The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Yeah, I can agree with this. While I’d like Q in the future to be made more of a viable character, I do like the different aspects that he and G have separately and would hate to eventually lose one or another due to merging.

Ah, that’s correct, thanks. Hey Darc, where’d you find that anyways? I’d love to know the source.

What’s interesting about this is initially I thought it was just shaded cause of the mask, but that splotch does look like what you described. What’s also interesting is that rather than a pure red, his eyes are the similar to the purple colour as G’s eyes. When first revealed I didn’t realize he had abnormally coloured eyes.

I don’t know about the map, but he does seem to have gold flecks on his neck in his win pose, so maybe incomplete stage and not in control of his powers???

A problem with this is that Urien or Kolin don’t seem to recognize him at all.

@bakfromon @Midgardsorm do you guys happen to remember when Ryu was first referred to as the fool? Was that Alpha 2? 3?

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Regarding the Fool, in tarot the Fool is not someone that is Fooled it is someone that is beginning something

Ryu is also the Fool in Rose’s predictions where-as G is the Fool in the tarot set merchandise

This would suggest that G is actually a major person, not someone being manipulated. He is someone starting something.

Regarding the Illuminati and masks, is it possible masked G is a younger G? We know the Illuminati members wear hoods that cover their faces as shown in Gill’s pre-fight animations and levels. It would seem plausible that their agents also cover their faces. As the Illuminati is secretive, it might make sense that only the higher ranked agents/members are unmasked because, otherwise, they’re supposed to have a lack of individuality. They serve the greater Illuminati…their identity is irrelevant. They are part of the faceless Illuminati mass. When they are elevated, the mask comes off and they serve in a different role like Kolin and Urien and G and Gill.

I’ll also point out that if Gill uses magma, and he does, he’s a dual element wielder. Magma is earth and fire together.

To support my argument a bit further…

G’s V Skills

Maximum President coats him in gold and gives him more power. This is near-identical to Urien’s own ability to power up his body.

Similarly, G Barrier works much like Urien’s Aegis Reflector.

These seem like Secret Society secret techniques. A LOT like them. G also claims to have learned every martial art…I’m pretty sure that’s a Secret Society training standard.


I agree with and I did mentioned it before, I’m just taking it literally if Capcom also does see that way.

That’s why I also mentioned before the two were born. I mean Gill and Urien. So that would include Kolin not part of the awareness.

Like deleting all his records of existence because of being considered as a threat to the current secret society empire. Something like Thor: Ragnarok the movie thing like Hela case but as an Uncle not another sibling.

Considering past application to review, I would doubt it is literal

I mean the “new” guys in Capcom.

LOL Fair enough

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Urien and even Gill were just candidates. I assume they wouldn’t know shit until being elevated and promoted. The Secret Society is secrets all the way down. If they don’t recognize G, that means nothing.


Possible, we seen other Story Alt being used like that:
Ryu, Ken, Nash, Necalli, Kolin etc

Often the Story Alt is linked to the past

Well tbh they were the most respected ones as they were expected (specially Gill) to reach the top one day.
Essentially candidates are all “Lords” (as Kolin call Gill/Urien) but the two bros were already considered the highest ones… Illuminati raised, trained, experimented on all candidates, so it’s easyfor them see who got most potential to win Presidency or even Emperor title
Gill/Urien were probably seen as “Princes”

But yeah they still officially have to stick to candidates procedures
Wich did’nt stopped them to do they own secret plans, but officially they’re still candidates and subjected to Illuminati rules for that rank

That’s very true
Urien just was elected fucking President and still known no shit about the Emperor thing

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Speaking of that candidates training had double function to raise them into perfect beings AND see in Advance who got potential

…wich is likely where Urien’s frustration is born, as trainers (Tom too?) seen in Gill the future #1

It’s even possible that affinity with this or that element was interpreted too, as indicator of personality

Maybe even aside Gill outshining him, Urien’s element (geomagnetism) was seen as not fitting

and since were talking Secret Society and is reveal E3 then celebrities are appearing in video games…

We got Negan from Walking Dead in Tekken…

We got Daryl also from Walking Dead in Dead Stranding

We recently got Keanu Reeves in Cyberpunk 2077

What are we waiting for Capcom…

Let Jean Reno’s Tom in before later SF

The Jean Reno is still in good terms with Capcom. If they think the name tom is generic they could turn it to Tommy, Thomas, Thompson and etc like they did with Kolin with the name change slip


I don’t know about that, if some guy of notable rank in their cult did a big whoopsie and ran off with their secrets, I feel more like they’d make an example of him and brand him a heretic or mark him for termination. “No longer follow his example! He perverted our sacred texts and message!”

Heck, an opportunity to turn his situation into propaganda pops up. If he suddenly realized that he wanted to go about things in a different way and do what Urien did and rebel, but, rather than do so sneakily and through building useful tools under his will maybe, being the great orator, tried to sway hearts and minds, was chased off and thought dead or something.

I don’t really see the point in keeping his entire existence from elites. If he did something rebellious, I can see a tweaked, slanderous retelling of events to shy away potential fellow rebels or something.

That’s structure, leadership stuff though, so I can understand there being a hidden leadership position only revealed to the most worthy when the time is right, instead of telling people from their youngest, that there’s a boogie man.

I see Urien’s situation like not telling the American public about the most secret American hit force in history. Like if Nick Fury was real, I don’t see the public knowing about SHIELD’s most private hitsquads.
With my G theory, I see it being taught to people as what not to do, like Americans being taught to be afraid of Russians and spies during the Red Scare, or the traitor Benedict Arnold. Really making their society know, hate and fear G and any ideas he would represent. Making it impossible for him to have allies and it be undesirable for those that would follow him.


I appreciate it, thanks for saving me the time.

Complete erasing records of existence if they find someone as a threat would be interesting. That those were involve in exiling someone we’re long gone and thought G didn’t survive.

What I like with this kind of idea is that another figure is still not independent that suddenly came out of nowhere and still connected but a more threatening than the establish.

another interesting reference is the Batman’s Court of Owls

LIke lock his head inside a mind-control iron helmet and experiment on his body to turn him into a miserable who have to do the maximum effort for the minimum movement imho :smiley:

From what i understood it’s not that the Emperor position was so secret that nobody should know aside few (of course it is too, given Illuminati style), but is simply may also on general not being considered and known being an extremely rare situation

Think like Yokozuna title in sumo: it is the highest rank in sumo, but being the current #1/best sumo wrestler does’nt automatically guarantee it

When a sumo wrestler (candidate) show great dominance and reach the peak, the sumo federation summon a judging committee (like illuminati elders) that examine all aspects of him: performance, moral dignity, physical strenght, grace
“Yokozuna” for them does’nt mean just “the current best”, to them it mean somebody so perfect that incarnate sumo ideals and qualities

For Illuminati the Emperor seem to be like that, just even more rare

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Interesting idea, but , Gill’s vs Q quote says “Even in all my omnipotence, I have no idea what/who you are” or something to those lines.

If he was a heretic held up in the Illuminati community as “These are our punished sons, look at how they are shambles, puppets. Do NOT follow their sins.” He’d at least have some idea of him. Even if they didn’t fully plan it out back then in the 90s, I could see an ambiguous line like. “Oh, you’re one of the wretched. How pitiable your kind are” so that could be specific that he’s known somewhat to the Illuminati or a more general quote like he’s referring to those who fall short of his goals. They instead opted to show that Q is so mysterious that not even the game’s big boss knows who he is.

When did that happen?

I suppose he’s talking about the Japanese win-quote from 3rd Strike (the JP ver of 3S had character specific quotes, unlike the western releases).


Are there logs of those quotes?

Yup, that’s what I’m referring to, the Japanese version.

I’m not sure how many there are, I recall asking for a few relating to Q to be translated and awesomely, the fine gents here answered the call (Oro’s Robo Detective K being the other translated one). Not sure how many more are floating in the past two threads. I can take a look once back at my PC.

Edit: post for quote below

All of these are to Q.

From this post:




"You’re a suspicious man.

Well, who am I to say something about others, after all."




“Don’t involve me in troubles, thank you.”




"One shouldn’t judge by outward appearance…

It’s an inviolable rule of a fight."




"If you haven’t even got the courage to reveal your name,

you shouldn’t enter a battleground."



"Let’s go sunbathing more!"¹




“I don’t care about you!”




“Don’t you feel hot

wearing that thing?”




“Aren’t you a member of that Secret Society

that I keep hearing about these days?”




"I don’t know who you are nor where are you from,

but how about showing me your face, at least?"




"I warn you:

I’m going to stop you, sooner or later!"²



“Are you… human, aren’t you?”




"…Don’t they treat you as a criminal,

if you go around dressed that way?"³




"Hmmm, I’m sure

I already saw you about 25 years ago."






"Don’t mind us,

because I don’t mind you!"⁴



"Damn, you’re sweltering!"⁵




01110 00101 10110

00101 10010 11011





“I care about your identity

as I care about garbage!”




“Even I, in all my omnipotence, can’t understand…

Who are you?”



“Corpse, expose to the snowstorm!”

¹ After all, under that mask Q could be a bit pale… :tongue:

² Now that’s interesting: why should Yun do that?

³ …And there’s maybe the explanation to Yun’s quote. He mistook Q for a criminal. After all, even the CIA did the same…

⁴ It’s evident Necro always keeps Effie with him.

⁵ A reference to Q’s third SA, Total Destruction.