The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The EX characters are fine, in Fighting EX Layer where they belong(though Jack’s new FEXL design sucks). They belong no where near a canon SF game.

And that goes double for the CFAS never-wases.

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Nah I got Darth on this one. EX is ass. Not just any ass, Hank Hill ass.


Aight, I’m going to make one thing clear: Both SFV and Smash are wack if you try to judge them against the fighting genre. I’m not going to put the game up on a pedestal as a work of art; as mentioned Sakurai actively tried to kill the competitive aspects of the game a few times and people still tried to make the damn thing work. It’s a platform game that awkwardly works as a fighter in a 1v1 setting due to how much movement and interaction most matches come down to. Flying around for 15 seconds like a DBZ parody is goofy, but not that much of a stretch compared to air exchanges in Marvel or the anime games. Hardly what I’d call FGC when they call mix ups “guessies”, but they’re by and large trying to do similar stuff when you boil everything down to the basics.

Then we get to SFV. Like I said, Smash on neck beard settings starts to grasp at the basics of a fighting game by having the characters constantly fight over space and move around each other. That’s where SFV tried to make deep cuts to reset the game and failed miserably. Unless you’re playing someone like Dhalsim/FANG or Zangief vs someone with abnormally good range, you and your opponent have about the same effective range (S3 might have tried to fight this a bit with Falke and Sagat, but that was after my time). This turns a lot of the match into a battle of playing the frame counter game rather than out thinking your opponent, which is where fighting games are actually good. And once someone lands a hit and gets their momentum going, SFV doesn’t really offer a lot of “standard” defensive options. Which works for a really neutral based game, but SFV tries to put all the weight on a weak part of the game. You can do this in any fighting game, but here it IS the game rather than a part of it.

A good fighting game has two people sit down and try to outplay each other head to head in whatever way they can. You can learn all the floaty shit (and dumb lingo) with Smash and develop a bit of appreciation for how people find ways to win, but it feels like people spend more time playing SFV with spreadsheets than each other, which is why I shit on it and a lot of the forced “hype” around the game so hard. You don’t get to fight against a specific person’s way of playing Ryu, you’re just fighting against a SFV Ryu with either more or less game awareness. At least in Smash the one-note characters are trying to do different shit.

I accept the fact that a lot of the people playing SFV just wanted a good SF game and got this instead; I don’t have a problem with that. But I’m not going to think twice about calling someone out for acting like SFV is a particularly competitive fighter when it fumbles on so much of the basic system. It’s good if you want to see Mega Man DP someone on Guile’s SF2 stage, but the actual game isn’t all that impressive by any metric.

People get outplayed in SF5 all the time.

Which is your favorite SF?

Easily 3! Mechanics, designs in characters, stages, everything!

Beautiful game, all around

Mainline series? Unironically 3S because I like how they tried to give you a really powerful tool (parries) that scales with how well you know the game and your opponent. The system is awesome (ok, I’m on the fence about whiffing normals for meter though), it just has a really stratified tier list.

CvS2 is the GOAT though if you want to count it.


The team building thing has been pretty fun. Initially I was a bit confused by Team Black Widow, Skullo and Q, but I challenged myself and got an idea. Pardon the word vomit.

9:38pm. Location, dark alley.

A lare group of men and women are circling two women. A brunette and smaller, auburn-haired woman. The mob are getting closer when suddenly a voice breaks out.


Everyone turns around and to see a baffling sight. The clouds, steadily parting, reveal a brilliantly illuminated moon. The heavenly body bathes the stranger in light, as if his appearance was that of a messianic figure. Said figure hardly resembles any holy. A fit man, clad in alabaster body suit and crimson scarf stands posed atop a lamp post.

Before anyone can speak, surprisingly loud, manic laughter erupts from the figure as he launches himself into the fray.

“Dammit” the larger of the two women grumbles.

9.15 pm

A young woman is cowering in an alley. A torrent of rain paints a grim mood this evening. Tears stream down her freckled face. Shortly she is joined by a woman shouting.

“Alice, Alice! What is going on with you?! I’ve been looking for you for hours! You’re going to catch cold out here.”

Taking off her bomber jacket, she places it around Alice’s shoulders.

“Mother would kill me if I let anything happen to you.”

The gentle tone of her voice notably contrasts with her visage; towering over the smaller woman by over a foot and a half with heavily muscled shoulders, arms and legs.

“Unity…unity…UNITY! UNITY! UUUUUNITYYYY!!!” Alice repeats, steadily going from a whisper to a shout.

“That’s what they want, that’s all that I can think about. I can still hear them in my head.”

“Alice, you haven’t been the same since you returned, we need to get you help, we need-”

“We can help her, we can also help you too m’am.”

The brunette whirls around, before the duo are a veritable legion. At first glance nothing stands out, different men and women of various heights and skin tones, but the longer her gaze passes over the crowd, the more she notices strange things – all of them have blond hair, all are wearing a relaxed smirk, and most unsettling, all are dressed in slacks, dressshirts and blazers. despite the downpour, none of them appear wet.

“Dammit” the brunette says through gritted teeth.


The alley has erupted into chaos. The costumed stranger connects with the mob, executing a strangely familiar front kick and crushing the face of the first golden haired stranger he could reach. The brunette ensnares a man directly in front of her with an energy projection resembling an arachnid. Within a second, he stumbles towards her, losing his footing., she enters a stance. Suddenly the two vanish, only for a perfectly executed izuna drop to demolish the man.

The grappler and the costumed avenger are mighty, but the crowd, while unskilled appears to have remarkable endurance and vast numbers. Suddenly a digital voice cuts through the fray.


Silence. A sudden explosion of energy blasts bodies and debris in every direction. Amazingly, the cowering woman, the hero and the brunette are unscathed. In a demolished heap lay their attackers, but among the center of the battlefield stands a new stranger.

A large man clad in a smoldering trench coat, fedora and crisp white gloves stands, pained and crouched over, his hand his gripping his chest.

“W-what was that?!” The hero’s voice cracks in shock.

“Brunette, look buddy, I don’t want anything to do with some cult. Who are you?!”

The giant grunts, lifts his head and instead of a face, a steel mask stares back at the trio.

“Ally.” the granite voiced man bellows and straightens up. “Have answers.”

He turns his gaze to Alice. Slowly he outstretches an arm and creakily extends his index finger towards her.

“Can be saved…from…Unity”.

Forgive the rusty writing, but I like the idea of this random odd couple coming together having to solve a case.

So, I was watching an old JoBlow “Awfully Good movies” episode about the old film, Meteor Man and the main villain has all these loyal subjects with golden hair called the Golden lords – golden haired gangsters.

I thought the look was interesting and immediately began to think about G having different ranked followers. The mid tier have the gold hair and dress well and uniformly, the elite all dress in masks like his SF5 alt.

The idea with this team was this:

Alice is Black Widow’s sister and she has an environmental charity. She hears of an offer from a notable member of some save the planet group and flies over for a meeting. She meets with one of G’s people and the first of a few steps begins in the brainwashing. Everything seems fine until. after having a minor accident when hanging out with her sister in the Slammaster training gym, she stars having nightmares and visions. G’s people notices something is wrong with the typical and usually subtle brainwashing and go to correct her.

Skullo is out of town on business, Q is tracking the Sons of G and thus they all get in a wacky adventure trying to fight G.


Mark of the Wolves.


Takayuki Nakayama confirmed back in 2016 that Rival Schools and Street Fighter are in the same universe, shortly after the Beach stage release


Too late, Darun is in SFV Canon :smiley:
He’s the guy who Gief give his “chess” piece to, wich is why Gief-Guile go to India to take It back

Master Zangief possibly single-handed validated SFEXers existence (of the characters not of SFEX events) in SF universe, praise Muscle Power :smiley:

Tbh Capcom does’nt seem at all to hate SFEX cast as some fans do lol, quite the contrary

My 2cents, EX are not fine in FEXL, where arika can’t handle them and already ruined most of the designs, passing from great SF style to current trash
Conceptually EX characters will have been much better in capcom hands to fit the brand they’re designed for, SF.
Problem there is about papers/copyrights/money, not about SF/Capcom guys wanting to disown It… they will have done things differently if was so

@Shockdingo lol, that was a LONG reasoning, fun thing on my side it was a much more simple path :smiley:

I wanted a team for Q, but you can’t link anybody to him… Now got G, but even there we get stuck in same situation for 3-team as G does’nt link either

Thought if Q does’nt need links, his 2 partners could be same, so i picked other two masked mysterious figures with freak vibe
I liked the mix visually too, as they all looks like they belong to some japanese 80s superhero tv show lol

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For each series… HF, A2, SSF4, SFEX2 and SF3SI… I don’t know I got something on sequels.


And agree CVS2 is the best even it’s not SF. If an alpha sequel with CVS2 mechanics and be re-using sprites I’ll go for it.

There is but dream matches(non-canon) like 98 and 2002 doesn’t have any other than flashbacks or what if pics.

Actually if there is an actual SF team game i rather have few to have actual present events and the rest would be from past team ups base on historical previous events from different earlier SF games, rather than forced team up and joke endings.

Then everyone can have multiple teams base from different combination and different endings like SF5 arcade mode. So no restriction and limitation in team composition, limitation and restriction other than finding different illustration endings from combination and snergy.

The audacity of uttering such blasphemy in this most holy of places.

The correct answer is "Yes."

Maybe it’s because we’ve never had the EX characters in a normal game, but I just have a hard time holding up many of them to WW levels of simplicity or the more elaborate SF4/SFV concepts. For example, Skullo is way too over the top to be a SF2 character, but he’s too flat beyond the “superhero” persona to interact with Juri or Rashid on the same level. Having their own game is probably for the best.

smiles behind Grant mask


I would be 100% cool with bringing on D.D. and Rook with slightly updated looks as new Illuminati members.

The Illuminati needs fleshing out BADLY


D.D. and Rook are gutter trash. They don’t belong in the Illuminati.

Maybe S.I.N., or Neo S.I.N. or whatever you want to call it. They could fit in nicely, they look like euro trash.

Skullo it’s a bit an unique case even in SFEX, he’s an anomaly like example Q in SF3

Almost all others follow a design reasoning that find counterparts in “regular” SF

What i will really cut is the 2 cycloid, Ace as was (purposely) too generic, edgelord version of Hokuto, Shadowgeist being too much a deviationn, Area being too shitty

The rest of them is in the shade from ok/passable to good/great to me

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I agree on Illuminati needing fighters, possibly NOT the Necro/Twelve kind of lab freaks

Example i loved Kolin inclusion

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