The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Yes even from the start people hate SF4 like for example ultra, one of the opinion I heard is that it felt just like summoning in final fantasy.

People love where they were invested and accustomed into, and more likely to hate radical change and unfamiliarity.

I get most of the SF5 ones from RieyTails or Pin-point and most of the SF4 ones from steamboy33 on DeviantArt.


I don’t have much knowledge to base my opinion on (if we speak pure gameplay i’m still casual af), but i feel the same is for SFV

As general rule as product, not necessary strictly gameplay
At some point was just being accepted talk shit on SFV is the internet way to go, and any try to see the good in it is being a capcom shill

SFV got criticized even for GOOD things by pure retardness as only argument

I literally seen people talk about Capcom’s greed when SFV Fight Money thing appeared
FREE virtual money to buy contents without spend real $$$
But it was called “greed” by some retard and you got people agreeing with him, with none of them understanding what FM was LOL

Not saying capcom is’nt greed, but that was a pure moment of internet people with brain full of crap lol

Image wise SFV terrible marketing just cornered the game in a ridicolous position where SFV butthurt consumers and lifelong SF haters (why muh game is’nt king?) that pretend to be SFV butthurt consumers joined forces feeding each other
Add internet sheeps just willing to drop a popular joke line and you got it

Tbh i doubt majority of SFV haters have an elaborated argument like the one you made

Kinda sad they chosen to handle “season4” like that, even if EVO will deliver something epic, they still gained extra months of free hate on SFV

Wich is a shame as i ultimately “all new” Season 2 vanished lot of S2-announcement negativity, and Season 3 did A LOT to recover a positive comeback
And while at it to me S1 has been very good too

The irony is S4 seem to have ruined all that good work, when on reality for what we know is possible will be just as good as other seasons LOL

Just showing how far terrible retard marketing can go


thanks dude, will use it
But for Ryu will use this i just did because fuck blue hair Ryu LOL

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This part has been discussed at length in the SF5 general. There is a definite issue with the radio silence. The problem is that said radio silence could’ve arisen for a lot of different reasons. Could be that the workflow wasn’t being managed properly, things were behind etc.

Gotta remember that the Monster Hunter World guy was assigned to the project. Which means that the moment he walks in, he has to look at everything and make decisions. He has to do that because he just left a massively successful and well received project in order to take up some Street Fighter shit. So his name is on the line based on how well things go come Evo. Then there are a bunch of back end cultural issues going on with how Capcom chose to manage SF that is muddling everything else too.

So its a bit from here, there and everywhere. Really sucks that we have to wait til Evo. hopefully that means July is nothing but hype stuff leading up to the reveal during Evo Finals.


As madcap as that is, I really would enjoy that hah. Getting Ryu out of his expected element is surprisingly fun and any madness, he can pass it off as unique training.

This could be cool actually! Their contrasting natures and Necro’s surprisingly wisecracking attitude could be great, especially in post 3rd Strike. Nash, confused and filled with hatred over not being able to rest and being used as a pawn once more and Necro, angry at being mutated and hunted, but with a new bit of solace: Effie. Him getting Nash to embrace his new life while fighting against the Illuminati could be compelling. Necro knows he’ll never be normal again and hated himself. He wanted to get away from his small village and got his wish twisted. He eventually was able to fall in love with Effie and due to his powers, save her life. It looked like he was going on a newer path, despite being hunted by Gill and his goons.

The three of them could make for an interesting odd couple and, at the end of the Illuminati Saga, Charlie is faced with this reality: The life he once knew? Gone. His vengeance? Completed twice over. Charlie Nash is dead, but he can take on a new identity and find himself. He’s man in a cycle of tragedy, but, here, he’s offered a brief respite from it and can go on living. Living a harsh life, yes, but one with some semblance of hope and with him in control of his path. (That’s how I’d do it. Killing him again after so many years build up, to me, was bit of a waste).

Option 1: Chuckles continues through the series, alive, but going on a new path as an anti-hero fighting to bring justice in some form and make right the corrupted world and maybe becoming Big Boss lite.

Option 2: Ekes out on his own path of self discovery to find out what lies beyond his fist. Travelling monk style:

Option 3 - crazy, “what, are you insane Dingo?!” , but could be super cool alternate path:

Same, I feel that if they move her far, faaar past the doll thing in the future and make her become her own character, she could be interesting.

Guy: Young one, you must stop this path, it only will end in…profound sadness.

Ibuki (doing her best MvC3 Phoenix impression: I CAN’T CONTROL IT! *EXPLOSION OF ENERGY

Don-chan (screaming in Kaneda fashion): IBUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiIIII!!!

Blanka sits in a tree somewhere eating a mango

another obvious hit on SFV is because of the lack of content like mode.



lmao yeah! Stuff like that can be a lot of fun. I always enjoyed that scene.

Definitely. Her, the twin dolls and Noembelu have the most potential to develop into cool charaters after the fall of Shadaloo.

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The doll storyline as it is tied to Bison is tired, Cammy trying to save all the dolls and get them back to their families would still be a cool one to continue away from Shadaloo. There’s a lot of value in having a character whose storyline is basically overcoming sex trafficking and abduction.

SF storyline may be some turbo nerd shit, but because video games and other hobbies attract so many different walks of life, Cammy’s story arc of abduction, redemption and then ultimately using her past to save other people is very likely to be comforting to a lot of unsuspecting people whom have been through it. I know its a sort of weird take on it, but you’d be pleasantly surprised at people who find some solace in video game characters who share some similar personal issues as them.


And who’s to say all of the dolls would go on to be part of the good guys? I wouldnt be surprised if some remained evil. Sometimes trauma does that.


I just can’t wait to see endless posts and threads when SF6 comes out saying that 5 was a better game



That’s why with that team combination based on historical events and flashback encounters or even rivalry for Akuma.

It doesn’t require character to be just in the protagonist lane as a team or to be strictly with another character.

Nash can be with Kolin and Urien at the same time be with the team of others.

Ryu can be with Bison and another shadaloo henchmen for the alpha illustration where Ryu is brainwash by Bison and being save by the team of Sagat, Sakura and Ken.

Oh definitely. I liked the dolls and still do as a concept. It added more structure to just how Shadaloo is run and who makes up it’s recruits and sad, to say, products. (it’s disturbing that according to canon notes, they were basically shoved in boxes or something when not in use. Bison saw them as less than human) J&J were a fun note in Alpha 3 as something different, but I didn’t want to keep going back to that, etc. While I have a few issues with Udon’s take on the SF mythos, I think a few of their Doll backstories were very well done. Juni having to kill her mother was dark and tragic and eerily illustrated. Having Cammy have a greater focus on being a sister to them was a nice direction and I’d be curious to see where it goes.

Having the real world fear of human trafficking in SF’s fantastical world is chilling. Think about the headlines, Shadaloo is bad enough doing their own thing, but then all of a sudden reports of random girls, with no connection between them, are being snatched up from across the globe and in some cases their families being wiped out by mysterious means.

I often say, I’d love SF to have a macro series adaptation of sorts. If I were in charge of such a thing, I’d really have that be a steadily building bit of horror in the background that ultimately pays off in a later arc. Something so far away from the global antics people expect. Seeing normal people all of a sudden have their lives uprooted when either their lovedones are kidnapped or, like in Udon, after a tearful reunion, their sleeper cell programming kicks in as a final test, would be heart rending. Having the characters do fantastical things is entertaining, but when we see their human sides – their friendships, them outside of the arena, I feel that makes and keeps them memorable. It’s one of my fav things about KoF and to a degree SF. The roster being filled with people really does wonders and I feel it’s what helped the series stick around when there were so many pretenders back in the 90s.

Oh no, it makes total sense. Some people use entertainment as an escape, but others can also find a way to conquer ugliness or broach tough issues through it. I know it’s become broad in some senses and less of a focus these days, but X-men’s tackling of bigotry in the old days did get some interesting conversations going for people.


Dude, that could be some compelling stuff. Depending on how the mind control worked i.e. being in a trance with no memory of what they were doing, being fully aware, but unable to do something, that could have implications.

If some of the Dolls came from lives where they were victims or just normal people, their transformation into formidable, powerful beings, but now with free will, could make them not want to take on a normal life.

The way that the twins were Triad mobsters in the Udon book could be an interesting example. If they were two, normal girls, but now, getting a taste of power, they may say they like being involved in the criminal underworld, only this time, instead of being under Bison’s control, they want to make their own path.

Daemos has mentioned Delta Blue a few times and I think that could be an interesting jumping off point for Cammy. Her taking the leadership into a different position. You don’t make the reformed dolls on that team playable, but they’re part of her backstory, kind of like the other Ikari team members. So you can keep them as part of her life and evolve them as you so wish. Then those who are solo can be further rewokred into their own characters like Santamu and the twins. Those can be made into full fledged characters as part of a future roster if they wish.

With some clever utilization, the doll characters can have some interesting future stories with or without being playable.


Competitively viable? Are you fucking high? Even Smash is more of a fighting game than SFV.

SF players are the boomers of the FGC that are too attached to sucking their own nostalgia dicks to realize that they’re playing a mediocre game. I respect people who want to play a SF game and are stuck with SFV because everyone dropped SF4, but trying to argue that SFV is anything but a party fighter that spent more money on appearing to be legitimate than making an actual fucking game is laughable.

Go ahead, name one good thing about SFV other than “Capcom poured dev money into CPT” and “people play it”. It’s a low bar but I’ve yet to see a SFV apologist meet it.

@Shockdingo Tbh we got already characters that after break with Shadaloo/SIN still opted to not become “good guys”

Juri stayed bitch
Ed and Falke will be not-so-evil villains

Surprising ex Mad Gear gang ones have a decent record of change life lol
Poison, Hugo, Abigail, Axl, Roxy and J… In theory all are no more criminals

For the Dolls i just wish they disappear in the npc sea they belong to… None of them stand out as something that scream individual potential to me
The one i like most is by far Noembelu (native american), but even there’s is’nt anything crazy charismatic

Yesterday i said i don’t consider Effie something i want outside Necro character, but i still take Effie 10 times out 10 over any of the Dolls

For the Cammy in Delta Blue thing i’m not a fan, i like her in Delta Red OR to just get a total different path… DB just looked like a more boring version of DR lol

On other hand i will like the idea of DB for ABEL (Blue ever been his color too)
Like he seen Cammy’s example/redemption in the DR squad and wanted to do something similar… After all he already was in some kind of infiltration mission against Shadaloo in SFV

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How strong are SF characters from the HK comics?

Loving these discussions. I’m a sucker for Charlie, so seeing people discuss just what exactly he’s going to do now is super interesting. However, once again I’ve come with a question. I’ve heard a lot about the comics released in Hong Kong, including their insane takes on the SF lore (mainly in the SF3 era). I’ve heard that characters like Ken and Bison (Ryu to an extent) are super powerful in these comics.

Anyone mind shedding some light on the topic? It’s been in my head for about a few months now.