The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I just can’t wait to see endless posts and threads when SF6 comes out saying that 5 was a better game



That’s why with that team combination based on historical events and flashback encounters or even rivalry for Akuma.

It doesn’t require character to be just in the protagonist lane as a team or to be strictly with another character.

Nash can be with Kolin and Urien at the same time be with the team of others.

Ryu can be with Bison and another shadaloo henchmen for the alpha illustration where Ryu is brainwash by Bison and being save by the team of Sagat, Sakura and Ken.

Oh definitely. I liked the dolls and still do as a concept. It added more structure to just how Shadaloo is run and who makes up it’s recruits and sad, to say, products. (it’s disturbing that according to canon notes, they were basically shoved in boxes or something when not in use. Bison saw them as less than human) J&J were a fun note in Alpha 3 as something different, but I didn’t want to keep going back to that, etc. While I have a few issues with Udon’s take on the SF mythos, I think a few of their Doll backstories were very well done. Juni having to kill her mother was dark and tragic and eerily illustrated. Having Cammy have a greater focus on being a sister to them was a nice direction and I’d be curious to see where it goes.

Having the real world fear of human trafficking in SF’s fantastical world is chilling. Think about the headlines, Shadaloo is bad enough doing their own thing, but then all of a sudden reports of random girls, with no connection between them, are being snatched up from across the globe and in some cases their families being wiped out by mysterious means.

I often say, I’d love SF to have a macro series adaptation of sorts. If I were in charge of such a thing, I’d really have that be a steadily building bit of horror in the background that ultimately pays off in a later arc. Something so far away from the global antics people expect. Seeing normal people all of a sudden have their lives uprooted when either their lovedones are kidnapped or, like in Udon, after a tearful reunion, their sleeper cell programming kicks in as a final test, would be heart rending. Having the characters do fantastical things is entertaining, but when we see their human sides – their friendships, them outside of the arena, I feel that makes and keeps them memorable. It’s one of my fav things about KoF and to a degree SF. The roster being filled with people really does wonders and I feel it’s what helped the series stick around when there were so many pretenders back in the 90s.

Oh no, it makes total sense. Some people use entertainment as an escape, but others can also find a way to conquer ugliness or broach tough issues through it. I know it’s become broad in some senses and less of a focus these days, but X-men’s tackling of bigotry in the old days did get some interesting conversations going for people.


Dude, that could be some compelling stuff. Depending on how the mind control worked i.e. being in a trance with no memory of what they were doing, being fully aware, but unable to do something, that could have implications.

If some of the Dolls came from lives where they were victims or just normal people, their transformation into formidable, powerful beings, but now with free will, could make them not want to take on a normal life.

The way that the twins were Triad mobsters in the Udon book could be an interesting example. If they were two, normal girls, but now, getting a taste of power, they may say they like being involved in the criminal underworld, only this time, instead of being under Bison’s control, they want to make their own path.

Daemos has mentioned Delta Blue a few times and I think that could be an interesting jumping off point for Cammy. Her taking the leadership into a different position. You don’t make the reformed dolls on that team playable, but they’re part of her backstory, kind of like the other Ikari team members. So you can keep them as part of her life and evolve them as you so wish. Then those who are solo can be further rewokred into their own characters like Santamu and the twins. Those can be made into full fledged characters as part of a future roster if they wish.

With some clever utilization, the doll characters can have some interesting future stories with or without being playable.


Competitively viable? Are you fucking high? Even Smash is more of a fighting game than SFV.

SF players are the boomers of the FGC that are too attached to sucking their own nostalgia dicks to realize that they’re playing a mediocre game. I respect people who want to play a SF game and are stuck with SFV because everyone dropped SF4, but trying to argue that SFV is anything but a party fighter that spent more money on appearing to be legitimate than making an actual fucking game is laughable.

Go ahead, name one good thing about SFV other than “Capcom poured dev money into CPT” and “people play it”. It’s a low bar but I’ve yet to see a SFV apologist meet it.

@Shockdingo Tbh we got already characters that after break with Shadaloo/SIN still opted to not become “good guys”

Juri stayed bitch
Ed and Falke will be not-so-evil villains

Surprising ex Mad Gear gang ones have a decent record of change life lol
Poison, Hugo, Abigail, Axl, Roxy and J… In theory all are no more criminals

For the Dolls i just wish they disappear in the npc sea they belong to… None of them stand out as something that scream individual potential to me
The one i like most is by far Noembelu (native american), but even there’s is’nt anything crazy charismatic

Yesterday i said i don’t consider Effie something i want outside Necro character, but i still take Effie 10 times out 10 over any of the Dolls

For the Cammy in Delta Blue thing i’m not a fan, i like her in Delta Red OR to just get a total different path… DB just looked like a more boring version of DR lol

On other hand i will like the idea of DB for ABEL (Blue ever been his color too)
Like he seen Cammy’s example/redemption in the DR squad and wanted to do something similar… After all he already was in some kind of infiltration mission against Shadaloo in SFV

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How strong are SF characters from the HK comics?

Loving these discussions. I’m a sucker for Charlie, so seeing people discuss just what exactly he’s going to do now is super interesting. However, once again I’ve come with a question. I’ve heard a lot about the comics released in Hong Kong, including their insane takes on the SF lore (mainly in the SF3 era). I’ve heard that characters like Ken and Bison (Ryu to an extent) are super powerful in these comics.

Anyone mind shedding some light on the topic? It’s been in my head for about a few months now.



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I’m gonna disagree on this one.

Street Fighter V, is a fighting game. Yes, it is/was lacking. There are things that one can easily pick at about it. However, to call it a party fighter/not viable is a bit ridiculous. It is nowhere close to a party fighter.

The only thing comparable between Smash AND SFV is the competitive scene. They are both competitive. But less and less, do you actually see casuals sit down and play SFV without going online. EVEN FOR CASUALS there is an element of competition. A party fighter more than often contains more than two players. SF is TWO PLAYERS. There is NO PART of V that makes it a party fighter. Just because people can pick it up a bit easier than they could in previous installments, does not make it a party fighter.

Secondly, it is absolutely viable. Otherwise people wouldn’t be fucking playing it. If it wasn’t viable, the scene wouldn’t be as big as it is. Just because it is not some monumental SF game like 3 or 4 (in terms of how much they blew up in the competitive scene), doesn’t make it not viable.

  1. Smash isn’t a fighting game.

  2. Competitively viable can be measured in a lot of funky ways. As long as both parties have an equal chance of winning by the rules of the game, whatever contest your choosing is competitively viable.

The real issue you had is likely to be on the viability of the cast. Yeah, seasons 2 and 3 were hella murky, but season 4 is in a really good spot. A lot of the cast is a lot more competitive with each other. Even the best version of SF4 also ahd a top tier with a lot of mid tier characters being competitive. So you’ll have to elaborate why a game with 60+ character somehow has better balance than one wiht a smaller cast through something other than sheer luck.

SF players are the boomers of the FGC that are too attached to sucking their own nostalgia dicks to realize that they’re playing a mediocre game.

We aren’t really boomers in any sense. There’s a large core that plays all the games, and then other capcom games. The thing about the SF series is that you get a a cross between familiar enough and batshit insane. So it has tits all to do with SF players being boomers and all to do that because the mechanics are so wildly different from each other, you can usually find and SF that plays how you like.

The closest series that comes to that is KoF. Unfortunatley for KoF, people aren’t as dedicated to some of the previous titles as SF players are to theirs. Say if I really wanted to stick to 11, I’d be shit out of luck. OTOH, SF has dedicated scenes for basically iterations. As long as your favorite game isn’t Alpha 1 or Alpha 2 gold, or that goofy Alpha 3 exclusive for PSP, you’re going to find a group of people to play with.

I respect people who want to play a SF game and are stuck with SFV because everyone dropped SF4, but trying to argue that SFV is anything but a party fighter that spent more money on appearing to be legitimate than making an actual fucking game is laughable.

Problem here is that SF5 is a fighting game. Best player wins most of the time and the game only has two players. Yeah, you have a comeback mechanic, but it isn’t solely a comeback mechanic. You can use v-reversals aggresively to maintain momentum (which is drastically under explored as a tactic). There are also no forcible ways to end rubberbands.

Being in the 3rd round with no meter and your opponent with a full bar means that hte person with the full bar has a 500 damage combo stocked if they get you dizzy.

Only two players and all that, your assertions are looking kinda S-A-W-F-T at the moment.

Go ahead, name one good thing about SFV other than “Capcom poured dev money into CPT” and “people play it”. It’s a low bar but I’ve yet to see a SFV apologist meet it.

  1. Plays nothing like the previous games. Outside of T5DR, does anybody give a shit about older tekkens…really? See that makes SF games special, they’re all way different in a lot of ways. Similar enough but crazy different from each other. Maintaining that is already good.

But lets get real details in:

  1. Got rid of the crouch tech OS that made defense crazy good in SF4

  2. It has taken real wild chances with their characters. Zeku is a massive variation on stances from Gen. Ed and Falke play in a unique way to themselves without sacrificing much. Abigail, Bison, FANG etc. There have been a lot of character gameplay decisions that have created new gameplay experiences from regular SF games. Doing so is always going to be a shitshow but its better than softballing it. G and Menat are also way different from regular SF characters in a lot of interesting ways.

  3. Sticking with gameplay, it has made situational awareness incredibly important. This game is hard because you can’t take moments for granted. The situation after a blocked frame trap where you’re normals no longer reach is super important. But that’s also why its hard to play. Its different from other SFs were those tiny things weren’t always worth nitpicking. The cool thing is though, if you workout the decision making in those situations, you can get real tactical advantages that seem like random shit.

  4. Execution was heavily lowered on simple stuff. Having reliable combos for the most part is pretty great. The real complaint is that, compared to SF4, there are way less combos than normal. Problem is that in SF4 you could do jab, jab, jab, short xx special as a combo reliably. there’s less but its consistent. Its a goofy trade off because this hsould’ve been the game with SF4 levels of links, but who knows why they decided what they decided. The good thing is that you don’t really have to worry about dropping basic links your character needs to function. There are still some harder things to do, but not necessary.

  5. CFN is pretty amazing. This was a big chance to take, but unfortunately the bad press SF5 gets is done so universally. Capcom made it so you can access the vast majority of your replays at any time. You know how crazy that is? No other fighting game is giving you that much access to improve yourself. They also keep track of all the specials you use on your characters. There’s an SRKer who made a video on Sagat Zoning based literally on tracking which fireballs he used the most to show their effectiveness. Could it be better? Definitely. They dropped the ball in a lot of areas. But holy shit if all the features in it arean’t great. Truth is that in SF5, if you’re bad is because you want to stay bad.

  6. All of the costumes. This one is sort of silly, but these are overall really cool. They’ve done a good job of pulling from Capcom’s IPs and adding awesome stuff to the game. There are issues with the fight money stuff, but focusing solely on making the experience fun, its awesome seeing Darkstalkers, Red Earth, Resident Evil, Megaman, etc characters make it in as costume. FFS, Ryu is Jin Saotome. If that had been happening during SF4, everybody would be shitting their fucking pants at how cool it is. Oh and if you win Capcom Cup you get a costume for your character that you design yourself…BOY.

I could probably mess around and give you more things. But that’s it for now. This is all coming from somebody who has called this game one of the worst SFs at one point or another. I’ve trashed this game, pointed out when its good etc.

So yeah. SF5 is a mixed bag. For the most part though, there’s a lot of stuff they did to keep the game happy and fun that wasn’t gameplay related which we would all benefit from having back.


Turns out it sort of was.



Hey Pertho, I just want to thank you for contributions to the thread today man. They were great.


The culture needed this.



Yeah, a different perspective for the other aspect of the game or whatever future SF game is great deal to enrich the discussion in thread not just visual and narrative talk.

Like I said I originally heard it from him in the other thread that he want SF to be like KOF someday, So the idea of KOF team vibe SF was his.

Thanks too @Petro for the participation.


What I like about Delta Blue is that it’s made up of actual playable characters, not Cammy + a bunch of background characters.

That said, what I really want is for there to just be an international Martial Arts Terrorism Task Force(MATTF?). Where a bunch of governments just get together and form a group of people designed to handle nonsense like Shadaloo/SIN/Illuminati.

Made up of Chun Li, Guile, Cammy and Viper all representing their organizations, as well as freelance operatives like Abel and Decapre.


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I can clarify a bit of this. I don’t necessarily want SF to play like KoF. KoF is a cool series but it always feels like runs and short hops homogenize a lot of the cast. I know they don’t all play the same, but it feels sort of samey. Can’t really put my finger on why. They also have a bigger issue with shoto clones than SF could ever try to.

But I do love me some CvS2. It was a cool format and it made for an awesome game. I tried the team format once for SF5 and loved it. CvSsy enough but still its own thing. Switching characters between matches was cool but I’d rather not deal with the long ass load times. If you could add ratios to that…Bring that Ratio 4 Abigail BOY!

Nah fuck that guy. No ratio 4 abigail. We haven’t done anything bad enough to deserve that.

@DarthEnder Your smiley doesn’t phase me. I’ve written extensively as to why it isn’t. Why do you think it is?

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Oh well, I didn’t realize you typed a bunch of words about it. It MUST be true then.

As opposed to your weak ass smiley.

So why is Smash a fighting game?

Go sealion someone else. I’m not playing along.