The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

True SF is strong and can promote the games, but you encounter a couple of issues.

Let’s use DarkStaklers for this example.

Let’s say the last character is Jon Talbain. You now have to explain how there are werewolves in the SF universe and his history. He has ancestry hailing from the Maki kingdom.

Combining the two universes dilutes both identities. To give SFers a chance you either radically amp up their abilities or dampen the DS ones. You then have clashing aesthetics, the cartoonish over the top violence (getting chopped in half and reknitting, etc) of DS doesn’t work with SF, and cutting that out would be a shame, also the gothic chic mixing with the brick and urban look of SF doesn’t work. You then have Darkstalkers characters not playing as DS characters and having to conform to Street Fighter’s mechanics. With a full on DS game, you can have unique mechanics that go 110% with the concept of horror media monsters and just giving the audience a taste of something NOT SF. SF has been Capcom’s main fighting squeeze and while popular, people want a taste of something different.

You then also have to change the setting of Darkstalkers entirely. Darkstalkers aren’t the things of rumours and stories, they’re out there in the open with the UN literally fighting to give Cat Women human rights, the rich hiring Dark Hunters to capture DS for potions, medicines or collections, you also have low level and medium DS’s strong enough to wipe out armies. You can’t just say they’ve always been in the background of SF.

One other issue is that you mess with the universe’s expectations. People will want more DS characters and not be satisfied with 1 or 2, then you have every season’s character requests being bundled with a SF or DS request. Also, people already hate the “freaks”, so including DS in the mix will amp that up and take the series further from martial arts or even martial arts with anime/toku-esque evil organizations and sci-fi. We’ll then get an issue of “who cares about this next martial artist style” when you can have a Yokai tank a hadouken and eat Dan and have some crazy over-the-top design and moves.

Getting eyes on the series again through the nostalgia costumes is nice but, DS fans are desperately waiting for a new entry, you don’t have to combine universes messily to get people excited. You’ve got the old DS fans, but also, with enough presentation and just being a brand new fighter, you’ll get new eyes on the game if it’s pushed.


RS was not in the SF universe from the start. That’s a new development as of SF5. But at least there’s nothing in RS that wouldn’t fit into SF. Unlike Strider.

It’s not.

Because they can’t make them fit. Just because they added a character in, doesn’t mean it fit.

Capcom has enough trouble making new SF characters that fit SF without trying to shoehorn in characters from other unrelated franchises.


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RS was always SF. Sakura being in the game, the SF references packed into it like Chairperson learning Saikyo-ryu through mail, Capcom being ok with Rival School characters acting in supporting roles in manga and comics starring Sakura. To say that Rival School being canon is a recent development is lying to yourself. Even the producer and director when they made the Akira announcement said Rival Schools always existed in the canon.

Series like Street Fighter don’t get where they are by remaining stagnant.

But they are related.

Vs was never their KoF. Vs was never a inter company crossover that KoF is. Vs needs an outside entity to be a Vs

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Yes Takayuki Nakayama is the director of SF5 and Shuei Matsumoto is the producer. Funny enough if you check the credits of SF5 Shuei Matsumoto wasn’t originally the producer for SF5 it was Koichi Sugiyama.

They were both on the S5 reveal stream.

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Obviously whatever series Capcom integrate into Street Fighter will have to make sense for its universe. I don’t expect movie monster homages to do that. It will obviously be case by case. I wouldn’t want them to try to fit in Resident Evil.

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People should had a grasp on reality and Capcom ain’t bringing back those titles or doing bunch of multiple fighting game titles at the same time in the mainstream then making it competitive.

Do even people believe that Darkstalkers is not happening because of ONO stoping it? or because they are wanting the other DS compilation to earn big? NO

They don’t want to Darkstalkers to compete with SF, because they don’t want the community divided and they want it to be focus at the flag ship titles.

IF Capcom vs Capcom, DS and RS would return together with SF and Mahvel in the mainstream, it would be a non-competitive entry a casual title like USF2 and SNK Heroines.
I don’t see any problems with that IMHO, but that’s the reality of the current trends of fighting game companies not just Capcom.

I would be okay integrating other characters from different franchise in SF Universe but with the same treatment of this characters in CFN profile.

I see no problem them being not the exact them but a parallel counterpart as a representation in SF universe. To avoid complication and expectation of viewing them to be like the other characters in a different franchise with the same name and has similarities.

Yet they ARE not the SAME

It’s like the story of The One

I’m okay with other franchise in SF as lon they are different like how Tekken handles Yoshimitsu, How KOF handles Athena, How FEXL handles Hayate and How SF handles Zeku.

But still no Darkstalkers and Warzard in SF, Why? It’s like putting the Nightmare in Tekken.

Same case on Alpha 2 I don’t think the relationship of Hara is the same case as it was years ago in SF3s, SFA2 or even the live SF action movie the game in arcade.

That’s why I believe they should approach Tetsuo Hara.

Ryu, Ken, Chunli and Akuma are clearly main stay they appeared in numerous media beyond SF, they are crossover icons.

Secondary to me is broad: Guile, Gief, Dhalsim, Urien, Bison, Boxer, Cammy, Zangief, Haggar, Yun, Juri, Claw, Makoto, Elena, Poison and Ibuki.

Characters like Zeku, Adon, Q, Claw, Viper, Ibuki, Juri, Necali, Necro are flexible characters that can be recurring constantly and alternatively

Here is my previous thoughts on the subject

Forgot to include Lee

In the SFV costume contest

I’m amazed that many japanese people create multiple costumes for Ed, G, Zeku and Female Seth. That means those new characters are loved and had strong interest with in the japanese community.

The artist for One Punch Man really does Street Fighter characters justice…


Yes he does!


It’s clear to me Capcom should have him do a Street Fighter manga or serve as art director or character designer for the next game.


By the way I found this fan poster in reddit, I have to admit I chuckled.


Oh fuck off, that is not what he said. He said RS is part of the SF universe. Not “RS was always part of SF. Yeeees. Right from the very beginning.”

A. Yes, lots of series do. Sometimes people like a thing the way it is and just want more of it.
B. There are much better ways of innovating that taking ingredients from failed franchises and sprinkling that failure over your successful franchise.

Strider and SF are not related.

It absolutely doesn’t. Capcom has just convinced themselves, wrongly, that it does.

If they may a GOOD game. With solid MvC-style 3v3 gameplay. With a good roster, no other companies or gimmicky microtransaction schemes, that game would sell.

But thanks to CFE, a game that failed because they did a shitty job making it, not because it was Capcom only. Capcom is convinced that the idea doesn’t work without another company involved. Even though MvCI proved that, even WITH another company, if you do a shitty job making the game, it won’t sell.

i like that


Are canon part of SFV universe

i wish Capcom pay the rights for SM and deal with Arika to get occasionally SFEX born characters, sort of co-ownership

And agree on SF at this point being just like KoF, that’s a smart comparision

There’s nothing wrong as long SF keep involve only brands that fit

These four fit

Strider does’nt but who cares, it’s so far future (2048 is’nt anymore a realistic date) that does’nt touch current SF world in any way

I was surprised they tryed to canonize also Momotaro’s world and make Ruby Heart (who was originally supposed to join DS) being a char there lol

the char did’nt managed to jump in SFV at the end, but i would have loved a norse stage on their boat with RHeart and rest of the crew in the background

Darkstalkers should NEVER be considered same world outside of not canon udon bullshit.
DMC neither

I would be open to RE universe, but it’s hard see them fit SF kind of action… maybe just Wesker
But the concept itself of RE characters existing and doing their stuff in same universe as SF it’s ok to me


Oh for fuck’s sake! What is wrong with you people!

EX is not canon! Capcom doesn’t even own those characters!


I don’t care about you antiSFEX talibans or what shit of games it was

Still some GREAT SF characters have been made there, while i’m here getting falkes, kages, sfvlucias and trannySeths :neutral_face:

God bless Darun for keeping the canon door open lol

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Capcom should easily be able to support at least 2 concurrent fighting game franchises. Street Fighter and Capcom Vs. And given how those two franchises are almost on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of gameplay, they don’t even really compete with each other that much.

Solid basic 1v1 gameplay doesn’t have much in common with frenetic 3v3 animefighter-style gameplay.

Fighting EX Layer is waiting for you.

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Darun was the indian friend keeping Zangief’s chess piece in ASF -> canon

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forgot to add SF after “great” (edited :smiley: ), i have zero interest at play the crap version arika made of them in fexl, would not buy

My point still stands. There was never a point where RS wasn’t SF related.

Name them. I don’t know of any series long runner that didn’t expand it’s scope. Dragonball went all sci-fi and cosmic with DBZ, Tekken went full anime, DoA got demons in it now thanks to reboot Ninja Gaiden elements bleeding into it, KoF got time travel and dimensional rifts now, Mortal Kombat has time travel, Samurai Shodown has become increasing more mystical with every game.

It is now. The only problem I see is how Strider will gel with Captain Commando, another game set in the future in the SF universe.

Convinced themselves wrongly lol. The VS was never intended for intercompany crossovers. It never will be. CFE was never marketed as a VS games and it doesn’t even hover in it’s orbit like SFxT. You need to accept things for what they are instead of what they “should be”.

The fact Darun was the guy Zangief entrusted with the macgiffin in SFV is all I need.

I’ll just name the most popular franchise in gaming, Pokemon, famous for being the same game over and over, and leave it at that.

And got LESS popular when that shit happened. Innovation can go either way. You might hit upon something people like. But you might also piss people off.

Um, no? Why the fuck would I ever stop advocating for things to be better than they are?