The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Non exhaustive, “KOF-like” team formations for me:

HADOU TEAM: Ryu - Ken - Sean
SPECIAL FORCES TEAM: Guile - Cammy - Chun-Li
WORLD WARRIORS TEAM: Zangief - Dhalsim - Honda
SHADALOO TEAM: Balrog - Vega - Bison

HIBIKI TEAM: Dan - Sakura - Blanka
FINAL FIGHT TEAM: Guy - Cody - Maki
MAD GEAR TEAM: Rolento - Sodom - Abigail

FOUNDERS TEAM: Gen - Adon - Eagle
ALPHA TEAM: Charlie - Rose - Ingrid

SCHOOLGIRLS TEAM: Ibuki - Elena - Makoto
OUTCASTS TEAM: Remy - Necro - Hugo

KUNG FU TEAM: Fei Long - Yun - Yang
WISDOM TEAM: Oro - Sagat - Dudley

INDESTRUCTIBLE TEAM: Rufus - Abel - C. Viper

SHADOW FALLS TEAM: Rainbow Mika - Laura - Menat

ILLUMINATI TEAM: Urien - Kolin - Twelve

I made the vow of not including NPC fighters here nor weird stuff like Capcom All-Stars or EX fighters. (Ingrid got a pass but you could replace her with Menat and have Rashid in the Shadow Falls team).

Nerco is on the run so I wouldn’t count him as Illuminati.


I agree on them not being fitting for illuminati but lol at the euro trash part :smiley:
DD is japanese, Rook unknown… they just got jpop vibe

Theyr style Is just being KoF wannabes that’s why they fit Viper lol

Well they remember me the euro trash bros. from KOF Maximum Impact.

Alba and Soiree lol these were true trash… I dislike KoF modern style but Falcoon work was in his own league of crap LOL

Yeah, never connected the dots, definitely a super suspect similarity but tbh DD/Rook are 10 times better designs… still not great, but Alba/Soiree and anything Falcoon deserve a special hell lol

No i know, but i was saying as far we seen most characters from illuminati are on the lab freak side… Twelve, Necro, possibly Q, Eleven

I liked far more Kolin, normal looking euro fighter with defined martial art and elemental based power… She fit Gill and Urien nicely, will like see more of that

Like a fire-hand char for Gill (see why i added Rosso, but maybe we already got It in G lol) or a rock/ground user

There’s a difference between “Illuminati” and “Illuminati experiments”.

Kolin’s just a recruited secretary, btw, a servant, not a “true Illuminati”, which I assume are very high class aristocratic.

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Even if RS is in the SF universe, the problem with Rival Schools characters is, they’re boring.

Like, 90% of the characters are Japanese high schoolers. Which is something that Street Fighter already has more than enough of.

They don’t bring anything new to SF, other than awful fighting styles like swimming and photography…

I agree with this breakdown, but they still don’t belong in SF.

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My KoF inspired teams

Shoto team - Ryu, Ken, Sean
Special Forces - Guile, Cammy, Chun
Wrestling team - Zangief, Honda, Hakan
Kanzuki Zaibatsu - Karin, Mika, Birdie
Bushin Ninjutsu - Guy, Maki, Zeku
Mercenary team - Abel, Eagle, Viper
High School Girl team - Ibuki, Makoto, Elena
Mad Gear - Rolento, Sodom, Abigail
Mystic Team - Rose, Menat, Dhalsim
NYC team - Cody, Alex, Hagger
World of Sport - Dudley, Rashid, Laura

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If we’re doing the team stuff, are we doing a Dream Match year?

Need this answer.

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Mmm, thing with the “KOF-inspired” style is that KOF has the tradition of creating ‘balanced’ teams… a team of three “big guy” grapplers (well, Honda), not quite balanced.

Kolin is and Illuminati agent, so she’s Illuminati

What she’s not is part of the possible "candidates " genetic selected group wich yes are like nobles

It goes like

Regular cult members

In theory Kolin Is in the last category and must show respect to higher members but as real power she follow Gill’s orders

Also i think Gill giving her ice Power made her more or less candidate-level

Cestus is aware of it, but doesn’t care about it. Then when someone notice his mis-information he just pretends to know the right thing then either he agree or ignore.

Since if this was a what if/dream match a Necro army clone is under consideration

I know he wasn’t even aware about Falcoon before I brought it from one of the discussion years ago.


Yeah dream-match is the way to go, No age restriction, no dead and no other limitation other than they are just there to do combination of teams.

It would be better if this would be a spiritual successor to CVS2 rather than RS, CFJ or SFxT.

A Capcom dream match in the style of CvS2 and heavily in favor of the SF universe would be the best game to follow SF5 and run in parallel to it even.


All three ain’t the same type of grappler. Honda isn’t one at all and Hakan style changes depending if he’s oiled or not. KoF has put more than one grappler in the same canon team. Ikari Warriors depending if they want Ralph to be a powerhouse brawler or grappler.

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While I agree he’s too over the top for SF2’s beautiful simplicity, I don’t think he’d be too flat in SF5+. Sure, you’ve got the superhero thing, but he’s also a family man and a guy who became terribly disillusioned with the humdrum of his old life. I think you could have something there.

I’ll look at this in 2 ways:

1- Directly placing Skullo in mainstream SF
2- Doing the Hakan thing and making a new character based off the archetype

Path 1: Have Skullo be a superhero and a bit of a geek about such things and being slightly older, dode on the cast in that fatherly way. You mentioned Juri first. I can see him be a bit conflicted, he’d probably say a bit of a blurb about fighting the darkness and there being fading good in her, but he’d break character and show sympathy for what happened to her despite not condoning what she does. He’d think of what happened and fear what would happen if he lost his family. With Rashid, they can connect on being friendly easy going dudes, but again, thinking of a lost friend, Skullo could be moved by Rashid’s tale of loss and how it keeps him going to help others in a Post SF5 universe and they can tackle SF6’s story together. Basic stuff, but I think there’s something there.

Path 2: A while back when I made my Skullo replacement. I made the character a martial artist who got hurt, lost hope and eventually got work helping on a Toku show. He eventually got better and was inspired after being a stand in and hearing the cheers from the crowd. From there he got back into fighting form, eventually became the lead on another show and like King from Tekken, used his fortune to host charities and such. He wouldn’t be delusional about being a hero, he knows he’s a fighter who plays one. In my SF story, someone was kidnapped, so to get the word out and gather awareness, his company gives him the go ahead to fight in costume.

That way you have an actual martial artist who works with the ever-popular toku tropes in Japan. Also being a local hero, he gets the go ahead to fight in costume. From there you can have him relate to people about a return from losing it all, or the anxiety in being at the top of your game and then being forced into an existence without being able to fight. It can be done and be fun.

Hah, true man, I like to go into extra detail for fun when Q is involved. It’s a fun challenge!

Heh yeah, that’s pretty fun visually and it could be fun in giving them creative freedom for their team interactions and story.

Honestly, it could be fun if for an experiment they do it once or twice to use those as a buffer to end game arcs like KoF does. That way, you get all your favs playable. Heck, it could be the new alpha. Take the Warrior’s dreams title and make it something.

For flimsy story details you could have the first one having Ryu, Ken and the other hero characters talking during dinner or at a hotspring, they can have a “Who would win?” Bet and the whole game is a dream sequence, you could have Gouken, Ryu, Dhalsim and Oro having a meeting of the minds, meditating and thinking back to the entire SF history, thus having younger versions of characters as default costumes to contrast with some others (Alpha Ken, SF1 Ryu, SF2 Bison, SF5 Chuckles, SF6 Chun and then all the looks are unlockables etc)

It could be a really fun idea if they handle it in a certain way.


This is why i like team combination that unlock past stories. Like an illustration for Alpha, Sf2 something that happened in SFV Arcade mode.

So you can have a pair of alpha team with Ryu in cast.

Another Ryu in SF2 timeline, then SF4 and so on to SFV, but as a single chracter what changes is just the team he was belonged with. He has multiple team based combination from historical events he was involvement with. Some do had one because of few involvements.

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My dream match game is Street Fighter 2/Alpha/Final Fight vs Street Fighter 3/4/5. It includes all characters that have ever been playable in those games, with the Street Fighter 1, Final Fight 2 and 3 previously unincluded characters acting as the newcomers. And I’d call it Street Fighter Victory (VI).

And the first two DLC seasons would be the Street Fighter EX guys. Then the next a Slammasters pack.

Crossover costumes from Power Stone and Rival Schools for everybody, as paid DLC. And celebrating the EX packs, throw in Fighting Layer costumes too. Eventually, every character would get one crossover costume.


My dream is having the effing Slam Masters characters :confused:

Astro/Scorpion and Ortega are freaking incredible.