The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Controversial opinion:

Street Fighter 6 should just be “Street Fighter” and should canonize a story of events from SF1 through SFII

I would be 100% okay with that. The SF story is an absolute mess thanks to the way things were handled through SFA-series and SF4 and 5.

An interquel is going to be disappointing and just create more problems.

Normies don’t care about SFIII or Gill or any of that other garbage. Work to make them care about the setting and characters by going back to form.


In many ways, that is what SF5 tried to do with its arcade mode and character stories, and flashbacks.

I’m fine with the outcome.

Street Fighter 6 should be Street Fighter after SF3.

Now is the time.


“Hey guys, that new boss we just introduced? Yeah we’re not gonna resolve anything with him at all. Go back and play SFIII if you want to know anything”


SF6 belongs to G and the evil Alphabet Company hellbent on uniting the world under globalist capitalist subservience!

Or Godking Urien and his posthuman nonreligious tyrannical movement!

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I think an unspoken chapter of the SF story does revolve around Chun-Li decommissioning what’s left of Shadaloo (which brings her face to face with Neo-Shadaloo probably). You see, the mistake our Avengers made after SF2 was believing that Shadaloo was finished, not realizing that so long as remnants of the evil empire existed, no matter how small, contingency plans are likely to go in motion to resuscitate Bison and his plans. Chun-Li was not taking any chances again. Our avengers were going to finish what they started…

So I can envision how Chun-Li post-ASF went on a campaign to finish off every last vestige of Shadaloo and its loyalists, cementing her mainly as the one who brought them down for good.

And she would’ve succeeded in wiping out all traces were it not for…


This distraction that Urien orchestrated for his own greed and will to power will eventually cost him and the entirety of humanity dearly… For it has allowed enough time for HIM to return again…


Nash is Twelve.


The main reason G should be the focus of SF6 is because a G looks kind of like a 6.

Capcom just need to declutter Alpha event and rerelease it with bits of SFone events higlighted and confirms which is still confirmed canon fo this day.

With Just important characters like Gief and Birdie being relevant to return to those timeline.

Karin, Feilong, Honda, Blanka, Ibuki and etc isn’t related to shadaloo ao no need to return for.awhile if retruned for the demands its still okay.

Alpha 4 or a game set simultenously with SF3 events.


Whew, the disrespect to the elderly.


Gill being about as strong as SF3 Ryu isn’t completely disrespectful. SF3 Ryu is very high tier.

About next Boss in SF6

  • Gill
    If SF6 follow the events of SF3 as direct continuation, i’m ok with it
    Only if he drop the nice guy bs of SF3 days losing on purpose to do fighter-casting lol
    Make him actually motivated to win and we have a deal

  • M.Bison
    No. Worst error they can do.
    And not because i dislike Bison, Bison is best SF Boss.
    It will be a error that ruin the character aura, dude will become -even more- not credible for the role anymore.
    If was for me i will have different Boss for at least next 3-4 chapters

Still i want him playable, so i guess they can just make him exist on spiritual level as a ghost just like kage is in sfv, at least they will use that gimmick for an actually good char

  • G
    As i said after seen SFV Gill story, i think G will just end up being Gill’s right hand (literally LOL) as fire counterpart to Kolin.

Gill can promise make him President (of the world) as he dream, in SFV story Gill don’t see Urien anymore worthy of that role and he still likely want/need one

Essentially i see G as sub-boss material

  • Urien
    Let’s start with a simple point i ever did, i don’t see the Urien as a credible final #1 villain final Boss material… SF Bosses born with the concept of at least looks as something ridicolous op, Urien is born as the lesser version of another char

I will accept Urien as legit Boss ONLY if he clash with Gill losing (ironically he does in SFV retelling of events) and as result of that goes all-in crazy using the tech of his scientists on himself in a desperate experiment to finally surpass Gill.
Think a jump a la Rugal -> Omega Rugal
That’s the kind of upgrade i can see working to get him as legit Boss, but at same time i’m not a fan of this idea as i like Urien as he is.
I don’t want nor i need to see a great character potentially ruined to get him as edgy bullshit Boss

  • Necalli
    That boat is gone, only hope to have any sort of relevance is a General Story 2 in SFV final part where that fucking eater of people finally manage to eat somebody and we get the berserksteroidmonster Nec that Capcom showed us long ago
    But SF6? Pls no

  • SheSeth
    Pls no

  • Ed (possessed by Bison)
    I will like it more than see reular Bison, but no
    Use is struggle as excuse to keep Bison exist in a SF chapter without have to be the boss

  • Other (NEW)
    If done well i will be very ok with it, make him the host (or the Champion of a rich host) of a new tournament pls

He mean Gill’s reply

More or less they both stick to same starting attitude in case of win too

Urien after a powerup brought on by true independence, science, ego, and having actually defeated Gill in 3S could easily be legit boss material.

Gill (and Bison) can still return as playable characters, but they won’t have the boss spotlight. Although that would be difficult with Bison. The man is a beacon of charm, charisma, and positivity (I mean + frames).

I’ve listed here the various transliterations problems with Chinese characters in SF. A great part of the problem is due to SF being seen through a Japanese perspective: therefore, having the name of a Chinese (or otherwise Asian, Thailand being a prime example) character transliterated in Latin characters following the on’yomi (the Japanised Chinese pronunciation) far more often than the correct Chinese transliterated in Hanyu Pinyin for Mandarin or Yale romanisation for Cantonese, that I’ve arbitrarily chosen over its rivals only because Capcom used it for Dorai in his CFN profile. Yale romanisation uses Hs in conjunction with diacritics for some tones, so if someone finds that confusing here’s a comparison table.

Gen (“first”, “origin”) is a purely Japanised reading: the correct Chinese reading would be Yuán;

Lee (“plum”) is the common anglicised transcription of the Mandarin . However, as Lee hails from HK it should be the Cantonese Léih. Incidentally, it’s the same character of Bruce Lee’s surname, 李小龍 Lǐ Xiǎolóng (Mandarin) or Léih Sìulùhng.

春麗 Chun Li (“spring beauty”) is the correct Mandarin Chūn Lì, only without the diacritics; they’re useless anyway if one doesn’t know Pinyin, not to mention that it would have been very complicated to write diacritics properly in the Nineties;

飛竜 Fei Long (“flying dragon”) is, like Chun Li, the Mandarin Fēi Lóng. Same problem with Lee: Fei is from Hong Kong, so he should be Fēi Lùhng. Incidentally, the Japanised reading of his name is hiryū… because he has the same characters in his name as Strider’s;

ユン Yun and ヤン Yang (Yan) are presented only in katakana, so we have to trust Capcom about the transliteration (from which we learn that the final N in Yang’s name is a NG and not a simple N). Amazingly, we instead know the characters for the names of
彗梅 Hoimei (“broom plum”) and 小梅 Shaomei (“little plum”). Here the problem is that the Western transliteration comes from the Japanese reading of the Mandarin version of their names (remember, still HK and yet no Cantonese…), Huìméi and Xiǎoméi respectively, while they should’ve been Waihmùih and Sìumùih.

丽芬 Li Fen (“beautiful fragrance”) is the correct Mandarin Lì Fēn, but it’s nonetheless interesting that Capcom chose to use the modern simplified Chinese characters for her name instead of the older ones, as they did for every other character. Her name in non-simplified Chinese would be 麗芬 Lì Fēn, being 麗 (the same in Chun Li’s name) the older version of the modern 丽 .

銅昴 Dorai (“copper pleiades”) doesn’t make sense: the correct Mandarin would be Tóng Mǎo, and Tùhng Máauh in Cantonese. The latter being the correct one, since Capcom even bothered to note so in his English CFN profile. 銅 as Do isn’t weird, but 昴 as rai is simply farfetched. I supposed in one of my previous ramblings that they just took the Cantonese reading of Chun Li’s last character, 麗 laih, that becomes rai in Japanese katakana and was initially thought as Dorai’s second character for his name… Forgetting that they changed the last character into 昴 máauh and just keeping the previous pronunciation. It’s the only logical explanation I could come up with.

ジウユー Xiayu and ヤンユー Jianyu come just out from thin air. Why on Earth should ヤンユー Yan’yū be transcribed “Jianyu”? Why the completely arbitrary X in ジウユー Jiuyū? Whoever first transliterated the Japanese in Latin characters did a pretty bad job, honestly. The original Japanese was sufficiently close to the correct Chinese 九月 Jiǔyuè “September” and 陽月 Yángyuè “October”.

ドクター呉 Doctor Woo is notorious for his name’s first misunderstanding during SF3, when 呉 was transliterated Kure instead of the correct Chinese 吳 (even the character itself is slightly different between its Japanese and Chinese version).

@TazyryLipo, you said it was confusing. Well, it’s far worse than that: it’s a complete and irredeemable mess… :rofl:


@Midgardsorm Thanks and wow, that is certainly something. They really should have just sticked with Katakana to avoid all this. I clearly still have some ways to go with Japanese.

I remember misreading 吳 once and then completely getting Wu Yong’s Japanese name wrong when going through Yokoyama’s Suikoden to help someone and now these memories came back like a Vietnam flashback.


Did’nt they fucked up lot of western names too?

Iirc there was something like Rolento that was supposed to be Lawrence and i think to remember Urien got something a bit twisted too

I remember, before Second Impact launched, Urien being called Julian by some translators.


Urien is an actual name (Celtic iirc). But they probably were pronouncing it Julian.

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Urien and G sure needs to be a a central antagonist sometime but not something over throws Gill or something else other than just the main man of a particular game plot.

Fang also needs a main spot too as a central anatagonist.

Just like XMen 90s cartoons that villains can inter swap attention each week. Like Mr Sinister, Magneto and Apocalypse without them harming each other appeal.

What do you think if SF5 would took character models of SF4 for additional extra battle?


Omega Oro should be the final baws. Dnt fk with a 120yr old pensioner!

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