The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

So we’re in the E3/EVO season now; has Capcom given any kind of clue as to the next chapter of SFV since Ono put on that whole show of asking R&D for ideas?

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Ono just made clear that the most common request Is “more characters” and if he took time to made that clear i guess Is kinda safe think they got that covered (as at EVO we may get Indeed “more characters”)

Another hint was an Honda joke about being the only WW left out, wich made many think Honda will be one of the chars

Last little but maybe important detail Is that he used “season 4” to call what’s coming, wich seem to deny the “SFV support it’s over” crows

He will be at E3, he may hint/tease something about EVO this week

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If anyone in SF can justify being replaced by an apprentice, it’s Honda. He’s mechanically sound, but he’s practically a piece a cardboard in terms of personality (with the word SUMO in big letters of course). Capcom could totally have an apprentice be the bridge between Honda (and Hakan kind of) and the CWA plot that all the grapplers have going on, which would fix Honda’s main problem in a way that fans of the character wouldn’t object to.


Which is precisely why they fit in the Illuminati.

The Illuminati are Euro-aristrocracy

You know what the kids of Euro-aristocracy are like? Entitled, ‘stylish’ Euro-trash


To expand on this…

D.D. is the playboy, irresponsible hotshot that doesn’t take his social responsibility seriously. Egotistical and not very nice.

Rook is the “oh I’m so burdened by my bloodline” faux-introspective that struggles with the responsibility he’s inherited at a young age. The more likeable of the two if only because he shows empathy.

Then you throw the storyline curveball and you have Rook reveal that he wants to rule and is only empathetic towards others because it makes him look like a magnanimous despot rather than a heartless one.

And D.D. actually has a soul under his brashness. After meeting someone like Necro, he finds he doesn’t like what the Illuminati is doing because Necro has more nobility in his heart than anyone in the tyrannical Illuminati.


Just dropping It there, i will be surprised if when it’s all said and done G will have no link with Illuminati

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Why would you think he does?

It’s obvious to me that G is operating on another level with completely different motivations. G is gonna fly under everyone’s radar (but Rose of course) until it is almost too late.

I bet G is the fire side of Gill.

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I would prefer secret organization doesn’t go inception of super super super secret organization in the future. Like I said before I prefer new organization stems from the tree Shadaloo or Secret Society. Like Neoshadaloo and Sin instead of having another on top and another top.

They’re opposite/complementary in so many ways beyond element itself:

Magma(solid fire) - Ice(solid water)
Male - Female
outdated american gimmick - outdated russian gimmick
gigantic ego - submissive af
want spotlights - act secretely
direct action - indirect action
let me fight for you - please fight for us
fight directly - send fighters
believe he should do all himself - believe others could be useful to the cause

assuming i’m right
rebel - loyal
want be world’s Emperor President - want serve world’s Emperor

For that reason i said “link with Illuminati” and not “work for”

A guess i got from a while is in Gill’s plan G was supposed to do his part just like Kolin, but he did’nt

I think Gill gave Kolin ice power to serve him better, and did the same with G with fire

But as true opposites, while Kolin stayed submissive and loyal, G gone full ego and gone rogue

Back to SF3 future, Kolin got rewarded keeping/gaining the position of Gill right hand
meanwhile G got punished for his betrayal, got a iron mask that make him externally controlled and got fire power removed


When G first emerged we all hypothesized that he was indeed the Fire Herald of Gill, however as we got to know him more more doubt was cast on this idea.

The reason being is that Gill does not want to rule the world, and has no interest in G’s “we all are one” agenda (which is code for enslavement through the abolition of the individual and individuality most likely). G to me is Globalization/Capitalism incarnate.

Gill does not want to save the world. The world according to Gill is beyond saving, and what he is offering is salvation for the worthy few that will rebuild the Earth after its inevitable doom. He is the Messiah, the shepherd that will lead the path to paradise. He’s an “Emperor” only within the ranking system of the cult-society he is in.

Contrary to what many think, Urien is actually the most classical “world domination/ruler of the earth” villain in the SF series not Bison.

Of all the previously mentioned, I would say Bison is least concerned about ruling over humanity, certainly in the traditional sense at least.

Going back to G however, I think it would be a disservice to the character’s true potential to align him with Gill and the ambitions of his Illuminati. G and the Alphabet company are a legitimate window into an SF world and dominant story arc that does not include Shadaloo or the Illuminati. Something new altogether for our beloved heroes (and villains) to reflect on and react to.

I propose a new character in SF5 or SF6 become Gill’s Fire Herald. Someone downtrodden who Gill converts in their darkest hour, giving him hope, and light - literally - to illuminate his world.


Illumimati is a goofy ass storyline even by SF standards.

Gill is wack.

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Perhaps, but we got Urien out of it. Worth the trouble I say.


Urien is also wack. Specially now that we know he understands wearing pants and chooses not to.

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In fact what i just said is that G took his own route, not alligned with Gill’s plan for him

Btw Gill WANT to rule the world, he just want transform it too

He want to create a “paradise of the strong” on earth, sure, but reached that point obviously want to rule that shit “as benevolent Saviour”, wich is just another way to say the Big Boss

In theyr own ways Gill, Urien, Bison, and G all want to trasform the world and dominate it
Seth as Bison wannabe will probably follow similar ambitions

Only big villains who don’t are

Akuma - he truly does’nt give any fucks about world, as long he can continue his power evolution
Necalli - he will probably just eat everyone. If he absorbed Ryu, then Sim, then Bison in that form he will have just killed the world*

*assuming not even Oro or Akuma or any unknown char could have defeated prophecy ultimate version of Nec+RyuSimBison

He’s always understood pants. At least, conceptually.

I have talked about this before want to see Kage and Necali consume or merge to each other as one being instead of whoever else.

Since they are both filler roles of Akuma and Evil Ryu.

So it would be an interesting thing that they both seal, trap and lock each other in an eternal oblivion of battle in the subconscious thought. As SNH spirit is the counter to Necali a force of nature. So it restores balance. This explain why both of them would be missing in action and absent for the later games. It’s two birds in one stone solutions without the need to sacrifice Bison or Sim.

but can still be a Nightmare match occasionally like Nightmare Geese in later Garou games that haunts people subconsciously through dreams and memories.

Being them as a singular character also helps avoid clone and other stuff besides they have distinct similarities more than Ryu as of SFV.

The SNH Ryu should end already and Capcom should hype MU instead for future games. Ryu isn’t a teenager anymore that needs those kind of conflicting thought.

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Necalli has nothing to do with Akuma. Are you sure you’re not thinking of Oni?

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Not as related in canon, I mean for a narrative role for Ryu in another SNH related to story again while Akuma was temporarily out for a while in SFV.

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I’m starting to think that Necalli’s prophecy was a red herring and he has different characters to devour.

  • You know who has fire powers other than Dhalsim? G. That may actually be his “transformation” into Q, where G is stripped of his full power. Alternatively, the rest of the alphabet has to fight on G’s behalf by SF3.

  • Now that the SNH is a separate entity from Ryu, Necalli can devour Kage. He was able to ambush Nash pre-revival, so Kage should be fair game.

  • We now have Ed as a new Psycho Power candidate for Necalli to consume. Ed is also far weaker than Bison right now, so Necalli should have an easy enough time beating him.

Of course Necalli could be completely tossed aside and never show up again, but it would be weird to do so after having so much story relating to prophecy unfolding for Ryu, Gill, and the like.

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Fun thing is thing is this gif explain why he need to stay “naked”… his skin works as magnet so he need to expose it to build his metal dust skin/armor

Lol at Urien give sci-fi reason to being naked years before the world started bitch about

At least this was in SF3
With SFV white hair/super tan Urien became his actual look wich is ok to me a he looks more greek

Also SFV Urien can build his armor with clothes on, so if you get naked is because you want to LOL