SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Yeah, it is what it is. Apparently every company has something to show up so I’m still pretty excited. Personally hoping for season 3 of Tekken with Jun headlining.

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Nightwolf trailer was really good too :slight_smile:

2 good days in a row for me.

Maybe tomorrow there will be a leaked trailer for Gorilla Grodd guest character in Tekken 7


@Evil_Canadian Figured you be happy if they brought Ganryu back.

This will be the first Evo weekend in two years for me without my wife going into labor.


I see Daemos is on hard damage control since literaly everyone lost now the last bit of faith they had in Capcom.

sips on tea

What a splendid sight, it’s sweet sweet sugar to my eyes.

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I want Poison to sit on my face.


“Don’t place faith in human beings.
Human beings are unreliable things.”

So looks like my Soul Calibur pools are tomorrow and both Smash and SFV are gonna be Saturday

Will probably just go 2-2 in SC again like I have the past 2 events (haven’t been practicing it all that much) and get as many casuals as I can in Smash and SFV before Saturday.

Leaving for the airport in a few minutes, hopefully I can actually get some sleep both on the plane and tonight (won’t be there until around 8pm tonight, which will be 11pm for me)


Returning Sumos often cause a whirlwind of panic in FG’s.

Ganryu isn’t coming back.

Maybe guest character TAKA ARASHI!!!

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she wouldn’t even be able to crush you thats what you perverts want, get honda to sit on your face


Have a great trip man and enjoy the hell out of EVO!


Good man you are…Good man…

Any images of Honda’s Alt outfits?

You have a very recognizable set of gimmicks.

So did ono say why he’s not going to Evo?

I’ll try…

Real talk though EVO’s probably the least enjoyable event out of all of them, it’s really difficult to get any casuals in due to the sheer number of people there and they take the setups away on Sunday (at least, they did last time, I dunno if that changed)

Never gone to the stadium so some might find it more fun because of that though

If you’re looking to enjoy more games CEO and Combo Breaker are better choices. I just need more offline experience~

Yakuza Honda is pretty good. Better than his costumes in 4.


I 100% agree with you but Capcom are fucking tone deaf. I’m not saying this because it’s popular or because I have a hate boner for Capcom. Capcom like any company has to take risks. Sometimes those risks payoff and sometimes they don’t. But Capcom doesn’t seem to understand how to curate hype and they lack consistency. This games all over the place when it comes to pleasing fans. Makoto should have been in by now. Considering the fact that SFV is the precursor to SF3 it makes no sense that a FF character with little to no connection the current narrative beat out one of the highest voted characters in the officials polls. I’m not saying Capcom should double down on what the fans want but this is the end of the line. We know there’s nothing after this. Oro/Abel or Sodom as one the last 2 characters and then it’s the waiting game. Capcom should have had their head outa their ass by now but Japan gonna Japan and they probably already committed to making Lucia like 2 years ago. I’m fine with the current state of the game because I’m a fucking shill and I like the gameplay but I’m not so far up my own ass that I can’t see why hoes mad.

Capcom’s fighting game division is so fucking strange. I wonder what their endgame is…


Honestly? I think 2020
There were rumors/talks that GBFVS is coming out this summer, and given how slow the characters reveal were for the game (and no trailer mentioned even a year) - this is not a 2019 game

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Safe travels and good luck!

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Seriously why the fuck does he look crosseyed