The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

An engine doesn’t dictate a game’s art direction. Did you think SF5 was gonna be filled with overly muscled characters made of wax being developed with Unreal?

DMC5 went the direction it did because the director liked the look of DmC. What works for DMC doesn’t mean Capcom will try to translate to Street Fighter. The series are far too different for that to be feasible.


Thats the other one. Tried to tag him but his name didnt pop up.

Good looking out.

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Tbh i don’t see much point even on push the negativity to the point of deny something is going to happen
They have been silent for long ass time, now we got Ono teasing announcement at EVO and calling it “Season 4”

We can have our holy diffidence toward capcom/SFV/Ono’s word, it’s all well deserved… we can also expect to be disappointed, will not surprise me

But i think it’s pretty obvious whatever will come with EVO will make SFV closer to his 100% version, even by a +0,5%

Just like for SF4(or every other SF tbh) it took years to reach the SFV of today, wich offer me much more stuff SFVanilla did

Now, i want see where it will reach at his true end/100% (wich will mean EVO 2019 and hopefully beyond), not see it stop as it is today because people are pissed at SFV failig theyr expectations lol

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True. It’s the art lead preference and approval of the board.

cestus is unaware of that actually based on his previous discussions and reasoning when there was issue about that.

He doesn’t know the technical limitation and restrictions those, hopefully his continually learning, adopting and informed in the thread.

quoting myself earlier.

Quick reminder that a lot of people really, really, really hated 4.

Which is okay. People are also going to really, really, really hate 6.


Engine itself does’nt but intentions and marketing do
Idk how much believe Itsuno just fell in love for antoniades’s DmCrap, just it being the result of a marketing-driven decision to attract the much bigger western audience sound more realistic to me (and it worked)

Is possible (hopefully not happening, but possible) they will see in DMCV the way to sell a japanese game to the west, and chose after SFV fails SF need to eat the magic $hit too

I want to share optimism people got on SF6 being some kind of prophecy Saviour lol, but careful what you wish for lol

As myself i’m not butthurt as much as many others by SFV, it’s not perfect and SF deserved better, BUT i see also good in SFV
And considering to me SF6 it’s literally a coin toss with bad vibe feels, long life SFV as long it can
Specially considering so far changes are improving and evolving it, example i LOVED get VT2

Fun thing after free hate on SFV became trendy, SF4 suddently became “the good old SF4 days” on internet LOL

I hope to not hate SF6, will be a first to me
I never hated a SF, not even in SF3 days (SF2 cast fan here)

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The thing about SF4 is that people were pretty unfair about how bad it was. It did a lot of things right but it was sort of weird to admit to it. Its taken SF5 basically 3 years to get to a point where matches are played as neutrally well as SF4 started. Seriously, Vanilla SF4 Evo finals are still leagues better than the first 2 years of SF5 matches.

Season 4 patch has the game going in a better direction. The top tier is still crazy top tier good but more of the cast is viable. The rest of the cast is some buffs away from being solidly competitive too. It still plays like SF5. The core identity of the game will always be the same (and this is something that shouldn’t change no matter how much a person may dislike it), but the overall game is pretty solid.


Yes even from the start people hate SF4 like for example ultra, one of the opinion I heard is that it felt just like summoning in final fantasy.

People love where they were invested and accustomed into, and more likely to hate radical change and unfamiliarity.

I get most of the SF5 ones from RieyTails or Pin-point and most of the SF4 ones from steamboy33 on DeviantArt.


I don’t have much knowledge to base my opinion on (if we speak pure gameplay i’m still casual af), but i feel the same is for SFV

As general rule as product, not necessary strictly gameplay
At some point was just being accepted talk shit on SFV is the internet way to go, and any try to see the good in it is being a capcom shill

SFV got criticized even for GOOD things by pure retardness as only argument

I literally seen people talk about Capcom’s greed when SFV Fight Money thing appeared
FREE virtual money to buy contents without spend real $$$
But it was called “greed” by some retard and you got people agreeing with him, with none of them understanding what FM was LOL

Not saying capcom is’nt greed, but that was a pure moment of internet people with brain full of crap lol

Image wise SFV terrible marketing just cornered the game in a ridicolous position where SFV butthurt consumers and lifelong SF haters (why muh game is’nt king?) that pretend to be SFV butthurt consumers joined forces feeding each other
Add internet sheeps just willing to drop a popular joke line and you got it

Tbh i doubt majority of SFV haters have an elaborated argument like the one you made

Kinda sad they chosen to handle “season4” like that, even if EVO will deliver something epic, they still gained extra months of free hate on SFV

Wich is a shame as i ultimately “all new” Season 2 vanished lot of S2-announcement negativity, and Season 3 did A LOT to recover a positive comeback
And while at it to me S1 has been very good too

The irony is S4 seem to have ruined all that good work, when on reality for what we know is possible will be just as good as other seasons LOL

Just showing how far terrible retard marketing can go


thanks dude, will use it
But for Ryu will use this i just did because fuck blue hair Ryu LOL

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This part has been discussed at length in the SF5 general. There is a definite issue with the radio silence. The problem is that said radio silence could’ve arisen for a lot of different reasons. Could be that the workflow wasn’t being managed properly, things were behind etc.

Gotta remember that the Monster Hunter World guy was assigned to the project. Which means that the moment he walks in, he has to look at everything and make decisions. He has to do that because he just left a massively successful and well received project in order to take up some Street Fighter shit. So his name is on the line based on how well things go come Evo. Then there are a bunch of back end cultural issues going on with how Capcom chose to manage SF that is muddling everything else too.

So its a bit from here, there and everywhere. Really sucks that we have to wait til Evo. hopefully that means July is nothing but hype stuff leading up to the reveal during Evo Finals.


As madcap as that is, I really would enjoy that hah. Getting Ryu out of his expected element is surprisingly fun and any madness, he can pass it off as unique training.

This could be cool actually! Their contrasting natures and Necro’s surprisingly wisecracking attitude could be great, especially in post 3rd Strike. Nash, confused and filled with hatred over not being able to rest and being used as a pawn once more and Necro, angry at being mutated and hunted, but with a new bit of solace: Effie. Him getting Nash to embrace his new life while fighting against the Illuminati could be compelling. Necro knows he’ll never be normal again and hated himself. He wanted to get away from his small village and got his wish twisted. He eventually was able to fall in love with Effie and due to his powers, save her life. It looked like he was going on a newer path, despite being hunted by Gill and his goons.

The three of them could make for an interesting odd couple and, at the end of the Illuminati Saga, Charlie is faced with this reality: The life he once knew? Gone. His vengeance? Completed twice over. Charlie Nash is dead, but he can take on a new identity and find himself. He’s man in a cycle of tragedy, but, here, he’s offered a brief respite from it and can go on living. Living a harsh life, yes, but one with some semblance of hope and with him in control of his path. (That’s how I’d do it. Killing him again after so many years build up, to me, was bit of a waste).

Option 1: Chuckles continues through the series, alive, but going on a new path as an anti-hero fighting to bring justice in some form and make right the corrupted world and maybe becoming Big Boss lite.

Option 2: Ekes out on his own path of self discovery to find out what lies beyond his fist. Travelling monk style:

Option 3 - crazy, “what, are you insane Dingo?!” , but could be super cool alternate path:

Same, I feel that if they move her far, faaar past the doll thing in the future and make her become her own character, she could be interesting.

Guy: Young one, you must stop this path, it only will end in…profound sadness.

Ibuki (doing her best MvC3 Phoenix impression: I CAN’T CONTROL IT! *EXPLOSION OF ENERGY

Don-chan (screaming in Kaneda fashion): IBUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiIIII!!!

Blanka sits in a tree somewhere eating a mango

another obvious hit on SFV is because of the lack of content like mode.



lmao yeah! Stuff like that can be a lot of fun. I always enjoyed that scene.

Definitely. Her, the twin dolls and Noembelu have the most potential to develop into cool charaters after the fall of Shadaloo.

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The doll storyline as it is tied to Bison is tired, Cammy trying to save all the dolls and get them back to their families would still be a cool one to continue away from Shadaloo. There’s a lot of value in having a character whose storyline is basically overcoming sex trafficking and abduction.

SF storyline may be some turbo nerd shit, but because video games and other hobbies attract so many different walks of life, Cammy’s story arc of abduction, redemption and then ultimately using her past to save other people is very likely to be comforting to a lot of unsuspecting people whom have been through it. I know its a sort of weird take on it, but you’d be pleasantly surprised at people who find some solace in video game characters who share some similar personal issues as them.


And who’s to say all of the dolls would go on to be part of the good guys? I wouldnt be surprised if some remained evil. Sometimes trauma does that.