The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I mean, it is kinda fucked for SFV now. DBFZ has multiple dumpster fires and lost 50% of its entrants from its debut year. Capcom does almost nothing and SFV loses 20% in its 4th year. Large stretches of the remaining playerbase are hyping themselves up for an update that probably isn’t going to happen. As much fun as I have shitting on SFV and those who enable it, I kinda feel bad for you guys more than anything else lmao


Dude. The game launched in February of 2016. It’s still around. Many of it’s contemporaries have fallen by the way side. The game still the most viewed fighting game on Twitch. It’s not dead, you just don’t like it. You don’t have to like it. Everyone should play what they enjoy. Still doesn’t make it a dead game. MvCi is a “dead game.”


DBFZ for a DB fighter game did establish something in the beginning but ends lower later. SfV yeah the launch was a disaster but it rises in S2 AE. As for what we had now it’s fair for 2019 since 2020 is where it would last.

MvCi? Can something be dead if it was never alive?

Xenoverse 2 has half as many people playing it on Steam as SF5 right now.

Also I don’t give a damn about who is VIEWING SHIT. More high level streamers play SFV so people watch SFV. It has no baring on the health of the game or its viability.

SF5’s sales were shy of 3 million (counting a re-release)

DBFZ? 3.5 million.

Xenoverse. 5 million.

Tekken. 4 million.

Street Fighter needs SALES.

You won’t see me telling anyone not to play what they enjoy. I have NEVER said people should NOT play SF. The only games people shouldn’t play are David Cage games because they’re garbage. Anything else? Fair game!

SF does not have the sales it should be getting. It’s a distant contender instead of being the king of the heap and I’ll remind you, its release pre-dates these other games.


Why is the PREMIERE fighting game series with the ultimate nostalgia attached to it no longer duking it out head to head with MK?

“Times change…” is the go-to excuse…

Except now DMC5 and RE2 are bringing the hype back to their own series and bringing in new people who are hungry for sequels so that excuse is bullshit. The reality is just that SF5 is a mediocre-to-good game with not-very-appealing visuals, a BAD launch and mediocre to bad post-launch support that massively lacks content (ESPECIALLY at launch).

Simple as that.


Also I’ll add that anyone is more than cool to enjoy the game over-all. Feel free. I absolutely like parts of it including it having my favorite roster of any SF and at least one solid-gold newcomer (G). I won’t take away from anyone liking the game. They can like it all they want.

I’m just disappointed. It could be so much more. It should be.

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Hell, I’m still onboard with Maximilian’s desire for a massive revitalization of the Marvel vs Capcom series and I will throw money at that if it’s good after having skipped MvCi because it was ALSO trash that emphasized how Capcom has not learned their lesson when it comes to their fighters.

The Versus series (from X-men COTA->MvC2) is the series, other than Tekken, I played just about the most in the arcades. I WANT to give Capcom money…but I am not going to give them money when they don’t deserve it. I am not that kind of fan.


Alright, those are 3 picks. Nothing I’m particularly interested in, but nothing that pisses me off either.

I will say that I LOVE that they’re in their own character pack so that I can continue to not buy Kage. Curious if this is all for DLC characters this year.

Man, now I gotta redo my tag teams. Do I put Lucia with Chun Li, because they’re both lady cops? Or do I try and fit her with another Final Fight character…

Should have been motherfucking Haggar!

Thought the exact same thing.

I started too, then I remember that he’d probably have dressed up like Poison again. And if this leak means he doesn’t bother, then I’m all for it.

I will add to all this that I really like Lucia’s voice acting

Anyone able to pinpoint what Lucia’s theme is? I think I hear parts of For Metro City, but it’s not an exact match.

Also, this is my first time seeing the Ring of Justice stage. I see that Belger not being dead in SFxTK seems to be canon now…

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Your answer:

Also, hoping that out of the remaining 2 characters, at least one of them is a newcomer, preferably the beard NS guy. Also hoping for Rose or Necro.


Why did they make E. Honda crosseyed in his win pose?

I realize it’s a small thing, but I really love that Poison looks more androgynous than before. I’m not a fan of putting in gay or trans characters just for the sake of “diversity”, but Poison is and has always been the right way to do this, where her gender is simultaneously the most curious and most inconsequential part of her character. What a badass <3


Poison and Lucia would probably give us an interesting lead to what’s up with Metrocity and the Madgear that I hope would lead into what Poison and Hugo is in SF3 timeline.

You can say that a hundred times over, but it won’t make it true outside your head. SF5 is alive and well, it’s just not for you. That’s all.


Well, Joey Cuellar stated the number & quality of announcements this year at EVO is insane, so it seems there will be competition for Capcom.

According to Sir Arthur who leaked the 3 chars days before the reveal, we’re getting a Winter Bundle in the future (I guess it’ll have 3 chars too and it’ll likely come in December), and Oro will be a part of it.


The problem with MVCI is basically it had good game play but everything else was bad. MVCI is a lesson in how presentation matters.

Extremely correct. MvCi is an ugly game with a small launch roster for its series and little going for it.

My god the models in that game. The horror


I always did like that style of NYC accent for ladies even when I was a kid. I’ve heard it here and there, but Harley kicked if off for me in the 90s and I’ve loved it ever since. It’s perfect, since for voice acting and joking around, my go to accent is an affected New Yorker accent lol

Curious just what is going on in Metro City, seems like they’re planning some story content. Also loving her theme, but can’t pinpoint what it’s composed of. I need to go back and play more FF hah.


I also noticed that Mach Smasher (Honda’s A3 theme) is seen in the beginning of his theme. I know they’ve been making A3 references in both Balrog’s and Dhalsim’s themes so it’s a nice touch.

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Nothing you have said makes it a “dead game”. That is my issue. People toss around the term dead game so much it has lost all meaning. Instead of it actually meaning dead game. It now’s just a term for a game people are mad isn’t dead.


Baseball Rashid looks like crap

Another commissioned by a pro tournament winner?
If Is the case they should stop lol

Guile was good though, but mostly because was a remake of an already good sf4 alt

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