The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Why am i getting likes from pots months old ?


Aside Bison, never played charge characters, but i like have them in

Only imput-racism i got is for that stupid new SFV imputs like Ed and Falke, hope that crap does’nt gain supporters

Will like so much more Ed of he was a normal motions character


I think the NeoShad guys having those inputs is fine. It’s nearly a meta thing on them being the new shit and this is how they play.
Other new characters are either motion or charge so i dont see it being a problem or common going forward.

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He’s a friendly guy who I guess is slowly catching up with the threads and liking some posts along the way.


Then he could like this.




My problem with It it’s that prevent me from enjoy a char that otherwise i will like to play… i really tryed to like Ed as i like his moveset, but these input just feel awkward af to me

Feel like an experiment from some YouTube fgc opinionist lol… Fuck that :smiley:
Motion? I’m in
Charge? If i really like the char (Bison, Urien) i’ll adapt

That shit is just bad imho
It’s not even that i can’t play It
My overall level as SF player is mediocre, but with Ed was more or less on same level, not much worse… but i don’t feel i’m playing SF, plus It affect how normally EX Specials works

What piss me off Is that i LIKE most of other SFV newcomers, so it feel like missed opportunity

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One thing I hope SF6 can do better than the previous games is bring back the “Street” in the series’ name

I think Alpha and III really captured that urban feel of the fights through the stages, while IV and V kinda step away from that a bit too much and just go whereever the hell they wanted

e.g. IV had Blast Furnace, Cosmic Elevator, Secret Laboratory, Small Airfield, Historic Distillery, Volcanic Rim, Jurassic Era Research Facility, and even Old Temple
They had it right with Overpass, Crowded Downtown, Drive-in at Night, Exciting Street Scene, Snowy Railyard, and Festival at the Old Temple


I get your point, but tbh not-urban/street stages without a watching crowd (imho an even more important aspect of SF stages) are something that we ever got


It’s ok, it keep variety going on and differentiate fights made as “show” to more introspective 1v1 duel in a desert place

As myself what i REALLY want to return is personal stages for each character, hate that in SFV i still have characters without a clear stage, wile they keep add stages that help nobody or double on some chars that already are covered by one


I actually nowadays its about the events that took place on that stage the nostalgic vibe it had, because the rest of the stages concern nowadays is about playing in a lag free one. So the rest isn’t necessary unless it is memorable. This is why even in crossover games their are lots of nostalgic stages because they are worth it regardless they are redone all over or simply just having tons of cameos.

Reworked this one too, mostly colors/lights but still big difference from previous


Classic Sim looks legit ingame, lost fuckton of FM to unlock it lol

Ryu stage at night looks bizzarre

Btw Laura alt colors/ee (did’nt bought It)

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There’s a review of the Necro & Effie issue here.

It sounds like a nice bit of fun and it makes me want this duo to make it into a future SF even more. We finally get a clear look at Effie’s powers. Also Charlie is still an agent of the Illuminati, well Urien’s take on it. I really wish SF5 didn’t kill off Chuck, there was more to do with him, I felt…

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I’m back!!! I’ve finished all my uni work for the year so hopefully I should get to posting more, I have been lurking since my last posts so here are my thoughts on current and past topics:

-I don’t want to repeat myself for the 100th time but the G-Q thing are based on Kelly and Johnston from Tetsujin 28 and if their story is anything to go off by then G will probably turn into Q.

-Nice to see people here recognizing SF2V as the superior SF adaptation

-Also agree on Remy being a missed opportunity. His official art makes him look like this tall, imposing guy but the sprite art and animations reduce him to a skinny twat who flails about. His thing with hating fighters also brings a fresh perspective onto the SF world where everyone and their grandmother wants to fight so it’s nice seeing someone dislike the fighting culture prevalent in the SF world for good reasons.

-I don’t really care for finding out Remy’s father. As I said before, fighting has way more importance in the SF world than in the real world so it’d make sense that there are a couple of hotshot fighters out there who want to search for glory even at the expense of others. Remy being Charlie’s son never really sat with me as Charile, being the paragon of JuStIcE that he’s portrayed as, doesn’t seem like the type to get a woman pregnant and leave her behind without any sort of contact even if it’s because of Bison or whatever excuse.

-I always love seeing more of Necro and Effie, both being some of my faves. Here’s hoping they end up in SFV in the foreseeable future.


I still believe that Charlie’s sad tale will continue in the form of Twelve or some other abominable experiment. Death is too merciful for our tragic hero.


@Daemos exactly!!! Charlie is fully dead but his spiritual successor 12 lives on.


Welcome back and congrats on finishing this year’s load of university work. How much more school do you have?

That’s the main part of my issue. I mean with some care, it could be done in a way where he left and she didn’t know she was pregnant till later, or they broke up and she kept it from him, but I don’t really feel that. IF you wanted tragic backstory, you could have had Guile track the family down at some point and have him deliver the sad news. If done right it could be interesting, but I just need to get over my hurdle of how it doesn’t fit.

Also, while we don’t know too much about Chuck’s personal life, I don’t see him as hitting it and quitting it in his mission to get Bison. I always thought that him and Chun had a fling while the SFA3 pretending to be a couple thing happened. also.

Do we know how old Remy is? I know around that time they ditched birthdates, but wasn’t sure if it was implied. The thing is that he and his sister are different ages, not twins right? That’d need Charlie to sire two kids and then ditch them and the rest of France.

Part of my old head canon was that Remy’s dad may have been one of the many soldiers that Charlie trained. Guile was at the top of those and most either kept the basics and never learned more, or Remy’s dad, became a guy who obsessed over his inability to be better, had ties with Shadaloo, helped with the steady betrayal of Charlie, freaked out, fled to France, maybe became a merc and wandered off for some plot related reason.

I think that this could work especially given how they wanted some shadaloo connection with Remy in the early stages. I dunno, I’m open to them revisiting Remy in some way, but I’m unsure of the idea of making Chuckles his father. I don’t know, it’f have to be really well done to make me 100% on it.


Classic Sim will probably be the first costume I don’t get. My FM low and despite having 32 tickets, I got nothing. Rather spend my FM on Ibuki’s costume. I’ll be running survival for extra FM, so maybe I’ll get enough tickets for Sim. Doubtful though.


The “Death is too merciful for our tragic hero” quote makes sense to me. IF they go that route it could really open up angles. He could go through stages, cynicism, acceptance, hope inspite of his dark circumstances.

Like, if they really wanted to go crazy, his commitment to justice could be his tragic cross to bear. Eventually being used as a tool for evil, breaking away from that, but becoming something that eventually is good or at least good-leaning (“heroic” anarchist wanting to reboot the system?) but unable to fully know eternal peace due to the things done to him.

Like I said here

I think some crazy future plans for Charlie could work:

Nash, confused and filled with hatred over not being able to rest and being used as a pawn once more and Necro, angry at being mutated and hunted, but with a new bit of solace: Effie. Him getting Nash to embrace his new life while fighting against the Illuminati could be compelling. Necro knows he’ll never be normal again and hated himself. He wanted to get away from his small village and got his wish twisted. He eventually was able to fall in love with Effie and due to his powers, save her life. It looked like he was going on a newer path, despite being hunted by Gill and his goons.

The three of them could make for an interesting odd couple and, at the end of the Illuminati Saga, Charlie is faced with this reality: The life he once knew? Gone. His vengeance? Completed twice over. Charlie Nash is dead, but he can take on a new identity and find himself. He’s man in a cycle of tragedy, but, here, he’s offered a brief respite from it and can go on living. Living a harsh life, yes, but one with some semblance of hope and with him in control of his path. (That’s how I’d do it. Killing him again after so many years build up, to me, was bit of a waste).

Option 1: Chuckles continues through the series, alive, but going on a new path as an anti-hero fighting to bring justice in some form and make right the corrupted world and maybe becoming Big Boss lite.

Option 2: Ekes out on his own path of self discovery to find out what lies beyond his fist. Travelling monk style

Option 3 - crazy, “what, are you insane Dingo?!” , but could be super cool alternate path:

It’s funny about the last option. When I was younger and first starting my Q obsession, I thought he could be Birdie and then I started seriously thinking he could be Charlie. If they did go drastic and make him Charlie, I’d be conflicted, but ultimately if that is where they went and he steadily got more control of his life, it would make sense why he keeps going around the world and investigating crimes. I dunno, wouldn’t be my first choice for a post-SFV fate, but I just don’t really want him dead.


Unpopular opinion: bringing Charlie back was a mistake.

I don’t want any of this zombie nonsense in Street Fighter. As if Gouken literally rebuilding his body via his ki wasn’t bad enough - now we have (well…had) an actual zombie/frankenstein

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