The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Wtf is going on in that gif?


breathing done right

also she’s cleaning the base using tits and ass

She breathes through her skin.

Also, it’s Kojima being Kojima. :slight_smile:


. . .


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That’s the lore, legit. Straight outta Kojima. :slight_smile:

The sequence of the prophecy was right

1- Ryu was the weakest vs him due his SnH struggle the prophecy even predict Ryu end up use the “red power”/SnH wich looking also the CG intro Necalli will have somehow absorbed

2- Sim got strong spirit to resist him, but Necalli+Ryu energy will have done it

3- Bison is the most powerful of the trio at that point (as Ryu never completed the training) but Necalli with Ryu+Sim energy will have done it

What gone wrong is that the prophecy had Necalli fight Ryu and AFTER, in another moment face Sim

In ASF he attacked them both on the same time and had no chances

Then he tried take on Bison, but without Ryu+Sim in the belly had no chances either

So he returned try to eat Ryu, this time face him 1v1 (even if Sim somehow appear there lol), but it’s too late as Ryu completed the training and defeated him

Essentially Necalli will have won if sticked to the prophecy
If he attacked Ryu 1v1 before he gone to Sim he will have won
If he attacked Ryu 1v1 after Ken left him alone to train he will have won

Now he can’t “win” in prophecy style anymore as first meal (Ryu) gone beyond his range

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I’m probably in the minority, but I don’t actually think G & Q are the same person. I think he’s one of his “children” or failed police force to enforce his vision. The thing that stands out to me is that while he uses clumsy versions of G’s animations and moves, he makes up for the lack of fire with drastically superhuman strength, durability and great weight. In all that we’ve seen of G so far he doesn’t seem abnormally strong. Flashy and very skilled, yes, but rivaling Hugo? Nope. Also, if the profiles are correct Q is already being chased by Viper as of SF 5 and Richard Burgman saw him years ago.

G rising to influence, getting transformed and appearing around the world enough to create various urban legends within a few months or just a year seems kind of quick.

Yup, that’s what I was thinking. G is not in line with the Illuminati, though, to me there’s a possibility that his abilities stem from their sacred treasures somehow. Gill is selective with his chosen few, G wants, rather NEEDS everyone to cooperate. Hence his indifference to the morality of the hero or villains in the roster.

I’d like that really. It’d throw a wrench into things and make the world a bit bigger. Even if the Illuminati had ahand in his creation, or if he’s excommunicated. He’s his own man now and has resources to push forward his dream now that he’s won people over. Having him grow into a new faction could be fun.

One theory I’ve mentioned in the past is that whatever his end goal of unity was, the President gimmick with the internet is his latest one, and his story costume may be that he either was inspired by the recurring Q urban legends, or he used that identity for something clandestine, began using that as a template for his children, or that’s his “true” identity and the only thing that stays constant despite all the changing identities, gimmicks and faces. At his core that is who he is.

Heck, I remember someone saying that he’s from the SF equivalent of the Freemasons, so he and his group could have their own sacred treasure powers OR he infiltrated Illuminati as a long con, gained access to the fire and gold and vanished into the night.


Aside remove fire power they could have still done stuff to him to increase his weight dramatically to limit his mobility/fighting ability (having as collateral result greater durability/power but overall still worse fighter)… essentially the mask limit his mind (remote control) his artificial weight limit his body

In fact Illuminati HAVE tech to increase body weight: Gill at an abnormal 745 lbs/338 kg is the heaviest known fighter of SF, much much heavier than Abigail despite being much much smaller

Gill weight slighty MORE than Abigail + Sean combined LOL

And Urien used to have same weight back to SF3, making both Illuminati bros the heaviest character of SF with Q as only ???

This probably mean that as result of experiments done on the Gill/Urien’s body theyr body have much higher density than normal body, making it much heavier than same size or even bigger natural humans

Still they’re no dense as Q

My idea is the density thing on Gill/Urien was limited to allow them to still be fast and agile (through other experiments as they’re abnormally fast/agile for that weight)… in theyr case that weight was the max weight to keep the perfect absolute power/speed/endurance/agility

Q look to have even higher density than them, to the point not even X-ray can see throught him

Now let’s say instead aim at best power/speed/agility as for Gill/Urien, to punish G and turn him into somebody highly handicapped they did’nt stopped at Gill weight and keept making his body denser, think same experiment but twice

Imagine if they did it twice as much, G/Q could weight just somewhere like 500/700 kg LOL

G being strong (mind vs mask, body vs weight) enough to still move may have surprised them, and what he lost as skill/mobility/speed, is partially or fully balanced by new power/endurance

So they understimated him (as every good frankenstein monster) and he’s escaped, going rogue

Yes, G look very strong, even for his size

He’s not even trying hard and still his back throw show him one hand lifting opponents showing very very minimal effort to almost comical effect for how easy he make it look

He also show very heavy punches, and can make opponents wall bounce wich is a way to express great power

Strong as Hugo? No, but that’s the point… in SFV he still does’nt have that power

He’s mentally/physically strong enough to move fast (or at least blitz) at Q-weight, the ridicolous SF3 power come from the added weight

Power is speed+mass, Q just for the moment of a single blitz punch almost reach G’s speed

At similar speed i’m not surprised if a 500/700kg Q can hit much much harder than 150kg G

Is possible that’s the look that have ALL those punished by Illuminati in that way (maybe the SF2 one too?)

G/Q may not be the exception in appearance, with others punished by Illuminati sharing same look

He may be the exception as being the only strong enough to escape and still be dangerous on that state

Q still has fire power. Its just locked into one of his supers.

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Is possible that instead totally removed, the helmet-mask contain it, but just as mind/weight limits, G manage for a moment to break that limit too

Possible that may be it, but why would G, willingly dress like that earlier than SF3 if that’s the punishment uniform? When a user here posted a mod of maskless Alt costume G, he looked younger and didn’t have the beard. If after SFV he’s captured and punished, it’d be confusing that before the punishment he dressed like that and then did it again after being broken.

Also , from what we’ve seen, they don’t really treat their experiments/slaves well or care about them. They have Necro in weird armor, Effie seems to be able to dress however she wants, the 2I stage for Necro seems to also show a spare armor suit for other subjects. It only seems that Urien & Kolin get comfortable, modern fashion, Gill dresses ceremonial.

So far, coupled with the male and female agent pic shown for G, the calls for “being one” and unity, this classy suit and mask thing seems more like his aesthetic rather than something forced on him by a Greco-Roman styled ancient cult. That’s at least how I see it.

Interesting idea, but the digital voice (not his established one, sounds actually female if I think about it) makes me wonder if there’s a technological component to that attack. That’s the only example of sparking, fire. He very well could be using the last of his fire power in desperation, there could be something intentionally limiting his power and he forces past the limit in an explosion. Though, I don’t really know what to think since no other animation or move shows fire, sparking, gold or anything we can see from G. G’s got fire, but looks kind of like magma while this looks like a simple explosion.

So big news for Street Fighter 5 in August with a picture of Kage having killed everyone? What, is he going to be the only playable character from then on? Lol

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I respect the fact that Ono basically told everyone not to expect anything. Otherwise there would be 45 Eventhubs articles about a lack of SFV E3 update. Now they’ll only be 15.


Just gonna point out…

G is named G

What is Urien a part of for the Illuminati? The G Project


The G Project is a massive Illuminati plot to take over the world involving many steps and a lot of different parts. They’re the Illuminati so, of course, what they do won’t be just simple. It’s gonna be labyrinthine and conspiratorial AF

Gill is supposed to lead the chosen people of the world to salvation.

What is G then?

He’s the President of the World.

What is the (incorrectly presumed) highest level of the illuminati? President.

Urien get’s promoted to “President” of the Illuminati later on…but finds out that Gill is Emperor.

President G of the New World Order

At some point the president position MUST become vacant for Urien to vie for it and then achieve it.

We are never told who had this position before.

Who but the benevolent social-media hero…G?

Things to consider.

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It could make very sense if you think about it, that may not be the standard uniform of “shame”, but simply a standard uniform for beginner/low Illuminati agents
Maybe think it as counterpart of Shadaloo’s
It’s not insulting by itself, but will symbolize an huge demotion if who wear it used to be of higher rank

Btw the actual symbol of punishment (well more than symbol, IS the punishment) can be just

wich alt costume G does’nt wear (it’s a mask, not key-locked on his head)

I think special cases like Necro or can just dress as they want as they’re likely exceptions due experiments on them, not normal Illuminati members
I think Necro “armor” it’s just something Necro want wear, like for Effie seem stuff just out of some euro rave
Also Kolin as you said, and also G (if my idea is correct)… i think at Kolin/G more or less as Rog/Vega/Fang in Shadaloo, already above uniform duty
Necro (and Effie) more like Dolls level, but maybe with more freedom lol

Gill and Urien are Illuminati Lords, safe bet they do as they want :smiley:

Well, we see in Kolin (SF3) or Urien, not all illuminati dress like ancient greece times, specially if you got agents that must go around normal world

Also Urien’s scientists dress different

I think the greco-roman look is more something ceremonial (example cult members with the hoods), used mostly inside Illuminati HQs

I think Gill may be the only actually going around the world dressing like an ancient greek or biblical figure, but is part of the character

Not sure if this was posted yet. But…


Just noticed one more fun detail

G love go to approach people groups, attract them, do his show to win hearts

Meanwhile Q scare them away lol

Interessing thought, also age wise he can fit (he’s much older than Gill/Urien)

At SFV point Gill/Urien seem still “just” Lords/Candidates, there avaible for the future… or for the present if the current President Is judged unfitting?
Illuminati typically works unseen and don’t want show theyr power, prefer play as puppeteers behind world leaders

Maybe they dislike or even consider dangerous G’s open spotlight style?

Or G’s entire style is part of the plan.

Make a figure the world loves and adores in G. Figure gets replaced by the despot Urien who rules as a tyrant.

Gill makes his grand entrance and saves the worthy as a true Messiah figure.

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Speaking of G did Capcom ever release the full version of “President of the World” from the reveal trailer?