The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That’ll probably be the big announcement at Evo.

Pls understand. Announcements soon.

Hmm, that does make sense, got me there.

I was always curious about his intros hah

Hmm, quite an interesting theory. Could be fun if that’s what they do, though I kind of feel that G’s success was a trial and error fluke. I feel that if he was Illuminati backed, he’d have a bit more success from the start. Not immediately (and suspiciously) starting out meteoric, but maybe place him with something that got people interested prior to Rashid’s involvement.

It looked like his account was kinda barren with minuscule views and the happy accident with Rashid caught people’s interest that a random nutjob fighting a possible celeb Street Fighter (given Rashid’s number of followers, I think he’s kinda popular in universe). I kind of think that if this was their intent to win over the crowd, they would have installed him as a celebrity without a gambit plan that could have failed.

We really don’t know how long G was doing this particular shtick.

Sadly, I don’t think so. I keep looking, but nadah :frowning:

It shouldn’t take a year for Capcom to release a song. That shit should have been available as soon as G trailer hit.


Some more classic stage goodness is coming:


A retrospective on the dolls of SF, specifically A3. No, it’s not entirely about the dolls as the thumbnail will have you believe. The narrator is a bit awkward but, eh.

EDIT: BTW Satsuki’s sword is named Murasame, it translates to “village rain”. And also the Dolls concept art is far better than their A3+SFV look. I understand that it’s far easier just to do palette swaps but it’s a shame, they all ooze individuality.


They’re seriously recoloring stages now. And people are getting their hopes up for a big announcement…


They have been doing this since the beginning. Stage variations are nothing new. Stop reading into this to suit your narrative.


Now same day SF2 Ryu costume as fighting chance pls


Lol the fact that they need a trailer for an already existing DLC stage. Reallg clutching at straws arent they?

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That guy has some interesting videos. He even made me look at Remy in a different way lol

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Remy was misunderstood, he had many decent points… And i say it even counting him as one of sf3 cast worst ones

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Just in time for my birthday <3


Yes, and if memory serves the ASF recolors could be bought with FM and were cheaper than fully fledged stages. Unless they offer something similar for people who bought it in the first place, it is a bit fishy. Not to say they won’t do that, but that’s something you might want to highlight if you want to make an impact.

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Now that I think about it, its kind of silly that Zeku’s story arch doesnt revolve around rescuing Satzuki.

Holy shit, I’m caught in the story nerd vortex. How did I end up in here?

Please let me go.


Cosplay nonsense shit ass thread.

:sob: x 2


Remy looks super bad-ass in a bunch of art where he’s a tall, broad-shouldered guy with a frame closer to that of Iori Yagami…but that didn’t translate at all to his sprite, animations or fighting style and it’s a shame.

Remy should have fought like current Charlie instead of being a Guile clone. He’d have been SUPER over


So probably like many had been talked and discussed about him from now and then for being fooled. The only significant thing with G as the fool to Rose prophecy is for him being a fooled, It’s marketed to his character even from merchandise.

G is likely just a unknowingly front that had been promised of something better and given false expectations by someone else probably a individual that he looked up a superior or trusted.

To be honest I didn’t like the idea of Q and G being a singular person, I rather preferred them as separate and can be later be in a same game.

that’s a wise decision. That’s a better way of handling G and Q, Why?

Because G and Q were successful individual character of their own, not clones and they appeal differently compare to Necali and Kage which I rather wanted to be merge as one together. Making G and Q as one is like the same mistake they did with Nash. It’s like throwing and disposing a new character that is inspired by another character.

Necali was the initial answer for a non-shoto clone and edgelord character that failed to pose as a temporary narrative filler for role that suddenly came out of nowhere in SF universe and also failed as a selectable character compare to Kage.

Some of Necali’s move sets and animation is hinting an attempt to replicate Evil Ryu success in SF4 that it’s even hinted in SFV Vanilla trailer of his involvement in SNH. If there was one thing that Necali being successful correct of compare to Kage is being not a shoto-clone in appeal and his individuality but it never went through… WHY? because being not a shoto related isn’t really the concern of their supposed to be target audience other than those that dislike SF4 Evil Ryu to begin-with.

It was Kage that successful separate evil Ryu to Ryu from gameplay wise and storywise aspect, Even how many did hated Kage because they hate shoto clones and edgelord characters, while some dislike him because of the absence of Ryu gameplan in Kage. Yet Kage was successful than the previous early attempts because of the more defining elements of the target audiences and followers that were routing for an a SF4 Evil Ryu kind of character…

It was @Doctrine_Dark that originally posted it here

Mys first thought when this was posted here, Was this is like when someone is represented to be being mind controlled? Which I used to remember watching old 80s japanese tokusatsu shows were those that were posses or mind controlled individuals has dark shade underneath there eyes or having a red eye.

I was just curious if it still had the the golden world map tattoo beneath it still?

Because with that clue we can hint that it wasn’t the G exactly or it’s younger G.

That idea also compromised with what the concept illustration references.

I didn’t like idea of G being punish since its contrary because his likely being fooled or misled.

I prefer Q remain ambiguous and represent many individuals either organic or mechanical that G remotely controlled across the globe. This explains why (Q) they move and animate like that and appears in several different locations even he cannot travel in that condition.

Which can also explain why this is a thing


G’s elemental powers is already hinting us to speculate that he is somehow related to Gill, Urien Kolin and the Secret Society or somewhere in the Secret Society, but Capcom can do a twist like it to be Bison, Fang, Insert somebody else new or then being unrelated to Secret Society, that the fire elemental thing isn’t enough to justify his connections.

If G was really a part Secret Society, I prefer him as an uncle of Urien and Gill that was exiled before the two were born because of having a different perspective of a better world, then end up being sabotage by treacherous individuals like relatives and siblings whom he trusted with.

My other thoughts was G was part of a Secret OPs group that were supposed to be vigilante or whatsoever.

Which I also did also reference the mutants in batman

And also this guys that used Alphabets as name references


Estate At Noon and Shadaloo Base At Night were each sold for 40k FM, same as the Halloween or Xmas variants. Same as this stage. And the New Zealand stage. And Field Of Fate.


To bad I stopped buying stages when they nerfed the shit out of FM missions.

Why would it? I don’t think there’s ever been any indication that she was part of the Bushinryu clan.

In the Greater Capcom Universe, the scarfs signify Striders.

There’s definitely enough behind her design to eventually signal her as having been part of the Bushin clan in some way.

I dunno, a scarf is a pretty generic ninja accessory. And Zeku is just now thinking up the concept of Striders, so it’s not like it’s possible that she used to be one.

And Guy and Maki ARE Bushinryu ninjas, and don’t wear scarves.

She could have been part of Ibuki’s clan. Or the Kanzuki ninjas. Or maybe she wasn’t even a ninja at all when she was taken, and all of her skills were taught to her by Shadaloo.