The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Sodom and Necro are still my top choices; at least Sodom, for God’s sake. I guess we’ll have to wait.

Honda looks great but I really really was thirsty for a radically reinvented Honda (something like the Dhalsim overhaul).

As for Lucia, her outfit, face, voice… it’s truly terrible, just so tacky. It’s like a generic female cop fighter for any free mobile fighting game. Really low production values, makes me suspect the game’s agonizing on its final days, just like Decapre in SF4. Also her fighting techniques don’t make sense, she lights fire with her heel then kicks it… I love K’s gameplay that’s not quite the fighting style I imagined for Lucia, it simply looks too out of place. At least we have her nostalgia costume.

Poison’s molotov bombs look so cringey and forced.

As for the CAs… the three are terrible. Honda’s might look great but it’s uttterly unimaginative… he slaps you a lot of time and then… he ends with a final slap and the camera freezes as it hits. So boring!
Lucia’s looks just like Ken’s and Poison’s is similar to her previous Super from SF×Tk.

Lucia’s super is literally her Final Fight 3 super. As for Sodom, best hope is the alleged Winter Pass. I’d call bullshit right away but the it comes from the guy that leaked Honda, Lucia, and Poison last week.


I’m mean she better to take the spot of the female western cop and also a part of Final Fight rather than a newer character to take that archetype as role, because it lessen a complication of what already has been in SF universe.

For me as guy that loves background character becoming playable than newer characters that just pop-out of nowhere.

Her gameplay is pretty much whatever Capcom would do anyway while just taking a few inspiration with her origin game.

As for the costumes either default or alternative, I don’t mind bland generic 90s style of fashion sense for aged characters, because it suit them to dress according to their age and timeline settings like the feeling they belong their rather than what arika did with some other SFEX characters.

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I actually think they did a really good job with Poison (other than literally reusing a SFxT cinematic shot in the trailer LOL). Her normals seem interesting, and might be worth losing her rekka. Animation in general fits the character, and for better or worse she definitely looks trans now. Even the Molotov is a callback to Final Fight, though I forget if Poison/Roxy threw them or it was only the El Gado swaps.

Honda is the character he’s always been (for better or worse), and people seem generally lukewarm or disappointed with Lucia, which is not a good look for a new fansevice character.


We already had a girl cop character, Chun-Li.

I live Lucia but they should have been a little more creative this time and give her a spin, at least cosmetically, instead of making her look like a boring and generic cop.

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Yeah but Chun was a very different it’s like a Kung fu movie that wasn’t even like 90s settings for her default. While Lucia fits what the genre she exactly represent in a first glance without the need to give a detail. Which I believe that is more important for her design than being something else and look bizarre and confusing that would be a puzzle to look her as western female blonde cop. IMHO

We don’t need 2 or 3 varieties of girl cops (especially if one’s generic and completely boring), one is enough and it’s clear here which one is the better rounded.

For this thread maybe. But I much prefer this.

Assuming that’s a spot that needed filling.


It’s like coming back to Geki when you just had Vega.

As for that example it’s very different because we had no Vega, unless your talking abou Chun

I mean there is no other variation of western cop like in the movies that she represent, they are westerns and uniforms are the most variant we can assume them while default chun isn’t really a Cop like other than a girl trying to destroy Shadaloo to avenge his father.

For a place like Metrocity yes.

We haven’t seen a lot on Lucia yet, hopefully her impression will improve. I think it’s nice that Final Fight 3 gets some representation, and Lucia was probably the most popular out of that game (undoubtedly because of waifuness, but still…).

The bimonthly character release helped keeping the story thread active, but I think it also helped the game in general by keeping it constantly fresh in some way. Not everyone was interested in new characters, but at least there was something both major and new to check out.


We’re not talking about Metro City. We’re talking about the roster of Street Fighter.

“Western female cop” is a pretty specific role to feel like SF needed to fill that niche.

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We already had an infinitely more interesting and better designed girl cop, that Lucia’s redesign looks like a cartoon compared to her.

It would be like adding a more ‘traditional’ TKD girl when we already have Juri. Or a ‘traditional’ Japanese soldier when we already have Guile or something.

Chun Li retired and starts teaching orphans kung fu after the fall of Bison. Also I didn’t realize Vega teleported and threw shurikens. :thinking:

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The model wasn’t the problem. SF5 launched in an obvious incomplete state and that’s what hurt the game. I had the game launched feature complete it would have been the runaway success Capcom wanted it to be.


Chun character isn’t define by being a cop. Chun being a cop only exist so she can push the main plot of the game forward. Otherwise that aspect of her character is underutilized.

As for her fighting techniques it does

They are really doing things more like cartoon way than anime and realistic on most of the design from SF4 to SF5 anyway.

Yeah prisoner Cody was cool not just nostalgic or just something new.

It is the later stages release well tells a story of what we should expect of it sooner.

It’s hard to debate with but yes it doesn’t necessary need to fill that role, but I’m liking it because of that’s a familiar archetype roles for Hollywood movies.

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I’m not complaining about Lucia’s presence (I love Lucia), but her redesign is the most boring and generic thing they could come up with. And no, we didn’t NEED “another girl cop just this time American”.
In fact I like how they sometimes changed the character concept to bring on something more interesting to the roster, such as when they made Cody a prisoner, or when improved Maki’s fighting concept by giving her tonfas.

Not sure if I influenced the creation of Poison’s new VTrigger but it seems like another happy coincidence courtesy of the story thread.


Ono reads the story thread, confirmed.