SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Me: “Ok, I’m not pissed anymore. Still want Makoto tho.”
Dad: “Btw, you left your window open and the neighbor’s sick cat slept on your bed.”


Anyone knows how to sterilize a mattress?

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I’ve already made peace that I’m not getting my favs return in every SF. That’s just the way it is.

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Yeah when I went getting actual games in was more trouble than it was worth. Most of it was walking around and checking shit out. Even though it ran pretty late the big stadium finals was part of the fun (also another cost, though I thought it was worth it).

One of these days I’ll try to make it to an event that is more “playing games” friendly.



I see a bunch of scrubs and Akhos. You got this. Free.

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I like how she has several of her moves based from FF.


Huh. Guess they changed it up last minute

I don’t know who any of those people are

They are subhuman scum whose skulls are gonna be shattered under your boot.


But I’m not wearing boots

EDIT: Oh nvm, that’s my soul calibur pool, derp

Barefoot then? Lewd.


Linkorz usually makes top 8 in soul Calibur tournaments but he got nothin on our Akhos.

And watch for the grasshoppers Akhos! Lol

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…you haven’t seen me try to play Soul Calibur have you XP

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By the way on topic of Lucia… I really do not like that backfacing kick she does, it looks super weird to me

Nodthenbow is the only one I recognize besides Ahkos. I see him in VesperArcades Twitch chat.

Hahahah the fuck is this?


Wish we had the lol button back. When I had something like this happen, I took the bed out back. Hosed it down and washed it for hours.

Ok, for real, the only one of those you should kind of care about is Linkorz. He’ll be too far in the bracket for it to matter too much to you though.

Focus on getting your game on point, but I can try to find out who these scrubs main if you want.

I just plastered some random fabric I found with alcohol and scrubbed the shit out of it.

I’m beyond pissed right now.

Trife has entered the chat


Grasshoppers offer a great deal of protein and people regularly eat them. Remember when one of my class had bowls of them. Not too bad when seasoned right.