal police system having enough of his private actions may explain Haggar not helping him out

In latter case Haggar will have a bit tied hands

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The actual process was that they intended to copy Polnareff’s name as they did with his hair,

but misremembered his name and thought it was Geil, hahaha. In an interview to Famitsu (issue of 25 September 1998), Noritaka Funamizu explained:
“At first, the characters’ names were noncommittal: we started with ‘Indian’, ‘beastman’, ‘Chinese girl’ and so on. Only Guile started with his name. Immediately after seeing his first rough sketch¹, we were ‘Oh, that’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Geil², don’t you think?’, so we made ‘Guile²’ his name. It was only later that we verified and found out that he was actually Polnareff, LOL”

Therefore, Guile even ran the risk of being named Polnareff… Then, after they set on ガイル gairu, they simply mistransliterated the Katakana into English, producing “Guile” instead of “Geil”. The original J. Geil himself owes his name to The J. Geils Band, led by the late John Warren “J.” Geils, who was of German ancestry. So the complete etymology of Guile’s name is
German surname Geils → John Warren Geils → The J. Geils Band → J. Geil, villain in JoJo, written J. ガイル J. Gairu in katakana → ガイル Gairu as name → Guile as transliterated back to English.
Mainly due to the Japanese stereotypical assumption that every name that’s not Japanese nor Chinese should be English, I think.
Incidentally, IF Capcom took J. Geil’s name for Final Fight’s J. too, that also means that J.'s actual name is John. Fascinating, but that’s only my assumption, of course.

¹Courtesy of his designer Akira Nishitani. Nishitani said that he made Guile with straight vertical hair as Polnareff had, but when they were making the actual sprite, his hair started to become more squashed, and the process was encouraged because everyone found it funny. That’s why Guile has his hair like that.
² The original Japanese is always ガイル gairu, obviously


Jojo really has a reference in everything huh

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Ooh, awesome! Many thanks, dude! While, I’ve got you, I was curious if in any of your sources, you happened to know about Darkstalkers?

Was wondering how many years apart the games were

If the public considers all supernatural people, even if they’re not from Makai, Darkstalkers?

Also, speaking of Makai, does the world at large know if it?

Just curious, no worries if you don’t have the answers off the top of your head. Cheers dude!

Another thing to consider is that Cody has problems and seems liking fighting but turned it to a positive way.

Yet we don’t know what is the extent of Cody bringing anyone to fight him.

The last time was Abigail.

His a bit harsh on interrogating.