The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

LOl that last one XDD

That end up in that 50% that sticker with the original post
For a Moment Maki was going to replaced Retsu, but i prefered keep the trio bare-hands martial arts

Btw we end up with a total of 73 chars lol

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^I knew you would single out that one image lol


Those were some nice pieces, thanks for sharing! Do you happen to know the artists? I wanna track em down.

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Dibs on calling Rosso/Kolin/Gill “Song of Ice and Fire”


You might need to log in to your deviantart account and enable 18+ to see some pictures

The Akuma one was done by

Chun-li by

The rest by Levigomes


You lost my Like at the EX characters…

I know this is some wack fanfiction nonsense…

Buy Vulcano Rosso being the counterpart to Kolin would be a sick ass idea. Who are the guy’s in Viper’s team?

Hmm…I’d take Karin out and put in either Maki or Guy so you can have team Ninja. After that, I’d put in Karin in Eagle’s spot. Move Eagle over to Nash’s spot in Rolento’s team (iirc Eagle is a bad guy) and then take Ellie out for Nash in team Sadness.

Other than that, I’d play the shit out of that.


D. D. and Rook from the canceled Capcom Fighting All Stars. There should’ve been Ingrid instead of Viper, but no one here likes her except me and a few others; so it’s easy to understand why he struggled to find a substitute.


What about yoyo person and the broad with skullo and Q?

The yoyo guy is Maggio, Aprile’s brother who’s searching for his disappeared sister with Rose’s and Menat’s help. The other one is Black Widow, from Ring of Destruction.


Eagle’s SF1 bio said he would often snap and beat his opponents to death, but he isn’t portrayed as a bad guy in CvS2 and Alpha 3.


Will remember for the final version with team names :smiley:

You know i love part of SFEX cast just as other SF chapters, to me has been cool capcom still recognized it as part of SF world (poll, CFN) even if they can’t use them anymore… Darun sneaked in as canon in SFV lol

But here i tried just to use them as pieces to complete teams:
Rosso as Gill’s fire (fun detail rosso=red)
Purna completed arabian trio
Garuda as demon vibe char into SnH
Skullo in masked mysterious wierdos lol
D.Dark in soldiers with dark past group

Dropped ideas with SFEXers:
Sean-Rufus-Allen (all linked with Ken)
Haggar-Hakan-Darun (the great 'stache alliance)
Rog-C.Jack-Q? (super heavy punchers)
C.Viper-Raven-Ace (secret agents)
Karin-Blair Dame (Super Rich girls)
Rose-Rosso (italian JoJo team lol)

last batch of the night


The ninja team was considered indeed :smiley:
Either with Maki or SF1 Geki
But at the end i was looking for a Karin’s “Team Kanzuki” so i picked two that in SFV end up working for her… Both jap, both ninjas and Karin essentially own a ninja clan with stage full of ninja, so i was ok with it

The Eagle team was about english gentlemen, i liked how super classy Dudley-Eagle duo clash with trash AF SFV Birdie… the shame of the team lol
Theyr ending need this


Are there any actual stories for the teams in KoF? They routinely do hype AF stuff like just a team of nationalities.

The obvious geekiness of this is overthinking everything. So yeah, Team UK sounds good just because SF can have a team UK.

Also Death Ender is dangerously close to being top tier wack. Defending Smash and defaming The EX characters. Cracker Jack got a bat with your name on it.


Second Edit: The Rival Schools universe is in the SF one, right? Probably a place to steal characters from. Kyosuke made it to CvS2 and all that.

This time was other way around i swear was’nt about shitting on Ingrid :smile:

It’s the very last team i did (after i just added G) , was looking for a C.Viper team and everybody else was already looked

Considered Juri-Seth-Viper but i was’nt sold, while a Team Broken Toys with Juri-Seth-Decapre felt good (and i hate decapre lol,but worked)

Then i remembered that these two share same gloves that make them throw electric punches

Then Rook was added just for his link to DD

Also DD/Rook were against some kind of terrorist*, wich is something i can see C.Viper jump in

*still think Death -aside lame name- was a great design, would buy as a SF big villain… just the fact he wrecked Mad Gear Gang like nothing to do a phone call felt likes a good start lol

The KoF teams actually do have stories. The original women team got together because The Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting teams didn’t want them and set to prove them wrong. Then Yuri ditched them in 96 when they AoF team let her in when her dad had to sit the tournament out.


I remember there was a whole thing of RS not being in same universe of SF, even RS Sakura not being the same Sakura of SF lol

But i guess SFV just smashed all that by having Tiffany’s boobs in Karin’s beach stage

All i ask is Shoma being able to counter VT2 Cody rock doing unblockable 500dmg because you just don’t play baseball shit vs Shoma

As long they keep that RSers are just kids next to SF vets i’m open to 2-3