The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

It really needs to be documented somewhere. Perhaps SFMiscellaneny ?

This is amazing! Excellent job with not only sorting the teams, but the creative team names as well. Made my day today, and I truly thank you for that.


Thanks :smiley:
I was thinking to add secret teams a la KoF too, but got lazy and added only butlers LOL

Completely unrelated but just finished rework my last Ryu/Ken piece

It’s been a while i was thinking will be cool have graphic profile “dossier” for each char with every source/inspirations for this or that character

Ryu’s one will take two pages though lol


I’m sorry but, Ishizaki over Shibasaki? That’s no bueno.



I swear Shibazaki was the initial candidate, but Ishizaki got comeback win by being the true Butler and having an actual sprite… More the latter lol

Well, I can’t argue with not having a sprite, but Shibazaki gets the win by being the one that knows how to fight and actually has relationship connections with Azam and Gotch.


Man, now I really want thay 3v3 SF game.

Stupid Cestus, that ish would be so hype. Gouken doing 20 palms in a custom combo.


Well, after picking up Golden Wind and loving it probably the best out of all the parts (Jotaro is still the best Jojo)… I must say that Remy’s design really grew on me. If all other Jojo inspired designs fit in well with Street Fighter, there is no reason why he can’t.

I mean, I know he isn’t really a Jojo inspired design, but everytime I see Diavolo, especially in the intro, I always think why can’t Remy be that cool too. And Diavolo is arguably a much less consistent design than Remy (in keeping with Jojo sensibilities it’s terrific but Street Fighter wise…).

I really see what @YagamiFire was saying about his potential, which I couldn’t grasp before in the least.

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Remy was one of these characters that as design rely A LOT on personal stage

Remy in THIS stage was kinda legit

anywere else looked pointless

To find a SFV comparision, maybe here

but still not the same

Personally i will have preferred they gone with Hippie Remy, all the anti-fighter talk will have made him a great concept instead feel like a bored emo lol

Was also a better design to me


I never really felt anything for Remy, but reading the design notes on his potential, I want him to get another shot. Kind of like in my view of comics, there’s no bad character, just bad execution. Now that we’re in a different age where we can get personalized win quotes, lore material and in game story expansion, Remy reappearing could work this time around. Also, add some polish to his moves and you’ve got something. If his moves are supposed to be light based, you could do some fun stuff with particle effects to further distance him from Chuck and Guile.


Remy just feels like a KOF reject, dude has no place in Street Fighter

Tbh as said i think the idea of an anti-fighter character could have been an actual great concept… But as you said execution is’nt there

To begin with, his moveset
The whole anti-fighter thing and they gave him Savate, a striking style

Of course it works in SF way to have a french doing Savate, but does’nt support the concept above

Will have been cool and coherent if they gave him something like aikido where he give the impression to just use opponent’s momentum/aggression
And even on normals (striking) someway to feel “gentle”

Think Hippie Remy design with Toki vibe going on

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Looks more like native american remy

I think it was intentional though
I ever thought he was implied to be Nash’s son who hate his father thinking Nash just abandoned them, as he don’t know Bison killed him in SFA days… wich is essentially a BIG misunderstanding as he think at his fighter like a selfish pride-driven fighter, when he was actually an justice-driven hero who sacrified his life (twice) to stop darkness (Shadaloo)

It’s even curious how some Remy moves “Light of Virtue” or “Light of Justice” bastically are what Nash embodied

I think if Remy post-SF3 (so not SFV) will discover the truth about his father he could develop a lot as char, realizing he ever despited him while he was actually an hero who deprived himself of personal titles (as USA Champion first, militar career after) to follow Justice
He may even vow to become Nash heir/successor

In that Remy being a “sonic boom” user may have to stay, as it could be big deal for Guile to recognize it and ask Remy who teached that technique to him and from there evolve it
In SF4 they made clear to Guile "sonic boom"technique was a great deal for investigation about Nash, his rival fight with Abel was all about Abel recognizing the technique

I also think SF4 later development with Nash saving from a shadaloo base and get Abel in France further link to that
Abel is “French” just because Nash bring him there, wich create a timeline precedent (to SF3) for Nash to be in France

Well, hippies and New Age people as main inspiration were pretty much native american wannabes (well, theyr idealized vision of them), both for theyr culture/philosophy and as symbol of a culture oppressed by american/western power, so make sense was on purpose in that concept

But at same time auburn hair, azure eyes and pants/shoes are there to hint he’s just a white hippie guy, so it worked to me… but again, the moveset itself did’nt supported it either

Problem with Remy is that basically he was Guile and Guile in a game with Parries is basically ass.

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I’d say that’s mostly true of any charge character in a game with parries.

Of course, I don’t really like charge characters in games without parries either.

Remy at least was Street…
His design is cool, just his sprite didnt look good.

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Remy’s problems arent really with that. More to do with low damage for the lenght of meter and confirm options.

If 3S didnt have parries, Remy’s biom game would be S tier. That ish is crazy.