The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I got the theory Gill is 23 (wich is definitely younger than SF3 Ryu)

But is based on supposed Illuminati’s election rules that want candidates age 23, but effectively the SF wiki does’nt offer a source for it

Before the Internet, I always thought that Gill was the younger brother of Urien rather than vice versa.

If we want give at least benefit of doubt to the Illuminati age of candidates thing (untill proven true or not) the fact they became eligible for Presidency at same time make think they got exactly same age, aka twins

Gill is heavy based as Saga/Gemini from Saint Seiya, who actually got a younger twin (Kanon), who even share some parallels with Urien…

-Kanon is the younger twin of Saga*

-Kanon grow as a exceptionally strong/gifted individual, but live in his brother’s shadow, who’s more gifted and admired by the greek cult of the Sanctuary (the elder of wich see in Saga a great candidate as next Pope)

-This frustration** made him hate the cult, planning to actually take control or destroy it

-Kanon grow more openly arrogant/evil/ruthless/treacherous, while Saga grow as a benevolent future Saint loved by everyone

-Kanon know his brother have a very evil side nobody else know, at least in the italian version of the anime he describe him as having “the face of an angel but the heart of a devil”

-Saga despise Kanon, but have some sort of indulgence toward him
Both Saga/Gill see their twin as a possible obstacle for their career (Pope/Emperor) in their cult, but instead kill him they chose to contain him
Gill in a “technical cage” (the President position), Saga in an actual fucking cage lol

-When Kanon realize he can’t have things how he wanted and his brother turned him down, he try to trigger planet scale shitstorm apocalypse

*being the “younger twin” seem a fun concept as if these few moments between the two births make one the major despite two twins having essentially same age

**wich essentially was fueled by a sense of separation, his twin older brother just wanted left him behind and become Pope in the cult

My assumption was always that Gill and Urien are twins with Gill just having popped out first, thereby making Urien’s inferiority complex even worse as the “younger” brother because it was purely happenstance


Another interessing parallel is the Dioscuri Castor and Pollux, the greek myth figures of the Gemini zodiac sign

They was “half twins” as they was both sons of Leda but

Castor’s father was the King of Sparta

Pollux’s father was the God Zeus, wich made Pollux semidivine and Immortal

Fun how Urien call himself King and how Gill call himself God

PS: of course Saga/Kanon were based on dioscuri too


No, again with this debate there weren’t any material stated that nor the previous canon sources other from those of the past that compiled infor from official sources.

Even the linke and sources were different reference not the one you claimed.

Another of those biases that you want to twist things up to fit your other media fandom and fanfics.

Claiming heavily is already a negative and trying to force a theory.

The past reference were info pointing to this even the character.

Absolutely false and forced claims.

Like I said before this is not the same cased of Bison being reference from Washizaki. SF3 character design were broad and expansive.

Kars in jojo has influence but not also heavily. claiming something heavily is biased.


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Gill is probably 26/27 in 3S.

If he took the helm around the time of end of SF4 (can be inferred from Urien story), he would’ve been 23 then as per the rules of presidency.

So definitely younger than Ryu who would humbly kick his ass IMO.

Age in SF is ever tricky, we are not even sure about Ryu’s lol

On Gill we have
-we are’nt sure we’re the 23year rule came out, sadly SF wiki offer no source
-we are not sure (or we are?) about the time gap between SFV (or current SFV) and SF3
-SFV retcon shit, see Gill now getting the Emperor title before SF3

About Ryu vs Gill in SF3 time… i don’t know
Oro see in them same potential, but i’ve no idea who is gone more far at fulfill it

Gill seem a faster runner at that, due incredible talent that does’nt eve require him train that hard and lot of artificial boosters during and even before (eugenics) his birth

Ryu have dat anime card hero card, wich vs Bosses is great plot weapon

Capcom did’nt wanted them to clash back then*, so i take that

*mostly because i think truly defeat Gill is Alex’s destiny

Ryu is 35 in 3S


Gouki sandbags every fight unless he is serious and shows his true colors (Shin Gouki).

Fight between Gouki and Gill was probably an exhibition match because they were both holding back.

If we accept that the entire SF timeline from SF1 to 3S is 10 years (which is very probable), we can arrive at reasonable ages for most of the cast.

If Ryu was 19-21 in SF1 which would put him in at around 30-31 in 3S and about 27-28 in SF5.

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Street Fighter used the actually year during the time of SF1. Ryu was 23 when he fought Sagat.

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I’m starting to feel like Capcom should follow Konami’s example and release a Street Fighter Database digitally that will have 100% true, accurate and canonical information for the events, dates, fight results etc, especially as a lead up for whatever the next entry in the series is


If we want take as correct the 10 years thing, oldest Ryu we ever seen (3TS) is 33yo, wich sound about right

Gouki does’nt sandbag, he ever fight to win… simply he’s so powerful that most of times he does’nt need to go 100% to win

Usual Gouki is like somebody going easy as in light sparring and still winning by KO in actual pro fights lol

So he’s 33 in SF3. Makes sense.


Gouki did sandbag in SFA2 during his first encounter with Ryu. I believe he did this to begin his seduction to the darkside which succeeded and ultimately lead to his awakening during his first encounter with Bison.

But that’s the only time he ever did. He did show mercy to Gen at one point, and he did not kill Ryu in SF5. The former I think is because he wasnt as ‘evil’ as he became in SF5, and the latter is because I think Ryu is his kid which will tread a path for Akuma to possibly redeem himself IMO.

Gouki doing that to Gen in SFV was a mistake along with the flower hair.

Gouki having pride a warrior and anti hero made another layer that made him idealization besides than an ordinary edgy and raging antagonist.

Here we go, again stop right there.

Ryu is always a appealing character without him having no relationship or link to anyone. Same thing with Akuma. All that Akuma needs is a having a fight thats the only thing that matters.

The more you twist this characters into a lesser version changes forever how people perceived this character forever.

Akuma is better to always stay as a hating brother to gouken and uncle to Ryu.

I believe the true redemption of Akuma. Is when Akuma finally put a closure to another Ryu versus Bison in the future where he totally obliterate him to oblivion of never return how?

By making this event canon and fully destroying Bison.

With the brand new improved Raging Demon/SGS that also pierce through the soul that would finally end the shadaloo threat forever.

Saving Ryu from someone that attempts to rob his body again.

A new improved version of Shun Goku Satsu.


Thus Akuma calling Bison a coward that fear death and thinks of him to be low that can’t face the reality of mortality and consequence of a warrior.

This proves that Akuma fist is supperior than it pierced through the astral realm like Guts sword. You heard it here first.

Thus closing yet Akuma already proves superiorty of having the sole person in SF universe to achieve a new technique the soul piercing fist even through the astral realm.


Making Akuma badass again and concluding a saga that is long people already want to end.

Thats better way to make Akuma appealing and the return of badass SGS, Shun Goku Satsu/Raging Demon while redeeming himself from defeating the Shadaloo threat,

The build up on Kage storymode on that fist as part of the progression and development of Akuma having that trancended fist that pierce beyond planes and reality. A fitting upgrade for the likes of him and a brand new interesting path.

Thus Akuma would hunt down supernatural and unworldly beings later than spending time on ordinary mortals after as his pride returns and see no one in the world is equal to his transcended fist that no mortal can equal.

Thus having the appeal of seeing Akuma versus demons that was always in his crossover games.
That means hell be more into the likes of Necali and Kage or others alike latter than the likès of Ryu would be considered waste of time and not a real challenge he deserve and ever wanted


This would keep him from staying in the woods and caves to seek out souls of the long gone warriors and also those that are mystical being like Oni, Kage and etc that the ordinary people in SF universe had them beyond reach.


Akuma growth, character development and redemption, is the trancending fist that would make him stay on forest and deal with otherworldly unseen beings worthy to his fist not mere weakling mortals. After eliminate Bison for good.


Making his shun goku satsu bad ass again like the 90s feel. Rather than doing a relationship cliche that is boring and overated that twist the interaction of both characters to lesser version because of attachments.


Urien: “… You SRK dullards. When I was a adolescent child, I had but thousands of women under my control and statues built from the blood, sweat, and tears of commoners. And, that is a but a taste of true power from your lord, god, and emperor.”


Hopefully they have a 3v3 team tournament for SF5. The team of Gill/Seth/Urien would be cool and cooler if they win the whole tournament!!!


LMFAO @ the idea that “character growth” is a better punch for Akuma



Because we haven’t had enough of those already… Look at this growth…

Shun Goku Satsu
Sekia Kuretsuha
Tenshou Kaireki Jin

Deep stuff. @The_Shakunetsu is on to something.