The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

bak, I absolutely love the way the Guide looks now. The organization is quite good, and it’s so easy to maneuver through it now. Bruh, you da man for this. Keep up the great work, friend.

No prob bud! I’ve put in a table of contents for the guide, its pretty detailed and lists everything in the guide so far. If any anyone else wants to peep it the links always in mine and DoubleD’s sig

Indeed. I found that interesting as well.

Honestly, that picture reminds me a lot of Ed.

It’s looking awesome, though, I find the ordering of information perplexing.

You seem to have all the bits on secondary characters and misc information at the beginning, before all the real character’s sections. Odd choice.

I think that’s Ed not Remy. Can someone confirm what the Japanese text says? Would be interesting if Capcom actually didn’t think of completely abandoning Shadaloo during the SF3 era. If it is in fact Remy, then they clearly dropped the idea in favor of his ‘omega’ symbol which matched his nihilistic outlook on life. We can also trace Ed’s inspiration to this version of Remy if true.

I’m only referring to the Tanden Engine enhancement though. He was likely still cybernetically enhanced before IMO and in phases culminating to the addition of the Tanden Engine which would’ve happened later. I mean his skin is artificial and his insides are partly or fully machine. The Tanden Engine itself doesn’t really seem directly related to the ‘substitute body’ part of his job description, it’s a ki booster/mimicker and data recorder after all.

I have them on top because of all the new SFV bio side characters being introduced (like the whole week of lady wrestlers, Cyborg, Byron, Sarai), and ultimately putting them in front was making it easier for me to access them quickly to edit them. It’s a quick fix though. Like the intro to the guide says, everything’s dynamic and open to change and criticisms.

At least according to the site. We already know the “canon” is highly susceptible to change… :tongue:

Ok, first of all I apologise for the lengthy article and possibly my unbearable know-all tone.
銅昴 Dorai means “copper Pleiades”. A curious coincidence, given that neither in Japanese nor in Chinese has “copper” the meaning UK slang gives to the word. Undoubtedly fitting for a cop; but I don’t think they did it on purpose.
Jokes aside, what’s really interesting is its pronunciation, particularly if we compare it with his daughter Chun-Li’s one. We know Dorai as a character comes from Street Fighter II V animated series. Now they’ve canonized him, without thinking of all the discrepancies that could arise… First of all, he and Chun-Li in that series come from Hong Kong. As such, their names should be obviously CantoneseBut Chun-Li’s name is read in Mandarin, having her been thought as a “generic chinese girl” in SF2.
Now, 銅 is read tung4 in Cantonese¹ and tóng in Mandarin², which becomes in Japanese on’yomi³. Nothing weird here, as itself is a corruption of the original .
On the other hand, 昴 is maau5 in Cantonese and can be read mǎo, or zhì in Mandarin. Something Capcom acknowledged in the English version of Dorai’s article on their official site; even if they use Yale romanization that adopts numbers OR diacritics for tones, along with H’s for some other tones, and therefore risks to confuse the reader - but it’s the most widespread romanization in use in Western dictionaries (and well, they again changed the article under our nose; I clearly remember the romanization using numbers for tones instead of diacritics, no later than yesterday). That is reflected in its Japanese on’yomi, , myō or . None of them matches that “rai”. Where does “rai” come from?
Let’s try with 春麗 Chun-Li.
春麗 means “spring beauty”, but the interesting part is the pronunciation.
春 is read cheun1 in Cantonese, chūn in Mandarin and shun in Japanese on’yomi. As we all know, they used Mandarin pronunciation, so all right.
麗 is lai6 in Cantonese, in Mandarin and in Japanese on’yomi can be ri, rei or rai. Here we are! Incidentally, that means the correct romanization of Chun-Li would be Chūn Lì.
My suspect is: could it be possible they actually were going to use 銅麗 as Dorai’s name, then changed their mind halfway (maybe because “beauty” in a MAN’s name didn’t give a sufficiently masculine appeal?) and mistakenly kept for the new 昴 the reading of the old 麗?

¹ In Cantonese Pinyin romanization system, that uses numbers for tones
² In Hanyu Pinyin romanization system, that uses diacritics for tones
³ In short, the japanized chinese pronunciation.

Sorry for being late to the party… I’ve played all of them, except FFRI mean, I’ve played all of them, as there is nothing other than FF, FF2, FF3 and FFSW.
Adored all the first three; mixed feelings about Streetwise though. It was a nice idea but not so well executed, IMHO.

Loved the first 3, Streetwise was too western and not capcomish as aesthethic for my tastes

Imho they should have used a stylization a la God Hand, feel perfect for a 3D Final Fight

Gene phisically was basically the same concept as Kyle Travers (a younger, skinnier Cody with short spiky darker hair) at least closer to how will look in classic SF/Capcom aesthethic

Streetwise Kyle, basically a Jason Statham that try to look young with a NicholasCage-level wig


Ed should become Remy. Just let him develop into a classicaly french savate fighter, former student of Tom (Jean Reno).

It would be great to utilize all those generic boring characters and let them become something interesting story wise.

Like this math:

Joe + Cody + Scott = Joe Cody
Mike + Boxer + Max = Mike B.

and this

Lee = Drunken Fist master

Geki => Ninjitsu master of Vega (Claw)

Q = Dorai

Pretty certain that the redesign is also a reference to Andre the giant once Andre turned heel, look at the single strap over the shoulder. That was a pretty iconic part of Andre’s costume in his later years:

I do prefer Hugo’s old look TBH. Not sold on that chain necklace or open boots. shrug

That design is garbage. Just plain and utter garbage. She looks like a spider sneezed on her.

FFOne is nice in that it comes with extra characters but you lose out on the fidelity of the amazing soundtrack and all of those wonderfully big sprites get all squished, colors are lost too :confused:

As for FF1~3, there are games that play a bit better but the setting and soundtracks for FF1~3 are all baller. I still have fun, I do wish that they’d do a deeper game for a FF4 one day.

Gene also was a fair bit like Cody in terms of personality, at least Cody before he spent most of his time feeling sorry for himself


Lol in an old sketch for alts i wanted i did (photoshopping existing concepts, or straight keeping them untouched, see Guy) a Hulk-Warrior-Andrè mix for Hugo, at least i got right the single strap and the lighter hair meches lol

Y’know, thinking about this:

What do you suppose the chances are that the guy in the intro for SF2 WAS Cody but they retconned it now to be a new character to not screw up the Alpha 3 -> SF4 timeline? They never said who the characters were until now. They are taking the story a bit more seriously now. It makes a little bit of sense that they would do this. For it to be Cody in the SF2 intro then Cody would have to have gotten out of jail between A3 and SF4, but not worn his prison outfit like he always does. It’s not too hard for them to say it was Cody but he always keeps his cuffs on so I think maybe they wanted to say it’s not Cody and remove any questions.

It just seems TOO convenient that they would have created another character who wears the EXACT same clothes as Cody down to the same pants tear and it was their plan all along. I dunno why the hell they couldn’t have given Scott some dif pants and shoes, we never saw him below the waist until this new picture. Hell, they redesigned Mike from SF1 a bunch to not look like Balrog nearly as closely. Max looks nothing like he does in the SF2 intro, other than being black. Seems like a weird/poor decision to make Scott look as much like classic Cody as absolutely possible, other than giving him the wraps on his hands and elbows.

No offense, but I kind of hate that Poison outfit. It’s not that it doesn’t fit her personality, it totally does, I just don’t like it. :stuck_out_tongue:


I shopped there an Ivy SC4 body :smiley:

I tought it was old school 80/90s BeU style :smiley:

others alts were these, some just picked between existing sketches some a lil bit edited


Ahahahahah the foot of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Fei Long’s costume :lol:

Eternal I know what you really wanted to say.

We should pretend it is Sagat’s foot, it ever surprised me that Capcom did’nt a tribute to Lee-Abdul making up a Fei-Sagat rivalry XD

At the end Ryu moved on long ago over the Sagat fight, and Fei never had particular (any actually) rival in SF, he’s ever just been there

Imho they can have matchup him with many char in SF4: Gen, Chun, the Twins, Rufus and as said the Sagat/Abdul thing

Or even Ken (another that outside Ryu never had specific rivals), as he can cover Joe Lewis/Chuck Norris role as american martial arts Champ… but of course, more as a rivalry

Now it will be cool a Fei vs Fang rivalry, there will still be the range(Abdul) treat + poison, plus both chinese/kung fu fighters

They tried making a character based off of Kareem, but they turned him into Rufus…

Biggest missed opportunity in a new character development if I’ve seen any.


This time, we have the protagonist of Final Fight,
a man who has screwed up the criminal organization Mad Gear with the sole aid of his fists
(and his knives, and his pipes, and his katanas)

Name: Cody
Height: 185cm
Weight: 80kg
Blood Type: O
Birthday: April 18
Home Country: USA
Favorite things: Provoking brawls
Dislikes: Being lectured

Once the hero of Metro City, he didn’t fit in a peaceful environment; so he started picking fights until he was thrown in prison.
Excels in the use of knives.
Has a brother named Kyle.
