The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I always assumed Guile was based on Stroheim.

When it comes to fighting games, Jojo is the most influential thing period.


When it comes to LIFE!


@Shockdingo Not the person you wanted to answer but I’ll have a go.

  1. The first Darkstalkers was retconned by the second one. It’s never stated how long VS is after VH but considering they were going to add a older Anita I guess 9-12 years later would make sense.

  2. Unsure about that, Felicia seems accepted by the humans but only after she became a hit singer, Anita and Donovan were definitely from Earth but were shunned by society and deemed as such. I think the sasquatch species are accepted by the Canadian village if the Japanese VH ending is anything to go by.

Speaking of them, I remember posting the translations when I first joined. I might repost them with improvements later today.

  1. There’s a sentence from one of the supplementary media that a C-Class Hunter would not last a day in Makai and only high ranked hunters are permitted access to Makai. Unrelated but there’s talks of a annual competition where all the hunters gather to hunt a specific Darkstalker.

Apparently they was going for the Polnareff haircut then became a Stronheim one due joke of the pixel artist lol

In an interview with producer Noritaka Funamizu, he reveals that Guile’s overall appearance was modeled after Jean Pierre Polnareff, a character from the manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure .[8] Guile’s page in Street Fighter X Tekken Artworks goes into detail, explaining that early designs included Polnareff’s vertical, yet modest hairstyle, but at the time the sprites were being made for Street Fighter II , the pixel artist jokingly stretched Guile’s hair out to the sides. The team found it amusing and decided to give him “the always distinctive Stroheim look” instead. Noritaka also explains that Guile’s name was derived from Polnareff’s archenemy, J.Geil, though this was apparently the result of a mix up from the development staff at the time.


It was my first assumption as well, before I read that article. It’s a bit ironic how they confused Polnareff with his mortal enemy, haha. On the other hand, an American soldier with a Russian name would’ve been even more ironic.
Stroheim did directly influence World Heroes’ Brocken, anyway. Brocken is half Stroheim (the cyborg implants) and half… well, Brocken (the Kinnikuman one, for the wrestling moves and the general appearance). And the name comes from Mazinger’s Count Brocken.

I’m sorry, I didn’t have these answers. I see that @TazyryLipo already covered that, though. I loved Darkstalkers but was never actually invested in the lore, whom I always regarded as too confused even for Capcom’s standards…


I feel like that this is because the game’s themselves never showed all the lore present due to its nature as an arcade game. If it was made today then this wouldn’t be a problem with story being a more integrated part of games.

Anyways, next I plan on reposting the translations of the endings.

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Jojo was influential yet it was not as it was in the past outside Japan,

The main reason is most of the previous Capcom Staff were fans of Jojo.

An SRK member wakes up one morning and then sees this angry dude on his doorstep…


SRK Member: “Wait, what the fu-”



So to all of the homies in this thread: do you believe Alex defeated Gill in SF3?

If so, does that make Alex very strong? Or is Gill not as powerful as we think?


Gill was sandbagging because it suited his purpose. Similar to him trolling Urien by letting him win to become President when he knew damn well he was Emperor.


Has Gill ever lost to anyone aside from Gouki?

As @Darc_Requiem states, in the past, Gill is highly prone to sandbagging a lot and he has done this several times against the supporting cast as well (Ibuki, Dudley, and possibly Yun might be notable cases).

SFVI may clear up a few things (which is not likely to happen until a year or two from now, but that is primarily based on the transitioning phase from Ultra SFIV to SFV was handled. But, that is as far as I can go as far as that specific theory goes).

If SFVI is to grace us with more story material and more tournament opportunities… I would prefer if Alex smacked Gill in a fair fight and then have Urien get the last laugh when Gill’s plans for humanity come up short and are ultimately subverted.

That likely did not happen.

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We can’t be sure of anything that happened in SF3. My impression is that Capcom didn’t want to give a definite answer, as they usually do.
My further impression is that no one really likes Alex as a substitute protagonist, just because he was supposed to be Ryu’s replacement. As such, it’s understandable why everyone, after watching Alex seemingly beaten by Ryu in his ending¹ AND Urien trolled by his brother, likes to jump to the conclusion that… well, “Gill always sandbags”. That way, ANY ending could be easily justified: Dudley wins for a stupid CAR? Gill was sandbagging, obviously. Ibuki wins because idiotic unspecified ninja mission? Gill was sandbagging, come on! A mere girl can’t win against a GOD! Gouki beat Gill? Nah, that didn’t happen because it doesn’t suit my narrative, come on. Alex wins? Well, Ryu beat him, come on, he CAN’T win against Gill… And so on and on and on.
Admitting we HAVEN’T A CLUE is hard, I know. It’s even harder to admit that we all have our prejudices and liked more the older roster, so everything the newcomers do should obviously be weaker, uglier and generally worse… But the harsh reality is that we don’t know. Not until Capcom gives their damn answer. If you ask me what I would like to be the case, Alex did (better: is going to) beat Gill fair and square, showing that he wasn’t a God. But the truth is I really don’t know.

¹ Forgetting that Ryu only floored Alex once, and Alex isn’t KOed; on the contrary, that only strengthened his excitement… But hey, Ryu floored him! Eat that, you damn new protagonist I don’t like!


SF6 could be after SF3 timeline

Yet they need a new game set to cover sf1 to alpha or alpha to sf2 to remove a lot of non canon events that was retcon and confirm events that did took place still.

Or a game that is set within SF3 timeline, that would explain the absence of both popular SF and new SF characters from SF4 and SF5. There are still a lot of posibility that they can go to.

I hope he didn’t and it was staged so that he xan filter potential army.

Capcom can also used the idea that Alex has Tom as a relative factor why Gill considered him special and this is why Alex is in a different consideration compare to thè other combatant.

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Gill lost on purpose like to everybody else(sf3 days, SFV seem opposite lol), Alex by his own admission can’t lay a finger on Ryu… And that was post Gill fight

Oro consider Gill and Ryu to have same/similar potential, and i guess by the time of SF3 Gill gone more far on develop his own

I still think what surprised him is injuries caused by Alex did’nt healed as fast as usual, see Gill being in the regeneration capsule after


Fun joke considering what we are speaking about, Gill win quote vs Gief is an invite to learn the joy of true sandbagging

  • “If it’s a tempered body you seek, you should play with your opponent.”

Tbh while i believe this vibe exist, i find a bit unfair consider it a fanbase thing, seems more a point Capcom guys themselves wanted to make

Let’s rewatch the vid

Hoping to not sound biased*, i think it’s kinda hard to not see Capcom wanted to show Ryu made a short easy work out of him.
You have an apparently unscated Ryu standing there as an unbreakable wall (even with symbolic blinding sun behind him) and a knocked down Alex thinking dude is awesome can’t do shit to him

Personally i never seen it as Ryu>Alex=Alex sux, more like Alex is by concept a young lion, destined in future to do great things, evolve, eventually truly defeat Gill.

I think the meaning behind that one-side beating was about show at that point Ryu made loong way on the fighter’s path, and on top of being mfking Ryu had great experience advantage over his younger opponent**… the fact that Alex got indeed excited as result, shows he understood the right path to grow stronger

I think this is supposed to be seen as a positive step for Alex, in fact that was Alex’s ending, not Ryu’s

Most of times we can learn from an L more than from a W

*My fav char IS Ryu, but ever said even to me some favoritism Capcom does on posterboy feels forced (see ASF)

**Age/experience wise a more fair fight will have been Alpha Ryu vs SF3 Alex, wich surely will have offered a more uncertain result

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Gill would have thrown the fight.

Ryu can beat the shit out of Alex and Gill is (at the absolute very least) a challenge to Ryu…so Gill should easily be Alex’s better

This next part is just an aside…one thing I think people seem to forget, however, is that Gill is YOUNG. Since he holds himself with such a noble and authoritative bearing, he comes off as super mature and older…but Gill is a young guy. Honestly, he’s younger than Ryu, isn’t he? So realistically Gill should still have a lot of room to grow.

I guess I’m just a sucker for bosses becoming regular characters. It gives them a lot of opportunity to grow literally and figuratively