The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

SFV situation is’nt much about alive or dead

SFV Is more a ship… some are still on It, for some Is gone
Who’s on It likely appreciate even small things that add to the experience, others will not find in same small things the push to return on it

Example this update to me is 1 (Honda) ,5(Poison) good out of 3

Decent update but not stellar at all

Still i’m enjoying It because

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Without calling the game dead or anything, it’s still evident that the new contents no longer give a good return of investment. Better to know when to cut bait and run and start SF6 development.

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Poor Sodom :confused: my guy simply can’t take a break.


If you mean that Street Fighter needs money to keep going then you could argue that their DLC policy has recovered them a lot of money lost with the bad launch. People actually love Chun-Li costumes, believe it or not.

If you mean that Street Fighter needs a more widespread appeal then my answer is hell no because when a franchise goes in that direction it usually brings the death of any personality or artistry in it.

Especially considering that a part of SFV’s problems come exactly out of an attempt at being more mainstream and attract more people to the genre.


SF6 should launch with 24-28 playable characters?


SF5 has already exceeded its projected sales of 2 million and its service model has or will likely prove more profitable than any of its console predecessors to date.

SO if we are using sales as a gauge of health. SF5 is fine.

The online playerbase has remained more or less consistent throughout its entire lifespan.

Viewership is still high and in some cases the highest its ever been.

Tournament turnouts are still relatively high, and in many cases higher than any other current game even though SF5 is in its 4th year.

So no, SF5 is NOT dead. You’re just mad it isn’t.


So, this is it? or do you think we’ll have a couple characters more next year?

Game will likely be ‘finished’ by 2021 and SF6 will launch 2023 probably.

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Personally for me, I’m a bit tired of SFV and can’t really be bothered playing it nowadays but I’d still say that the game is not close to death yet, if anything it’s better than the position SF4 was in at this point of its life.

Though it has lost some steam since S1/2 days I’d say that it’s currently one of the top fighting games (in terms of popularity, IMO there’s a whole septic tank of issues, both gameplay and presentation that SFV has but it’s still somewhat of an alright game.)

You’ve probably answered your own question in regards to that. We’ll likely see at least one more “season”, new characters are a obvious with a future S5, but any major features like a new story mode or overhaul like S3 is still a bit of a source for debate IMO.

I’d say it’d probably come out about a year and a half after the new gen consoles come out so a 2022-2023 seems about right.

Themes for youse boys!


I don’t know if you can really call SFV’s sales fine when every game around it is either blowing it out of the water in launch sales, consistently growing in players, or making some kind of dark horse comeback. SFV is just kind of there; a quick, soulless cash grab with its only consistent feature being Capcom’s ineptitude. Sure, it sells more than KoF or Guilty Gear, in large part due to brand awareness and the US market, but if you told me 5 years ago that Tekken would be neck and neck with the latest Street Fighter at EVO (a traditionally Capcom dominated event) and not too far behind are Under Night and Samurai Showdown, I would have called you delusional.

For one of the most well-known series in gaming, 2 million is a pretty low bar. And maybe Capcom does make their money back on DLC despite the numbers, but that signals a pretty worrying trend with Capcom that they really don’t consider the genre viable despite all the other games that do well.


I believe it. It just infuriates me.

Because if Capcom believes it needs to do a crapton of garbage costumes to make SF profitable, it means we won’t get the Xrd/DBFZ art style I want for SF6, because that style is practically mutually exclusive to doing alternate costumes…

We can call it fine because the game meet the lifetime sale expectations Capcom set for it. Has mentioned before, it has maintained it’s playerbase for the majority of it’s lifespan. The playerbase not growing would be problem if the didn’t have microtransactions to keep the money flowing. If there’s enough whales that keeps buying the costumes, stages, and characters then everything is fine and dandy. It wouldn’t surprise me if the sales of those things eclipse that of the game itself.

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It’s whatever to me at this point. I was pretty annoyed about it last night, but I’m just gonna put my negativity to the side and see what the characters bring to the table. At least I can get back to the win quotes/story write-ups, so there’s that.


Finally this thread will have something to talk about for a couple months! :slight_smile:

The model of “one character every two months” was so much better. :frowning:


SF5 might have earned money but it’s also sort of tarnished the brand. As someone pointed above, its new constant updates model has made the perception on to the players that the game is “sorts of just there always but fails to create any excitement”.

I think this new model was worth a try as an experiment, but didn’t turn out precisely good. Not sure if that will damage the release of SF6, but I’m sure they will have to do something radically different there, to counter the apathy and brand weariness that 5 sort of created on to the players.

[quote=“TazyryLipo, post:3347, topic:586509”]
You’ve probably answered your own question in regards to that. We’ll likely see at least one more “season”, new characters are a obvious with a future S5, but any major features like a new story mode or overhaul like S3 is still a bit of a source for debate IMO.[/quote]
Seeing how 'budget-y" Lucia and Poison look, I definitely don’t see them launching a further season. More like maybe/ maybe not a couple more characters to “round up” the roster.

But as you point out, the real problem with 5 is that, unlike the previous chapters of the series, in this entry the gameplay never evolved.

I freaking sick of seeing the V-Triggers becoming some boring and generic combo extenders, practically impossible to tell apart between themselves. I never liked much the idea of v-triggers particularly, and at this point I feel like vomiting at the sole mentions.

They are disappointing fans differently this year!


The DLC costumes thing is simply this game’s life support. The game’s unformally dead, unable to grow.

Fans will be disappointed whatever they do they will if they had false expectations and different preferences of things should be. It cannot be satisfied. However SF5 had a bad start thats true and terrible sales. A disastrous one than any other SF title but it did a comeback and now were on the last stage of were things should end.

It’s 2019 and 2020 is where things were said.

Some like SF6 even without knowing what it would be, because of potential new gameplay, because they hate a particular way that SFV plays, some preferred a different visual style and others just didn’t like SFV story settings.

It’s not a bad game totally other than the FM issue as it had went through in terms of content. Whatever is in store for SFV, I just hope a better version that fix all the issues before closing the curtain for SFV rather than adding more of something to be the last of it. I’m okay with new stuff but more concern on things that would make the current better.

Honda is Honda and doesn’t really need a overall change in terms of Gameplay, because most of those people that were interested of him is fond of his design and mostly because of the gameplay.

Poison, I a bit surprised with the changes but I do like that they keep her and Honda design just slight change that’s the better way of making character evolve rather than totally different like what they did with Ken and Nash in SFV, which was really bad, Ken was random and unnecessary while Nash was kinda out of the theme.

I’m just glad, That now we got a legit Blue Mary character that interact fully with the rest of SF Characters. I got to agree to the many that pointed here out to be liking of a KOF characters yeah they are right she even got a K Dash a like fireball.

Even without Maki that is one of my original and still part of my wishlist.

I just hope that the next game will still add NEW female that are past 20s because they are the most few in every SF game.

Does Lucia have her FF3 costume? I haven’t watched her video yet.


Yeah she got it