The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Akuma is irredeemable. Either he dies or stays on the low. Still stand by what @Doctrine_Dark said: the best thing Akuma did was run away from Garuda in EX.


I disagree. I think depending on the trajectory of his story, he could easily reach a point where he is about to redeem himself then finds himself helpless against his own demons and implodes. You get the best of both worlds.

Especially if Garuda and Necalli go out for dinner after and order the filet Akuma with a nice side of Chianti.

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True, but the original comment was aimed at people who believe that Akuma is some honourable warrior. I didn’t put that across right.

Also Garuda is too good for Necalli.

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Part 3 (or 4, I lost count) of my picollage shitposts:


Not really just the punch but an upgrade to his physical attack.

Like I used the example of Guts sword.


Aka the Dragon Slayer, Making his fist that pierce to astral realm. Makes his every attack not just the SGS or Shun Goku Satsu dangerous even for the likes of Bison that became a phantom

Which literally makes him the Shin Gouki that is greater than any Oni.

The Shin Gouki that destroys Bison in ST/ Super turbo.


For those that unfamiliar with Berserk, Guts and the weapon Dragon Slayer.

The Dragon Slayer is the massive sword has wielded as his signature weapon since surviving the Eclispse.

The Dragon Slayer was kept in storage for years until it is discovered by Guts during a fight against an unidentified roaming apostle where the Black Swordsman wields it with ease and slays the apostle in two swings, shocking Godot, who thought the sword’s weight made it unusable as a weapon.

Embarking on a warpath against demonkind afterwards, Guts makes effective use of the Dragon Slayer against evil spirits, possessed monsters, and particularly apostles.



Tempered by the malice of the countless malevolent Astral beings it has slain, and therefore capable of wounding profound astral.

Having Akuma the Fist that has the properties to go beyond the astral realm is terrifying for the likes of Bison and others that can keep there astral state.

This is from the wiki. This is redeemable version of Akuma that upgrades all his attack.

Ryu, Nash Chun li and others continous beating Bison would resurface again will never end it by there attacks that is only meant for physical realm this guys couldn’t get the job done but Akuma would be. He deserve the upgrde.

But giving this upgrade to every Akuma attack makes him a different kind of shoto that even those from the underworld and the afterlife would fear or respect him.

It’s a good return to the Shin Akuma for Trancended Fist as his character growth and power up than the Oni.

Akuma trancending from his own demons by his fist and fights countless warriors from different realms greater than any mere mortal can ever do.

Haha that’s the challenge, for a guy that makes things from nothing to something, to find the good from something worst and what people thinks impossible to possible.

Rather pretending and acting to be great from echoing redundant things from others.

And yeah I like Garuda more than Akuma.

His not meant to be an honourable warrior or respected but rather feared and terrified that includes Bison.

Like being the person to be known doing quick work to the likes of Bison, is what makes him badass not someone who desperates to seek validation to his strenght, skills and power to other fighters like Gouken and Ryu.

Since SFEX was meant to be treated differently compare to SF2, SF3, SFA and etc.

I don’t know if that was really the cased with Akuma in SFEX. Or he just went missing that we can assume that probably cause by Garuda where he would met his own end and demise that is uberknowst to many.


We can also assumed that is for technical reasons that the Arika team either drop Akuma to avoid redundancy and make Garuda appeal better or that they were just allowed to borrow a number of popular SF characters thats why Sakura and Evil Ryu was cut out in the sequel title… but later returned when the series is not doing better. I believe its more technical reasons.

Shun Goku Satsu was not an upgrade it was his default iconic representation of supperiority in early SF before it was retcon. He had it earlier not in later games as Shin Gouki.

If he had the Trancended Fist incorporated and imbued in those “mentioned techniques” when delivering attacks that would make him to be terrified by even those that are from the realms of reality both physical and astral whether supernatural or not.

Finally Shin Akuma.

I think at very end Akuma will do his Vader thing and have a last moment of clear mind thanks to Ryu

Ideally a moment before finally die, after he forced Ryu to a strike-to-kill-or-die clash wich end with Ryu as last standing man

Problem is both capcom/many players really love that trash char… so i don’t see them killing him, wich is probably why we got this neverending shit eternally postponed

Solution they can find last clash not being deadly, Ryu spare Akuma’s life showing him a superior path of the fist that does’nt require to kill.
Akuma goes hermit, and keep get used Forever as hidden char

Problem Is Capcom’s love for the char, i don’t see them even take that half exit

I fear they will keep pushing the Super Japanese bullshit forever, Baki style

Peopĺe should stop fantasizing of the theory of Akuma as Ryu father from some girl relative to Gouken. Because of a non-canon movie and becaue of starwars.

In the 90s those weren’t something that people thinks they just see him as envious, bitter or a jealous one to his brother. Even in comic books, mangas and cartoons those weren’t a theory.

Its a poor redundant and overated cliche that is done mostly because of starwars. Akuma was badass without him needing to validate himself to the likes of Ryu or anyone else.

Attachments and complicated relationship would change the way Ryu and Akuma interaction to more emotional or being turned all of a suddenly to another Mishima Drama or like those of Itachi and Sasuke a like, As the story progress it’s either to a more to worst…

images - 2020-01-28T000019.599

Why? because it gets complicated and as new future SF games would follow, it would more worst and worst to more emotional then shift into another rivalry then emotional.

And those things are irreversible along with its disaster of complicated interaction. It makes the story worst and worst after more interaction as follows with Ken and Sakura.

Ryu and Akuma interaction and objectives has potential to be written unique and to stand out of being better than another of those drama and overated cliche that has no other direction and conclusiòn other than obvious reconciling drama moment.

Akuma had bigger potential being the hermit who isolate himself to humanity and to engage to unworldly fights. That does not give a fuck to anyone, THATS WHAT HE WANTS then he gets it. Thats what he always says in his ending and win quotes about a FIST that can hurt even those that is beyond human.

He can even had Gen as his sparring partner. When Gen is free from the weakness of the flesh.

Beating up otherworldly beings like oni and those that is unseen to others is interesting that would kept him in the woods and earning the title of the being feared from both underworld, afterlife and physical realm after destroying Bison for good.


Okay. So EVO Japan 2020 just happened.


Sakura: “What’s so funny?”

Karin: “That fact that I am going to win the grand finals of this tournament! For old times sake, let’s us dance.”

Sakura: “Dance? Sorry, my moves a little too advanced! But, I’ll tell you what. If you lose, you’re buying me lobster tonight and you are going to take me to every block buster movie I want for the next six months!”

Karin: “Let’s throw in a extra wager on that. If you lose, you will become my next servant alongside Ibuki and Birdie!”

Sakura: “Sure. Now, let’s get to it!”


Sakura wins

Karin: “WHAT THE- ?! STAR WARS?!”

Sakura: “I heard that it wasn’t that good but I wanted to see it for myself!”


Sakura: “Time to get those damn tickets!”

Karin: “Why on Earth would you want to see THIS movie of all things?! Rise of Skywalker?! RISE OF SKYWALKER? It’s the Fall of Skywalker as far as I am concerned! The minds of commoners are so…”

Sakura: “But, you just got your ass beat by a commoner, jackass! Come here for a second! Let’s get a big ass bucket of popcorn! Extra butter.”

Karin: “I SAID NO!!!”


Why’d we get unstickied?

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@Pertho hates our kind…


Yeah but I kinda love SRK and I’m very much against purposefully ruining somebody’s good time.

Stickied it again.



Yeah man that’s a lot of writing just to say “But what if Akuma was STRONKER?!”

I don’t care.

No one should care.

That’s not character growth.

Akuma is already a top tier fighter. How could I possibly give a fuck that he can now punch ghosts when his personality remains stagnant and boring?

Ryu Final Akuma is the best rendition of the character because he shows a spark of characterization beyond his usual SOOOOOOOSH one note.


NAH it’s not about making a stronger Akuma about trancending Akuma to his Shin.

Its about his character growth to change his objectives, motives and direction… not stronger.

We had enough of this Akuma desprately begging for other to fight him and validate his strength. How many Ryu and Akuma duels do we need that Akuma begging to Ryu? Same as Ryu and Bison in future SF?

Thats the best conclusion to Akuma since thats where he wants and he gets and still there in future sf games. Separate Akuma by gving him to what he finally wants.

I mean all i read about akuma or other character growth ideas was like this…

Why dont we turn every character relative another character… why dont we changed this one to have trendy clothes … why dont we make this character a love team… why dont this character gets an apprentice… why dont we introduces there sons and daughters… more drama and emotional stuff for non-emotion intended characters. Lol

Im tired of those cliche as character growth. Its redundant.

Akuma lsolating himself in the woods to spar with the greates warriors od the history from the underworld is the best conclusion rather than desperate on begging someone like Ryu to try what his doing lol or the need to validate his strenght to other like gouken.

Man Akuma is better to be seek out not the one that chased.

Akuma as an someone know to leave his humanity for the sake of power and wishes to fist to transcended

Should get what he wants rather than another of those ŕedundant Ryu fights then another then another because his trying to validate himself same with how he needs to confront others like gouken. The only person he doesn’t validate himself is Gen.

Akuma giving no f*cks to anyone that includes Ryu and Gouken and finally find his what he wants is fighting underworld warriors that are beyond mere mortal visibility is better that makes him issolate himself that does not need to chased somebody for desparately seeking someone equal to spare lol.

Akuma should be the guy that is seek for asking question that is unknown and otherworldly, something like Rose but in a different realm of knowledge. In that process he gains back the air of mystery to his character from being a hermit but unique than the like of Oro and etc.

This would explain why his fist can crossover through various realms of realities, that can make him duel other warrior far from the reach of other mere mortals in Street Fighter Universe.

This explains why Akuma is capable and has the ability to have cameo and guesting to other titles beyond SF games. This makes him unique and doesnt need to go around and chase someone desperately.

This changed Akuma as a whole new iconic sf character and a fighting game character. This is brand new progression to a fighting game character.

He stand out again becomes exceptional than any other fighting game character that explains his ability to do crossovers.


Heihachi has done that accidentally but in a dream. Unlike Akuma that would Transcend himself.

But Akuma would be still in a similar plane either combat it in the current plane or either trancend via meditation or teleport if its in a different plane.



The crossover guesting in other games for crossover titles doesn’t need to be canon. Other than explaining that Akuma having this trancended fist enables him to duel being from different reality while still residing in this plane.

This makes him look like his just meditating, but in reality his doing a duel to another plane of existence. When people see him that looks like his practicing his skill, the thing is they can’t see the great historical warriors and underworld beings his doing spar with in the woods.

A lot to type for “Akuma fights stronk dudes cuz he so stronk”

I don’t care how stronk Akuma is and making him EBEN STRONKER does nothing for me and nothing for the character


I like I said it’s not about him being stronger, its about him being separate and not the need to beg and validate himself. Or not giving a f*k to the likes of Ryu and other mere mortal SF characters.

Because he would find better challenge somewhere else beyond others reach. Something that he finally wanted.

Than those redundant cliche like turning this relative and having children thing as character growth is not something a fighting game should strive into. Thats for an RPG plottwist that doesnt need to have a decent of sequels that those characters are recurring and the need to fight over and over.

That just sounds like Akuma is being improved as a character by being written out of Street Fighter as a series

Okay…I guess…?

Than the redundant cliche of transforming Akuma having children and continously begging for Ryu for every SF game?

Thats what people are pushing ideas because they ran out.